How to promote a bulletin board from scratch: useful tips

Today, there are a large number of channels through which message boards are promoted. Most of the market was occupied by advanced giants. It would seem, how to promote a bulletin board in such conditions? However, newly created and not yet known boards also have a chance of success, especially if they are focused on certain regions. The main factor influencing the result will be competent actions. How to properly promote a bulletin board from scratch - read the article.

Filling content

The first steps before promotion

Before you roll out the bulletin board from scratch, the most important thing is to clearly define the purpose of creating such a resource, because a person without a goal will walk in a circle and eventually return to where he started. First of all, for successful work, everyone should decide why he does it. If the answer to this question is not “this is entertainment”, not “try yourself”, but make a profit by organizing advertisements here, ensuring sales on bulletin boards, this resource is called an advertising platform.

In order for it to generate income, it is organized in such a way that it meets certain requirements. To complete them, you need a little knowledge.

At the moment, the approximate annual budget of a quality bulletin board that works 24 hours a day is from $ 100,000. This amount costs the support and maintenance of the site, but this is when it is a giant.

How to prepare a bulletin board for advertising?

When the main pages of the site are created, they make it cozy for future visitors, filling it with ads. It does not matter that at first the proposals will be made up, it is necessary to fill the gaping void of the pages, which will not attract anyone. The fictitiousness of the first announcements is a necessary measure to launch a future board.

site example

When the first step is over, it’s time to optimize the site from the inside, taking up the design of the semantic core. For this, keys are selected that are different for each of the pages of the site. It helps to account for the region to which the site is directed. The absence of these actions can nullify the entire success of promotion. Be sure to do the optimization, this will give the site a good start and prospects.

How to promote a message board?

And now it’s time to start advertising. There are many channels for its implementation; there are free channels among them. In the online sphere, this is advertising of a newly created resource on forums, agreements on mutual posts with other sites with an adjacent audience are effective. Paid methods - mainly through the Yandex.Direct system, Google Adwords. In these cases, the size of the budget is decisive. For promotion on these services you will need from 10,000 rubles to infinity.

The Internet is full of instructions for setting them up, but at first it would be nice to contact a specialist and carefully monitor his actions, learning from his experience in the process of fulfilling his order, asking questions. This will allow you to understand the systems and provide the foundation of knowledge for further advertising campaigns.

online promotion

Often there is a question about how to promote a message board offline. Often used offline advertising. The most budgetary method is to put up ads. If you have a budget, handing out leaflets and billboards will do.

The next step is the external optimization. As soon as the search engines have accepted the site well, visitors also begin to accept it. For this process, you need to increase the reference mass of the board. This is done by ordering ads from blogs and popular sites, attracting some of their traffic to themselves.

As soon as the growth of new users, visits to the resource begins, you need to raise the bar and keep it. For this, the site is constantly moderated, which ensures its high-quality and attractive appearance. Mailing to bulletin boards that have recently appeared is a widespread phenomenon. Tracking and elimination of spam, cleaning of unnecessary links not agreed with partners - all this is done ideally manually. The area most popular in recent times is the VKontakte message board. These actions will ensure a high position in search engines and will help attract new customers.

How to organize the work of bulletin boards for effective promotion?

The promotion is affected by the moderation of ads and control over it. This is a reliable method of increasing the effectiveness of the site, requiring manual adjustment.

Any site is attacked by spammers. This leads to filling the board with the same announcements, which, of course, does not add to its popularity. How to promote a bulletin board filled with unnecessary ads? No way. It is necessary to escape from mailing to bulletin boards. Therefore, it is important to monitor this moment and establish protection against these attacks. Protection is provided by manually placing ads by visitors only after passing the registration procedure. This affects the number of ads and their quality.

spam attack

The better organized the moderation on the site, the more simplified the registration and publication of announcements.

The board on which there is no regular moderation will not do without the requirement of registration.

An important point is the time limit for ads. If you do not adjust the automatic removal of ads, the board will sink in the ads.

What should I refuse when promoting?

If the board spins from scratch, then it is not recommended to use contextual, banner advertising. Also, do not rely on the effectiveness of spam mailings. It’s important to note that search engines index a static web page more easily than a dynamic one. You can include more than one static web page in one ad site, filling it with good quality information. This will be a good, effective promotion action.

advertising channels

Methods such as a ring of bulletin boards have proven to be ineffective. This is a situation when, when creating one site, in parallel with some differences, others are duplicated, almost the same. This is done by registering additional third-level domains within the main. A site is being created for each of them. Sometimes domains are created on the second level, and each site also has a separate site. Someone sells a “ring” on a free domain at the third level, often foreign. The number of such domains can be any. And sometimes all these methods are combined.

Moreover, on all the resulting sites there is a link to the rest of the boards from the "ring".


1. A great influence on the effectiveness of promotion has the quality of the resource and its ads. Before promotion, you need to fill out the site with quality information.

2. Then you need to make up the semantic core of the board.

3. Launch traffic to the site by ordering ads for it.

4. For recognition by search engines important factors are the constant moderation of the resource, manual removal of spam and unnecessary links.


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