Caret - what kind of profession? Where are you taught at the caretaker?

The caretaker is a specialist who trains horses. He prepares them for riding. In circuses, it can also act as a trainer. Not everyone can become a caretaker, as this will require iron nerves, love for animals, especially horses, the ability to understand them and find a common "language".

The history of the profession

The profession dates back to ancient times, as soon as people began to go round the horses. But in those days she still did not have her name. In the 15th and 16th centuries it became necessary to prepare horses for horse racing and amateur walks. Many kept their own stables.

Therefore, riding schools appeared. Horse trainers received the name "guardian". This is a riding teacher. The caretakers performed at the squares, fairs. In the Russian army, in the cavalry regiments, on foot brigades, and in each horse battery, he was in the service of the guardian.

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The first schools of caretakers and the appearance of circuses

The first riding schools opened in Europe. They demonstrated horse control, acrobatic stunts. In 1772, F. Astley built a separate building in London for training riders.

In 1793, a similar school appeared in Paris. But the building was used for horse shows and for the first time was called a circus. In Moscow, a similar building was built only in 1853. Prior to this, the guardians performed only at festivities and fairs.

In St. Petersburg from 1819 to 1882 There was a special nursing school in which specialists were trained to prepare horses for cavalry. But since 1822, the institution was first given to the imperial court and began to be called the Mikhailovsky Manege. Subsequently, the teacher's school was completely abolished.

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Proceedings of the caretaker

The caretaker is a horse trainer. He prepares animals for equestrian sports, circus, walks. True, athletes prefer to work with the horse themselves. But there are cases when an animal prepared by the caretaker even won the Olympics. Training horses consists in practicing various elements.

One caretaker can work with several horses. They train at different times. But the work must continue all the time. Only the intensity of the training changes.


The circus guardian is the “right hand” of the trainer. Such a trainer prepares horses for performances. His tasks include teaching the animal not only to run in a circle, but also not to be afraid of limited space, audience cries and loud music.

profession caretaker

In equestrian police, guardians teach horses not to respond to loud pops, sounds, explosions, crowds of people. But such a trainer is required to graduate from police school before working with animals.

Often caretakers prepare a horse for hippotherapy. This is the use of riding as a treatment for sick children. Thanks to hippotherapy paralysis is corrected, the psyche is put in order. Partly with the help of this technique even early autism, Down syndrome and oligophrenia are treated. But for this, the horse must be healthy, have an even, calm step. Any aggression in the animal is completely ruled out. It is the guardian who accustoms him to children who can suddenly lie down, touch, shout, etc. Moreover, the guardian prepares a horse to carry two riders, since the child must ride in tandem with the instructor.

Where are breeders in demand?

A trainer-trainer is in demand not only for training horses in stud farms, hippodromes, etc. Such specialists are in great demand among private horse owners. Some simply do not have time to practice with animals, while others have no experience. Therefore, even a novice caretaker can find work. If he already has a considerable experience, then such a coach will be “to grasp”.

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How much does the job of a caretaker cost?

It may seem that the caretaker is a unpromising profession, because demand is less than supply. But if you achieve the level of professionalism, then such a specialist is a rarity. He gets a lot of money for his work. The salary of trainers who go around or prepare horses for horse racing can vary from 150 to 500 and more dollars per animal training.

But even for beginners there is always a place. For example, you can prepare walking horses in a small private stable. Even if the owners pay $ 50 for one horse, this will become not only earnings, but also good practice, the beginning of career advancement.

Specialty "keep". Where to study in modern times?

To receive the profession of a caretaker, you need to undergo special training. Initially, since childhood, you can enroll in the Sports School. For example, in Moscow and Moscow Region there is a rather large selection of them. There are paid and free classes with different learning conditions. They enter such schools from 10 years old.


In some institutions, training starts from scratch, in others they take only with initial riding skills. In any case, when enrolling in an equestrian school, a medical certificate from the pediatrician and a statement of consent from the parents will be required.

At the caretaker they study abroad: in Germany, Finland and Austria. Usually for three years. Training begins with an introduction to the anatomy of the animal and the study of all its habits. There are also many practical exercises. After - exams.

Training scheme

It will take more than one year to become a caretaker. Such trainers are trained according to a certain scheme. First, beginners are identified in the initial preparatory groups. At the first stage, safety training, proper care of the horse and preparation of the animal for further work takes place. For the first year, the caretaker should be able to teach the horse the right step, trot and gallop.

become a caretaker

The second stage is the development of various paces. This is the second year of study. The most capable students are transferred to training groups. Classes are more intensive in them. There is an opportunity to participate in competitions, take prizes and receive sports categories.

Also in another way you can get a rare specialty coach-caretaker. Training is carried out only in vocational schools. In the Moscow region there are only two of them - PU-51 and PU-98.

What qualities should a trainer have?

One of the main qualities of a caretaker is patience. Sometimes the result is difficult even after long and hard training of the horse. In order not to fall on an animal, iron nerves are necessary . Learning takes a lot of time and energy. It will take professional advice and a natural flair.

A horse cannot be treated as a means of earning money or a means of transportation. Animals subtly feel attitude towards them. But it is impossible to “dissolve” in the learning process, to put your soul into it. Since over time you have to part with the horse.

The task of the caretaker is to prepare the horse for the rider, to teach the animal to obey the rider. The caretaker must make the horse enjoy working. The trainer should be able to take into account the mood of the animal, regulate and redistribute the load.

The term "ride" means the correct balance of the horse under the rider. The animal must be physically well developed, flexible, have strong muscles, accept and strictly fulfill the requirements of the rider. It is the guardian who tames and reassures the young, unbroken horse. Learning does not accept cruelty. An animal cannot be punished. The whip should be used only as a "pointer".

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The caretaker must teach the horse to walk under any rider in different gait, change turns, jump, etc. And for this, the trainer must have patience, calmness and firmness. To love animals, and horses in particular, are not afraid of them, do not get annoyed if the animal does not understand or makes mistakes.

How are things in Russia?

Horse-keepers are constantly required by horse owners, because horse owners are often late or unable to physically monitor their animals.

A highly qualified specialist is needed by the equestrian club and school, because it is his responsibility to prepare the horses for the competition. Experienced caretakers work with athletes, travel with them to foreign competitions.

Today in Russia there are quite a few experienced and competent carers. For this reason, the demand for highly qualified specialists is very large, and a person of a similar profession will always receive a decent reward for his work. The profession of a caretaker is especially in demand in such large cities as Moscow and St. Petersburg.


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