How to make a gun from improvised materials

Sometimes for historical reconstructions or just for fun, you may need a more serious weapon than a sword or bow. If you wish, you can even create a gun with your own hands, and decorate it for almost any historical tool. Of course, it is not practical to make a real firearm combat gun in an apartment, but to make a small saluting piece or element from paper is quite realistic.

how to make a gun
And about how to make a homemade gun, our today's article will tell.

Tool preparation

In the course of work on the creation of a military weapon, you will need materials such as:

  1. The hydraulic cylinder (automobile or tractor) is small in size with one plugged end face and an outlet for the oil pipe.
  2. Epoxy resin
  3. A piece of rope and steel wire.
  4. Wooden rod.
  5. Pliers.
  6. Smoke powder or a home-made mixture based on nitrate, sulfur and charcoal.
  7. A piece of thick cotton or linen.

How to make a gun? Getting to work

In fact, a tractor or car cylinder will be a ready-made barrel for our homemade gun. Therefore, no additional actions (welding, soldering, etc.) need to be performed with it. It is better to make an additional ramrod. To do this, you need to take a wooden rod and cut it along the length of the barrel, exceeding it by 50 centimeters, precisely adjusting the internal diameter of the gun.

The powder mixture is poured into a separate can. Using a branch or some other wooden stick at the base of the cylinder, the hole of the oil pipe is closed, and the barrel itself is installed vertically with the barrel up. Inside it, the powder mixture is poured one centimeter above the level of the nozzle opening. Home-made "trotyl" is further rammed with a ramrod.

But that is not all. How to make a gun further? After that, you will need to roll up several pieces of linen fabric and push it into the trunk until it stops. This is done using the same ramrod. They should also condense the charge by taking a few hits on the mixture. In this case, the fabric piece will serve as a wad. After that, a wooden plug is pulled out of the oil pipe of the hydraulic cylinder.

At the next stage, the L-shaped bracket should be bent from a metal wire. As for the dimensions, the short part of this element at the outlet should be 2 times longer than the oil pipe and slightly sharpened on the cone. Ideally, the bracket enters the hole without problems.

how to make a dynamite gun
The long part of the wire (700-1000 millimeters) is equipped with an additional handle. It can be made in the form of a loop from the same wire.

Getting ready for a shot

Before the shot, the cylinder is installed at an angle of 45 degrees to the horizon in a direction safe for people. Remember that no other flammable objects should be present on the line of fire. The gun itself is mounted on a wooden "slingshot", previously driven into the ground so that the device abuts when shot at a stake.

The pointed end of the metal bracket must be heated at the stake and quickly inserted into the nozzle opening. If the gun is launched for the first time, then it is best to do it from cover - the device, although homemade, but shoots no worse than its factory counterparts. Therefore, before making a dynamite gun, always follow the safety rules. After the shot occurs, inspect the barrel for cracks and other defects. If none were found, you can safely proceed to the decorative design of the gun. In this case, the barrel must be cleaned and degreased in advance.

Additional scenery

To make the gun look more natural, wind an epoxy- impregnated rope around the hydraulic cylinder .

how to make a little gun
Even when decorating, you can create various thickenings or tides. After the resin has hardened, the finished structure is processed with coarse-grained emery paper and painted under bronze. This can be done with ordinary bitumen varnish or bronze enamel.

How to make a gun out of paper?

In the previous method, we told you about how to make a real large-sized firearm. Below we will look at how to make a small gun out of paper. It should be noted that this will not be a decorative device - the product will shoot and fully function. Find out how to do this right now.

Before making a gun, for a start we need to make a carriage. To do this, take a few pieces of paper, and it is best to use thin cardboard. It should draw a sweep of the gun carriage. The resulting pattern is carefully cut with scissors and glued.

The roller is inserted between the side wall of the upper part of the carriage. Next, we will need to fix it - for this we take two carnations and drive on both sides of the device. Thanks to this, you can independently point your weapon up and down.

how to make a homemade gun

A coil is mounted to the lower side elements of the carriage. It is important to remember that the edges of this part must be serrated. An elastic band is passed through the coil. So you will not only independently aim the gun barrel, but also set the wheels in motion.

A match is placed under the gum. Since it will turn, secure it with pins. The second end of the gum is passed through a hole in the coil, and then through a ring of wax. Then it is threaded into the side hole of the gun carriage. Before you make a gun out of paper, think about the lever that will rotate the coil. To do this, a wooden pin is placed under the elastic, and at the end of the coil, where the pins were pierced, a nail is installed.

A trunk is made from a hollow tube. An elastic band is attached to its front and sides. The barrel is mounted on a roller.

About the trigger

To make the trigger, grab a thin twig and thread it into the barrel. At one end, make a cutout and place the elastic. A pea is put into the trunk. For the gun to fire, insert the notch into the gum, pull it and release it.

how to make a gun out of paper
To set the device in motion, wind the threaded gum through the reel.


As you can see, making a homemade gun is not so difficult. It is enough to have a minimal set of tools and a bit of free time.


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