Stroborez do it yourself. Shtroborez from the grinder: instruction

Repairs are often similar to invasions by barbarians or tsunamis. He takes all his free time, mercilessly empties his wallet, constantly requires tribute and new "weapons". In order to somehow reduce the suffering of the family budget, many decide to use their own strengths and skills to ennoble their homeland. Spending on highly skilled labor is immediately reduced, but there is a need for tools that are unlikely to be useful in everyday life.

And we will draw the walls

So, to lay various pipes and cables in the walls, a shtroborez is usually required - an apparatus, the price of which future repairmen leads to mournful perplexity. In addition, if you do not plan to cut all the surfaces in the apartment onto a chessboard every six months, the wall chaser will lonely gather dust somewhere in the bowels of the closet. It would seem, why not take advantage of the banal grinder, which is in the arsenal of many dominant male representatives? Or not make a chamfer with your own hands? The fact is that without the necessary improvements, working with such a mechanism is fraught with injuries and other troubles.

do it yourself

Cave painting

You can use simpler tools, such as a chisel accompanied by a hammer. However, the return to the path of the ancestors, rather, will turn the repair into a kind of erection of the Egyptian pyramid. Apart from the curvature of the lines, the uneven depth and mass of labor sweat, you still win the sincere hatred of neighbors who will be exhausted from the furious knock.

No noise and dust

The chaser will “gnaw” grooves necessary for future designs in the thickness of surfaces. And he does it evenly, accurately, without immersing the surrounding space in dust clouds, without rain of fragments and taking into account the depth required by the master. Therefore, the question arises: "Is it possible to do a wall chaser with your own hands?"

For all surfaces

Real wall chasers can work with almost any material, such as brick, limestone, reinforced concrete, aerated concrete and stone. With the help of adjustable disks, you can change all the parameters of the future strobe, the work itself is carried out cleanly - the vacuum cleaner absorbs all the dust that appears.

homemade tools and fixtures
The second plus - the furrow is smooth. And most importantly, when working with such an instrument, the craftsmen minimize health risks to a minimum - both from dust poisoning and injuries that occur when small fragments enter a person. Do not want to splurge on a chipper? It is quite possible to make homemade tools and appliances. Below we will look at how this is done.

How to make a chipper?

What tools will be required for this? To make a chamfer from a grinder, you need a set of ordinary wrenches , a simple screwdriver, pliers, of course, a hammer and the only "exotic" representative in this series - a welding machine.

do-it-yourself shtroborez for aerated concrete
To improve the device, the grinder itself, the casing itself will be required, it is also an ordinary pan, tubes, sheets of iron, nuts, bolts and a vacuum cleaner. Before you make a chamfer with your own hands, once again estimate whether it is worth doing it. Such actions are not always justified. So, in some cases, a manual shtorez can well replace a modified grinder. In this case, you will need half the effort.

What is required?

Can I do a chamfer with my own hands? This is quite feasible, but, in addition to the basis of the grinder, you will need a few more elements and skillful hands. First of all, the number of discs must be increased to two, and it is desirable that they be diamond. This will allow you to achieve lightness and high speed during the work.

Safety regulations

Remember: to make a homemade tool and fixtures, it will require the skilled hands of the creator, a lot of time and the presence of clear instructions. Before you begin, consider whether the game is worth the candle. Conduct a price study, interview friends. If the soul does not lie in the design, and from any of the details you get something monstrous, then you should step back from your goal. Making a wall chaser with your own hands is a feasible task, but it requires certain skills.

Stroborez disk

First of all, one disc is mounted with a special bolt on the grinder - nothing supernatural. In order to add a second, you will need another nut, plus a ring with the same diameter as the main thing. The ring is necessary in order to fix the additional disk. The main difficulty that arises for craftsmen at this stage is to achieve reliability in securing the second disk.

chipper blade
Then we get rid of the second nut and instead take a metal ring (not more than one centimeter in diameter). Now we fix the desired disk using the nut with the ring pointing down. If you take a genuine nut or a sleeve with a set of washers, then you can change the distance between the discs to what you need, and thereby make the slider of the required width.

