How to bring the site to the top yourself?

In the process of natural selection, only the best survive, and this axiom is applicable to sites in the search engine results. To be these very best, you need to know what leverage to press. After all, not everyone knows the secrets of how to bring a site to the top.

Issue page formation

Before embarking on an independent website promotion, you need to understand one simple thing: to be the best, you need to meet all the criteria. Depending on the relevance of the pages, sites are placed in a certain sequence. Some resources are in the "top ten", others are gathering dust in the "backyard of civilization", and only the creators know about their existence.

It is worth noting that Yandex and Google have completely different promotion parameters. Therefore, those sites that are in the first positions of the search engine "Yandex" can be located on the second or third pages of a search on Google.

how to bring to the top site in google

Each search engine has its own ranking algorithm, which determines the relevance of the page. Therefore, to quickly bring the site to the top, you need to make it suitable for the parameters of all search engines. So you need to separately consider the ranking algorithms of popular search engines.

What is the difference between promotion on Google and Yandex?

The first thing you should pay attention to is the regularity of updates. The frequency of updates can be considered a key position in the work of search engines. Moreover, in Google everything happens very quickly thanks to the Caffeine algorithm.

Yandex is slower in this matter, so it changes the order of search results only after some updates. Although the search engine has recently increased its power and does system updates every three days, it’s still far from Google.

The second moment of advancement is regional linkage. Google provides far fewer options to attach a site to a specific region. To tie a resource to a specific country, it does not take a lot of time, but to determine a more accurate geo-reference, a number of complicated processes are necessary. Yandex is more attentive to such issues, so it’s much easier to bring a site to the Yandex top in the region in this search engine.

The third point is the uniqueness of the content. For low-quality texts impose sanctions on both search engines. So do not neglect the rules of spelling and punctuation. Also, you do not need to chase the exact entries - the texts should be readable, unlike competitors' articles and interesting.

Filters, links and bass

Low-quality content on Google is monitored by the Panda filter, and on Yandex by the AGS. Basically, Google fines for non-unique content that is posted on almost all pages. Under the AGS sanctions, the site may fall even for poor-quality rewrite and use of a synonymizer.

work with the site

The fourth point of advancement is low-frequency queries. Bringing a site to the top of Yandex is much easier on a low-frequency request. To do this, you only need to write a unique and high-quality text, and the site will appear on the first page of the search literally automatically. With Google, everything is much more complicated - it is impossible to capture its traffic without links. If the text is simply unique and no one refers to it, search robots simply send the resource page for re-indexing.

General recommendations

So, how to bring the site to the top? There are several points that you need to pay special attention to be in good standing with search engines.

Firstly, a good site is an accessible site. Even if the resource is new, it should be open for indexing. Secondly, the site should work stably and not have broken links in its account. Technical issues interfere with indexing.

We continue to bring the site to the top on our own and make a site map for this. This work can be done in the classical way, constructing a map in HTML, or you can use the Google Sitemap. Such an application is in good standing with search engines.

Search engines love speed, so they prefer sites whose pages load faster on devices. Search engines also love old reliable sites, sites, links, high-level domain zones.

Keywords, passwords, semantics

To bring the site to the top, it will take more than one day. Technical characteristics, selection of hosting and domain name - this is just the tip of the iceberg. It is equally important to pay attention to the information component, because it will help to bring the site to the top of Yandex and Google.

To begin with, it will be necessary to compose a sematic core. These are search queries that help determine how users search for information. The webmaster must collect all possible query options and compile the subject of the resource on their basis. Requests should be grouped and for each separate group to create separate articles. To bring a site to the top on demand, you need to experiment with word forms and synonyms of key queries.

how to bring the site to the top Yandex yourself

What else should be done? Next, to bring the site to the top, you need to optimize the meta tags. In particular, this applies to the <title> tag, which is a title. This heading should not be long, search engines should read it completely. The main key request is better to enter in the first paragraph of the text, and not in the heading.

The <Description> tag plays an equally important role in website promotion - here you need to describe the content with one sentence by entering 1-2 keys. The main thing is to avoid spam.

Text, subtitles, pictures

Obviously, in order to independently bring the site to the top 10 (as they say, in an elite list), you need to optimize the text. First of all, correctly distribute the keys. In this matter, it is very important to find a middle ground. The search robot will consider the text in which there are too many key queries to be re-spammed, but at the same time, if there are few of them in the article, they will not work at all as they should. Keywords need to be distributed moderately, diluting with speech turns.

As for the subheadings, keywords must be inserted into the <H1> and <H2> tags. Since putting a site in the top 10 is not an easy task, you don’t need to think that the keywords in the subheadings will help you cope with this task. You should avoid spam and add search queries based on the logic and humane attitude to the reader.

bring the site to the top Yandex

No attention should be paid to the images present on the pages. Search robots are not able to distinguish between images, so the description must be given in the <alt> tag.


So, how to independently bring the site to the top of Yandex and Google? These search engines are equally positive about the link mass of the resource. The site should link to other thematic resources, those, in turn, to the promoted site. Despite the fact that reciprocity is good, sites should have a similar theme and have good performance. If a resource that refers to a promoted site has penalties from search engines, this will adversely affect the promotion, and it will not be possible to bring the site to the top soon.

In addition to good indicators, sites that link to a promoted resource must be of a respectable age. It is also necessary to register in directories with high PR. Such links will have a positive effect on the ranking. The reference mass must be naturally increased, and it must be varied. That is, come from blogs, forums, all kinds of electronic media.


