Coffee: varieties and varieties. Favorite Recipes

Natural coffee is a drink without which the majority of the inhabitants of the globe cannot imagine life. This miracle product, unlike tea, is consumed in all countries and on all continents. This drink is drunk to cheer up in the morning, do not bypass its attention in the reception of dignitaries and in business negotiations. Until today, researchers have not come to a clear conclusion about the dangers or benefits of the product. Over the several hundred years of the existence of this drink, mankind has accumulated a lot of recipes for its preparation and serving, and special kitchen appliances have been invented that make it on their own. Which is better: grain coffee or instant? And what kind of drink with the explanation “sublimated”? Let's try to answer.

Coffee: an invigorating miracle

Pouring yourself a cup of aromatic, hot, invigorating drink in the morning, you don’t think how much effort has been spent on getting it on our table. There are many stages in the coffee production process, and there is a legend about how it was acquired by humanity.

coffee varieties

The grains that are used to make the drink grow on a low tree with large green leaves. First, the coffee tree blooms, delighting with beautiful white flowers that look like jasmine. After that, fruits appear, inside the juicy pulp of which the coveted seed is hidden. The final taste of the drink on our table depends on the quality of the fruit: the larger it is, the coffee made from it will be tastier. A tree must be carefully looked after for six years, and only then will it give suitable grains.

According to legend, humanity received an invigorating drink thanks to a shepherd who noticed that the sheep, having bitten the leaves and shoots of a certain tree, become too active. He tried to make a decoction for himself and noted how the body's strength recovered. Soon, the rumor about the wonderful properties of wood spread everywhere.

Coffee: Pros and Cons

We are used to hearing about the various negative effects of caffeine on the human body. However, the drink has a lot of positive qualities, and in some conditions it is highly recommended to drink it.

First, strong coffee is a great stimulant. Those who drink it every morning to wake up will say this with confidence. In addition, this property helps to activate the brain, tidying up memory. It is not without reason that this drink is drunk at important meetings and in companies where intellectual activity is in the first place.

Secondly, coffee is an excellent source of antioxidants. One cup drunk a day is the fourth part of the daily intake of these beneficial substances that will not allow the body to age.

Thirdly, the systematic use of a drink (not more than 3 cups per day) reduces the risk of serious diseases such as:

  • Cirrhosis caused by alcohol.
  • Oncology of the large intestine and bladder.
  • Alzheimer's and Parkinson’s diseases.
  • Cholelithiasis.

Coffee will help to cope with depressive states, activates creative thinking, improves the functioning of the kidneys, heart.

Who will harm the drink?

This drink, with all its benefits, is not so harmless. Every now and then published research results, from which there is a harmful effect on the body.

coffee beans
Based on this, natural coffee is contraindicated if you have one of the following conditions:

  • Kidney disease.
  • Hypertension.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Glaucoma.
  • It is not recommended to give coffee to children.

It is worth saying that scientists have revised their opinions about the use of coffee by pregnant and lactating women. Previously, he was under an absolute ban, because it was believed that he would provoke a miscarriage and adversely affect the nervous system of the newborn. Now women in a position to drink a drink are allowed, but in very moderate quantities.

It should also be remembered that coffee helps to wash out calcium from the body, so those who are afraid of osteoporosis should add milk to their favorite drink.


Grain variety determines its unique taste, but also useful qualities, the percentage of caffeine and other substances. Directly, it depends on the type of tree that brought the crop. The most common are three types of coffee: varieties of Arabica, Robusta, Liberica.

The Arabica variety is not strong, there is a small amount of caffeine in it, but the aroma is rich, alluring. All thanks to the high content of essential oils. Arabica trees are the most whimsical, but the grain grows only the highest quality.

The Robusta variety is completely different: it has a pleasant bitterness and strength. There is much more caffeine in it than in Arabica. The tree that produces fruits for this variety is very unpretentious, it is easy to grow it. This leads to the fact that Robusta is much cheaper than Arabica. But the fruits ripen irregularly, come in various qualities. This coffee is preferred to use for the preparation of soluble varieties, sometimes mixed with other varieties to combine, for example, Arabica aroma and Robusta's pleasant astringency. Also, the special qualities of this variety provide good foam in the preparation of espresso.