What else is missing?

Alas, a full-fledged shtroborez from such a mechanism will not work. First of all, because the person using the unit will bathe in dust clouds and dodge flying fragments, which is unlikely to help to conduct an even strobe.

concrete chipper
Of course, you can take breaks in work in order to ventilate the space, or "decorate" yourself with a respirator, but this will not solve all the difficulties. So now you need to equip the unit with something that will draw in dust and small debris. For example, a vacuum cleaner.

Pan Cover

To do this, we need to equip our grinder with an additional casing, which, again, can be purchased or made with your own hands. For those who decide to continue their journey along a difficult path, let's say that the casings are excellently obtained from unnecessary pots (though with an appropriate welding machine).

Finish installation

To mount the pan-casing, we need a platform. To do this, we take a profile pipe (from the calculation of 40 to 60) and fasten by welding the sides (simple sheets of metal). We select the “sacrificial” pan, clear it of enamel, cut it and make a hole for our future chamfer. Using welding, we connect the housing clamp and the grinder. After that, a hole is cut out in the pan, to which a pipe for dust extraction will be attached by welding . Remember that the discs of the grinder rotate backwards, and therefore the hole should be cut in the back of the casing and the vacuum cleaner tube should be fastened there. In order for the updated grinder to work flawlessly, you will need an extension cord, as one socket will be needed for a modified tool, and one for a vacuum cleaner. The resulting design should not be too heavy and massive, otherwise it will carry the function of decorating your home, and not do strobes.

The importance of instructions

In the manufacture of chippers with your own hands, try to follow the instructions exactly. Ideally, you can create a drawing or some kind of diagram. Minor flaws committed at the stage of modernizing tools may well turn the surface of your home into a kind of war zone, dotted with ditches and trenches of different depths and frightening undulations.

grinder from the grinder
But this is not the only danger - an improperly assembled mechanism may well cause grievous harm to the bodily integrity of the unfortunate inventor. Carefully check all the key components of the device before you begin to act. Check whether it is convenient for you to hold the tool in your hands, if nothing interferes with the work - not only yours, but also the chipper itself.

The main thing is not to overheat

Shtroboreza made by a factory method are equipped with special mechanisms protecting them from an overheat at long making furrows. If you are working with a homemade tool, do not forget about the breaks. Allow yourself and the chipper to rest.

Aerated concrete tool

A separate topic for discussion is methods that allow you to make a wall chaser for aerated concrete with your own hands. Such materials have recently been very often used in the construction of residential buildings. In this regard, the question of how to conduct covert wiring in such conditions is also relevant. Aerated concrete differs about other materials in its structure - it is porous. Therefore, to work with it, it is quite possible to use a manual chipper. The undoubted advantages of the above tools include the fact that their price is more than modest, they pave the furrows without too much noise and dusty "storms". Two handles and a cutter - that's the whole complexity of the design. There are, of course, some nuances - it all depends on where the strobes will lie: vertically or horizontally.

What is not worth doing?

Many professionals recommend not to modernize electric tools, if you have to fight with walls of aerated concrete. Manual adaptation will be quite enough, you will not have to spend time and effort on improving electrical appliances and creating a special concrete cutter.

how to make a chipper

Whatever you choose, remember that if you have all the required materials, the necessary tools, skillful and dexterous hands, and most importantly, the desire to do something in an independent mode and save the family wallet from unnecessary expenses, you can very well create the device you need yourself . This task is quite feasible and more than fascinating. If you have already embarked on the path of home improvement with your own hands, why not do the artisanal production of necessary tools. Everything is in your hands - the main thing is that you understand what you are doing.

So, we have found out how you can personally make a chipper with various methods. Good luck in the repair work!


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