Those who are looking for a question to answer how to bring the site to the top 10 of Yandex and Google should pay attention to the content, it’s all over the head. It is better to write texts yourself, you do not need to steal them from competitors, but you can focus on their information. New articles should appear regularly, and old texts should be updated.

There should not be any invisible text on the pages; articles cannot be copied to several pages.

10 SEO Tips

General recommendations that help promote the site, this is not all that you need to know for those who are interested in how to bring the site to the top in Google and Yandex.

put the site in the top yourself

Over time, approaches to promoting resources have changed a bit, and experts note new factors for promotion:

  1. Website optimization for Rank Brain. Rank Brain is an algorithm developed on the basis of artificial intelligence, a kind of self-learning system. Search engines use it to handle rare, ambiguous questions that users never ask search engines. To optimize the resource for this algorithm, you need to create content in such a way that it answers unique questions, taking into account the interests of users.
  2. Query optimization for the "next to me" category. Here it is necessary to take into account micro-moments - this concept was created specifically for owners of mobile devices. In the optimization process, you will have to take into account the activity of mobile users and provide the consumer with wide opportunities for interacting with content on a mobile device. The main three pillars in this case: relevance and freshness of content, ease of interaction with page content, anticipation of user expectations and their needs.
  3. Work with local queries. The webmaster will be able to optimize the content for requests “next to me” in the case when the companies are actually located in the immediate vicinity of a potential client. If the company cannot provide the service in the immediate vicinity, you need to optimize your local search.
  4. Possibility of dialogue and voice search. Over the past 10 years, the number of voice search queries has increased 35 times. Entering such queries is 4 times faster than using the keyboard. A person is structured in such a way that the less effort is required from him, the more satisfaction he will receive from the process.
  5. Answer user questions. Optimization of content by default implies that the user will receive a direct response to his request.
  6. Run contextual advertising. Another way of promotion is contextual advertising. To do this, it is extremely important to develop the correct text and create a relevant landing page.
  7. Create AMR. This is technology accelerated mobile pages. Today, it helps to promote resources only on Google; Yandex has not yet focused on this.
  8. Optimize for mobile devices. Optimization for mobile devices is an important ranking factor for all search engines.
  9. Increase download speed. The faster the page loads, the higher the site’s priority over competitors. To achieve this, you need to trivially optimize the image.
  10. Use Twitter. Since a new search transaction has been signed between Google and Twitter, the presence of tweets on the pages of the resource will help in promotion.

As you can see, promoting a site on Google is much more difficult, since there are many different ranking algorithms. It will be much easier to bring the site to the top Yandex in the region, but to get profit from the resource you need to promote it across all search engines.

What else is needed to bring the site to the top?

For successful promotion, you need to put the site on a high-quality hosting and install the main plug-ins. Let it not be said anywhere that search robots punish for purely technical flaws, but they are still taken into account.

And the second point to consider is utility. If you do not take into account webmasters who are knowledgeable about promoting resources better than mere mortals, consider the most common mistakes.

Novice bloggers often make the same mistake: they write about nothing. Actually, this information may seem useful, important and unique to them, but as practice shows, it does not correspond to what the user wants. First, you need to ask yourself: “Will the article be useful to people?”, And the second is to think over phrases by which the future article will be found on the pages of search engines. People do not like long monologues and complex word-of-mouths.

bring the site to the top Yandex by region

Do not forget about working in social networks and forums, this is especially true if you need to bring to the top site of the store. On social platforms, you can post expert opinions, product reviews and maintain a product’s reputation.

Creating a semantic core, you need to focus on the types of search queries. They are:

  • Informational.
  • Navigation (search for restaurants, shops, theaters, etc.).
  • Transactional (there are requests such as "buy" or "download").
  • General (these queries can be both navigation and transactional).

Based on this and resource focus, a semantic core is formed.

Pictures and TIC

The optimization process is also affected by image optimization. Their name should be written in transliteration, and correspond to what is shown in the picture. For example, if this is a photo of the royal palace, then you need to write down the name like “korolevskij-dvorec”. And, of course, <alt> with a keyword is written.

Yandex.Catalog uses a concept such as TIC, a thematic citation index, for ranking. It is used to assess the credibility of related resources, and the indicator itself is determined by the quantity and quality of resources that link to the site. Along with this concept, there is such as the static weight of the page, that is, its importance relative to other pages of the site. For this, not only external, but also internal links are taken into account.

If the site has some text with very important information that is nowhere to be found, you can bring the resource to the top using the static weight of the page - the more its weight, the faster it will advance.

Behavioral factors

Do not forget that search engines have long introduced such a thing as a behavioral factor in the ranking process. It allows the search engine to directly ask the user if he likes this site. If you like it, then the resource rises in the issuance, and if not, it drops.

bring the site to the top store

Search engines evaluate behavioral characteristics using:

  • Bars for browsers.
  • Web analytics.
  • User behavior on the search results page.
  • Contextual advertising system.

Collecting data, search engines estimate how much time the user spent on the pages of the site, how many pages he looked at and whether he returned to this resource. To get to the top, you need to take these characteristics into account and try to interest the user, and not get rid of him with the first unsuccessfully-killer headline.

And it is worth noting that the presence of a site in the top is a constant job. Search engines are volatile and no one knows what will be accepted in a week, month or year.


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