Another variety is Liberica. It lags behind the previous ones due to low productivity and whimsicality. It is not in great demand due to the poor quality of grains. As a rule, Liberica is used to isolate caffeine, as well as in various mixtures.

South American varieties

The taste of the drink will vary depending on which country the coffee is made in: now we’ll analyze the varieties of South American, Central American and African drinks.

natural coffe

The largest producing countries of the South American continent are Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela and Peru.

The best varieties of Brazilian coffee (the varieties are listed in the order of their quality) are Bourbon, Maragogyp, Minas and Paransky. The first is considered the most high-quality and delicious, it has a specific bitterness. Reviews about Maragogype are mixed: some recognize it as very tasty, others consider it very mediocre. Minas has a pronounced flavor of the drug due to the fact that it is grown on iodine soils. Paransky variety is the cheapest, but the quality is incomparable with those described above.

Colombian coffee varieties Medellin, Armenia and Manisal are often combined with the word “Mom”. Drinks have a pleasant acidity, moderately bitter and very fragrant. It is worth mentioning another two Colombian varieties: Huila Excelso and Colombia Excelso. They are recognized as the best not only in their country, but also in the world. The first has a pleasant aftertaste of fruit and a weak consistency, and the second is strong, with light notes of a wine tint.

Venezuelan and Peruvian coffee are recognized as the best in the world: varieties of Maracaibo, Merida, Caracas, Chanchamayo, Norte and Cuzo combine a pleasant taste and a rich, slightly tart aroma. The last three varieties are grown in Peru, positioned as environmentally friendly.

Central America Coffee

In Central America, the largest producing countries are Jamaica, Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala and Haiti.

Mexican coffee, varieties of the name Tres Oros, is grown in Oaxaca. They share a unique ability to grow stronger as they cool. Depending on the method of roasting, the palette of flavors varies from shades of vanilla to maple syrup and hazelnuts.

Guatemalan coffee beans have a wonderful aroma, moderate acidity and a pleasant, intolerant taste. Grain quality depends on the elevation of the plantation above sea level. Most loved by consumers are Cobano and Antigua. Another variety with fans around the world is Guatemala Lagos Shb. It has a smack of smoke, quite acidic and tart.

An exclusive Jamaica Blue Mountain variety is grown in Jamaica. A truly refined taste with light notes of nuts determines the title of the variety: “the king of coffee beans”. Finding Jamaican coffee in the market is quite difficult, because 70% of it is purchased by Japan. Often there are fakes.

If we talk about Salvadoran varieties, it is worth highlighting a variety with a cocoa flavor and a light floral aroma - El Salvador Chalatenango. The cooled drink acquires a rich almond flavor.

African coffee

In Africa, there are many countries that export coffee. Consider the largest suppliers.

  1. Angola Cultivates Arabica and Robusta varieties, the latter of quite good quality. This is explained by the wonderful natural conditions and the country's experience in the production of beans: coffee trees have been cultivated here since the 15th century.
  2. Zambia. The most popular variety is Zambia AA Lupili. It has a pleasant spicy taste, there are notes of mandarin peel. Surprising aftertaste of caramel.
  3. Zimbabwe. You can try Zimbabwe AA Salimba only by visiting the country. This coffee is moderately sour and very aromatic. Unfortunately, there are problems with transporting grain from the country, so in the markets you are unlikely to find a truly tasty drink.
  4. Rwanda. Coffee from this country has a pronounced chocolate flavor. Seven Lakes is especially appreciated. Moderately strong, it leaves an aftertaste of vanilla.
  5. Tanzania. The drink will delight you with a combination of apricot, brandy and almond flavors. Chilled, it has a jasmine flavor. The most popular Arabica varieties from Tanzania are Tanzanian AA and Tanzanian Peaberry.
  6. Ethiopia. Mocha Sidamo is a variety recognized by drink connoisseurs around the world. It is ideal for taste Arabica from a country that has been growing it for centuries. Harar Longberry and Ethiopia Irgochif should also be highlighted.
  7. Kenya. A country producing one of the best coffee in the world. Varieties such as Ruiruiru or Kenya AA Ruiruiru are unique and can only be purchased at auctions. A bouquet of flavors unfolds as you advance to the bottom of the cup: from the sweet taste to the taste of cinnamon, cloves and tobacco to the end.

