DIY claw cat for cats: a master class. Scheme, photo

In the natural environment, predators, which belong to the cat family, instinctively grind their claws on tree trunks. But what do pets do?

Why do you need claws?

do-it-yourself cat scratcher master class

This procedure is necessary for animals, since the claws grow quickly enough and when walking deliver unpleasant sensations. Domestic cats, of course, are deprived of the opportunity that the wild ones have only if the tree does not grow at home. However, you can make a scratching post for cats with your own hands. The master class presented below will allow each home master to carry out such work without any special difficulties. In the store of the corresponding goods you can buy similar products, but they are quite expensive, and they can last very short.

Preparation of materials

To carry out work on the manufacture of a claw-claw, you will need a wooden block, the height of which can vary from 50 to 70 cm. Stock up with jute or hemp twine, the diameter of the thread of which can be 7 millimeters. The length of this element should not be verified: in the store you can buy two ready-made skeins.

do-it-yourself cat scratcher

In the role of material for the product can be applied hard carpet. You will need a board or a piece of plywood: this will lie at the base. In shape, this element should be made in the form of a square with a side of 40 cm. Whereas the thickness of the workpiece should be equivalent to 20 millimeters.

If you will make a scratching post for cats with your own hands, the master class presented in the article will allow you to eliminate errors. In addition to the above materials, you will need a flap of tapestry, faux fur or furniture upholstery - one of the listed elements will be used to finish the base.

Dimensions need to be selected in order to be able to close not only the sidewalls, but also the upper part. In order to cover the base, you will need a flap of the same material, however, its size should be smaller. This will close the top of the bar. It is not worth installing installed elements in the hallway or toilet - there the animal will not pay attention to the product. It should be installed in one of the rooms, and also provide free access. For twine, you need to choose exclusively natural, durable materials, since those made from cellulose will quickly become frayed and can even harm the animal.

Tool preparation

do-it-yourself cat scratcher master class

If you do a claw-brush for cats with your own hands, a master class will help you in choosing the technology that you need to use in the process. In addition to the above materials, you will need some tools. Among them are self-tapping screws, glue intended for working with wood, as well as a screwdriver. A jigsaw or hacksaw will come in handy (one of the tools will be used for cutting workpieces).


do-it-yourself cat scratcher master paper class

If you will make a scratching post for cats with your own hands, the master class presented in the article will allow you to eliminate the occurrence of errors. After all the parts are sawn to the required dimensions, you can proceed with the assembly. A twine is wound on a bar, every 100 millimeters it is necessary to produce surface treatment with glue. This manipulation will help to secure the rope more firmly.

Once you reach the top of the bar, it is important to glue the two final turns well. On the top of the bar you need to apply a layer of glue, fixing there a fabric flap. Surplus materials must be disposed of with scissors.

Do you want to get a claw-claw for cats (do it yourself)? The diagram given in the article will help you.

At the next stage, you can glue the base with material. It is necessary to cut a hole in the fabric, forming a side that will be slightly smaller compared to the side of the bar. The hole can be cut in advance.


DIY cat nibbler master class photo

The bar in the base can be fixed with screws. After the fixation is completed, you need to check the design for loosening. The bar should not swing like a pendulum. It should be strengthened as steadily as possible. If the base will be lifted, it should be weighted with the help of an additional load.

How is a clawcloth made for cats with their own hands? Master class, photo - all the materials presented in the article, you can supplement with your own solutions.

At this stage, we can assume that the device is ready for use. If you could not find the block, then you can use a sheet of plywood. The element is glued with twine, and then laid horizontally on the floor. As an alternative solution, the claw point can be nailed to the wall.

The second version of the manufacture of claw points

DIY claws for cats

If you will make a scratching post for a cat with your own hands, a master class will help you deal with technology. For the manufacture of the option described below, you will need polyethylene pipes, furniture panels, suspensions for drywall, soft foam, screws, carpet, screwdriver, twine, pliers, jigsaw, glue and a furniture stapler.

Technology of work

If claws for cats are to be done with their own hands, the master class of which is presented in the article, then you need to think in advance what features the design should have. Before purchasing materials, it is recommended to estimate the dimensions. At the next stage, the shield is cut using three electric pieces with an electric jigsaw. Pipes are prepared in accordance with the required dimensions. On the lower platform, the location of the lower pipe should be noted. Drywall suspensions should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees and fixed to the platform using self-tapping screws. The pipe must be installed and secured using the same method. The platform is covered with fabric, and on the lower side everything is fixed with a furniture stapler.

Next, the second shelf is fixed using suspensions. For the upper shelf, two supports should be made. Suspensions that need to be bent at right angles are initially fixed. The tubes are screwed to the suspensions with screws. Foam is overlaid on top of the shelf. So you made such a scratching post for cats with your own hands (master class).

Of the paper, by the way, you can do it too. Instead of boards or plywood, you can take thick cardboard. And the recommendations themselves are presented above. In the fabric, you need to make holes for the pipes, pulling and fixing everything with a furniture stapler. The pipes are tightened with twine, and the principle described above can be used.


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