Chinese riddles for children and adults

It’s not a secret to anyone that children love to guess riddles. Much more than reading books or even watching TV. Moreover, age does not play a special role here.

Chinese puzzles give a lot of pleasure to adults as well. This is a great way to arouse your imagination. Chinese riddles will require passing, stepping over the obvious to find the answer to the question. Why? Because this answer is from a completely different culture.

Chinese riddles. When did they appear?

So, more details. When the first Chinese puzzles appeared, it's pretty hard to say. It’s even impossible. No one can find the answer to this question in any encyclopedia. Probably a long time ago.

To successfully guess the Chinese riddle, you must carefully read its condition. It contains the whole secret. In ancient times, such puzzles existed verbally and were passed from mouth to mouth. Over time, they began to record. And later - to publish entire collections. They contain the real deep wisdom of the people.

chinese puzzles

The most interesting puzzles

A lot of Chinese puzzles were presented by history. This is not at all surprising. After all, ancient civilizations living in this area thousands of years ago left behind a lot of secrets and secrets that have remained unsolved until now. Modern Chinese scientists and now regularly come up with a variety of exciting tasks that increase the intellectual level of a person.

The children of this country begin to practice Chinese puzzles at a preschool age. They are offered all kinds of educational games. Well, in order to go to school, they are forced to pass a special test, consisting of several logical tasks. By the way, they seem quite complicated even for adults.

Chinese logic puzzles

Ancient riddles

Let's look at some examples. Here are a couple of ancient Chinese logic puzzles.

  1. As soon as dawn, one hardworking old man goes to work. If he does not go there, it means that a strong wind blows on the street or it rains. (The sun).
  2. Two round cakes bring to the gate every day. One is as cold as ice. The second is full of heat. (Moon and sun).

challenging chinese puzzles

Modern riddles

Today, there are also more and more diverse tasks. Below are modern Chinese logic puzzles with answers.

  1. Five brothers live nearby. Are not tall. The names are different. (Fingers).
  2. When people undress, she, on the contrary, dresses. When people take off their hats, on the contrary, she puts on her hats. (Hanger).
  3. A fragile girl in the water was born. Sailing in a pink dress on a green boat. (Lotus).
  4. Hard and white, like snow. Washes three times a day. It rests at night. (Bowl).
  5. Eight brothers revolve around an axis. They decide to run away - all clothes will be torn. (Garlic).
  6. There is a face, but no mouth. There are no hands, but there are four legs, and they do not walk. (Table).
  7. In a green dress, with a watery belly, with black children inside. (Watermelon).

Chinese logic puzzles with answers

The most difficult puzzles

And finally. Take a look at the most difficult Chinese puzzles. To solve them, you need to use knowledge from several disciplines at once.

  1. A bear fell into the pit. He fell for two seconds. The depth of the pit is 19.617 meters. What color was the animal? Here are five answers: black-brown, gray, brown, black or white. We are looking for a solution. We use the physical formula for finding the distance: S = gt 2 / 2. The gravitational acceleration (g) is 9.8085. After that, you need to use the table, which shows the values ​​of free fall at different latitudes. It turns out that the found value is characteristic for 44 degrees of latitude. There are no bears found on this parallel in the Southern Hemisphere. That is, we consider exclusively northern latitude. We draw attention to the fact that the pit was dug in the ground. So, it’s for the land bear. In a word, only black or brown animals are suitable. Hunting brown bears is very dangerous, and they live in the mountains, where digging holes is not so easy. And these animals are valued less. We conclude: we are talking about a black bear.
  2. No less interesting is the mystery of parking. Before you are shown six parking spaces. One of them is occupied. All places are numbered in the following order: 16-06-68-88- ... -98. You need to guess where the car is. Such a riddle is offered in China to children when they enter first grade in order to assess their ability to think logically. And finding the right answer is not so easy. You need to flip the picture 180 degrees. It turns out that the numbers follow each other in order. That is, the right decision: 87! In short, the Chinese know how to confuse! And we can only make our brain work 100%!


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