Ground and freeze-dried coffee beans

If you want to make a really tasty, aromatic and healthy drink, it is better to use coffee beans. Of course, it will be much longer, because the grain needs to be grinded, and then coffee must be brewed in Turk on sand, gas or use a household appliance - a coffee maker. Recently, special machines have appeared that grind and prepare the necessary drink.

It is easier to prepare a soluble drink: just pour it with boiled water. This, for example, Nescafe coffee. There are several types: granular, powdered and sublimated.

The latter preserves useful properties as much as possible.

coffee lavazza
The principle of sublimation involves "freeze-drying." Pre-fried grains, grinds, boil, freeze, crush and vacuum dried. This process is quite energy-consuming, so freeze-dried coffee is the most expensive among all types of instant coffee, but it also tastes more like freshly ground grain.

Overview of manufacturers

We will analyze the most popular brands of invigorating drink, which are sold on the Russian market. One of the most popular is Nescafe coffee. Both granular and sublimated versions are presented. The manufacturer offers a variety of tastes and strengths. There are even caffeine-free specimens. Consumers speak well of Nescafe, consider it one of the best in its segment.

Another type of instant freeze dried coffee is Jacobs Monarch. According to consumer reviews, we can conclude that it is rated better than Nescafe. The taste is softer and closer to natural.

coffee neskafe

Another brand of Russian production is Black Card coffee. It is available in various forms: grain, freshly ground and soluble (sublimated). A variety of tastes is offered, cooking options are also taken into account: in a coffee machine, Turk or cup. According to customer reviews, Black Card coffee beans are much better than freeze-dried coffee. As noted, it is ideal for kitchen appliances.

Recent innovation - capsule-type coffee machines. One such option is Lavazza coffee. Consumers note the unique taste, aroma. The only drawback is the high price, because one cup of the drink is obtained from one capsule. Consumers also praise Lavazza instant coffee.

Cooking options: Turk, machine and coffee maker

You can prepare your favorite drink in different ways: coffee on sand or gas in a Turk, in a coffee maker or coffee machine - everyone chooses the most optimal way for himself. Of course, the latter will provide the most saturated and aromatic drink.

We will analyze the most unusual method of preparation - coffee in the sand. This recipe came from desert Bedouins, for whom firewood was scarce.

coffee in the sand
A drink made in this way is especially aromatic, but the most important is its foam, elastic and very mouth-watering. The recipe is simple: a turk is placed in the hot sand with ground grain, flooded with clean (not tap) water. As soon as the "cap" begins to rise, the Turk must be removed, repeat this operation several times. To taste, you can add cinnamon, cloves or other favorite oriental spices. Regular sugar can be replaced with honey, caramel or cane.

Popular recipes

We will analyze the most popular types of serving and recipes:

1. Americano and Espresso. The latter is the basis of many coffee drinks. This is a particularly concentrated coffee, prepared in coffee machines: 95 degrees water is passed through the milled grains under strong pressure. Americano - the same espresso, only weaker, diluted with 120 ml of hot water.

2. Cappuccino. It is prepared on the basis of espresso: milk is added to it, whipped into a firm foam.

3. Latte (emphasis on the first syllable). Almost the same as the previous drink, only the concentration of milk is greater.

coffee black card

4. Latte Macchiato. A very effective recipe and method of serving: espresso is poured into hot milk. It turns out a breadth of tastes, a kind of “strip”: milk, foam and coffee. Served in a glass cup with a straw.

5. In Viennese. Espresso covered with whipped cream and sprinkled with grated chocolate.

6. Affogato. Ice cream filled with espresso.

7. Coffee with the addition of alcoholic beverages: Coretto (liquor), Irish coffee (Irish whiskey), coffee brulo (brandy).


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