How to fix handwriting for an adult: exercises and tips

Despite the fact that we are always scolded at school for sloppiness, forced to rewrite several times, asked to write more clearly, thereby developing a good handwriting, many people at the conscious age do not enjoy their own style of writing. First you need to understand what calligraphy is. First of all, this is a special kind of fine art. And it is not given from birth. This is a technique that requires regular training. It remains to examine the question of how to correct the handwriting of an adult, as well as get acquainted with the exercises with which this can be done.

beautiful handwriting

A bit of history

Today, they begin to teach writing in schools from 6-7 years. But in the XVII century, calligraphy was taught even before the children began to master reading. Pupils mechanically copied first letters, then syllables, words, and then even sentences. However, despite the fact that the exercises took more than one month, their effectiveness was minimal. Over time, new techniques for improving handwriting appeared. The result was noticeable when the letter became special. That is, soon writing training was combined with reading instruction. How to fix adult handwriting? Exercises, exercises and more exercises.

writing accessories

What mistakes do children and adults make?

The most common problem with calligraphy is large energy losses, as a result of which pain is felt in the hand, dents and even corns remain on the fingers. Here certainly is not up to a beautiful letter. Therefore, the first thing to do before you begin the painstaking work is to learn how to relax without straining too much. To do this, you need to learn how not only to hold the pen correctly, but also to sit at the table and even keep the notebook in which you write. Are you thinking about how to correct the handwriting of an adult? Exercises, of course, are aimed at achieving the desired result. But first you need to determine what your mistakes are.


Where to begin?

The first thing you should do before you start perfecting your handwriting is to buy a quality pen. It can be ballpoint or feather. In shape, it is desirable that it be smooth, without ribs. The second is a good notebook. This factor also greatly affects the ease of writing and the enjoyment of the process. Someone does not pay attention to these accessories and does not even allow the idea that the problem with handwriting may lie in uncomfortable notebooks and pens. Some modern manufacturers sin by producing very low-quality products. Stocked up with the right writing accessories? We start with the basics - we learn to hold the pen correctly. Analyze your own writing style. Pay attention to whether you are driving with your fingertips or moving your whole arm to the shoulder. If the first option, then the result is a tired hand and "jumping" letters. If you try to write some letter in the air, you will notice that you are moving with your whole hand, and not just with your fingers. And so it is necessary to write on paper. Easy to correct adult handwriting. Exercises with which you can do this are not as complex as they seem at first glance.

handwriting selection

Change process

It is possible to correct the handwriting of an adult with exercises even when certain skills have not only been developed, but also fixed for years. Experts advise those who wish to change the writing style to start working with the most common school registers. Also a great exercise for correcting handwriting in adults is to print out a beautiful handwritten font that you want to learn. It’s worth starting the workout with the most common and familiar outline of letters and other elements. The next step is to repeat everything without a hint. Now you can start writing syllables, words, sentences, texts, thereby training your hand and memory. If you don’t want to buy special prescriptions, you can do them yourself without any problems. Just print any text written in the handwriting you need, and on top of the sheet with the text put a translucent sheet of paper and begin to circle the letters. For training, it is also advisable to stock up on notebooks where there are auxiliary lines.

What to do before training?

Before you start training, you need to analyze your handwriting in order to know what to work on. To do this, you should write several sentences and evaluate by the following parameters: the distance between words, the distance between letters, their size, slope, pressure, evenness of lines, clarity of the displayed lines, writing style. Only after you have a healthy assessment of the features of an existing handwriting, when you determine what exactly you do not like, can you proceed to the above exercise.

If you have not yet decided what style you want to train, you can analyze the handwriting of other people, study the finished fonts. Try to write letters, imitating these fonts. You can also experiment and combine some elements with your own style. Find the ideal one and train it using a variety of exercises. It is much easier to correct a handwriting for an adult than it seems.

How long will it take?

If you decide on such a courageous step as the independent formation of handwriting, then there is no way to do without regular work and a certain system. To write beautifully, you need to devote at least 30 minutes a day to this lesson. Engaged in once a week, even for an hour, to form a skill will not work. And keep in mind that these should be special classes, according to the prescriptions. A record of a lecture at a university or a synopsis of a meeting at work are not considered. It will be painstakingly to improve your handwriting, devoting sufficient time to this. If self-study is not your story, you can go to calligraphy courses.


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