Manicure Ideas for 12 Year Old Girls

Creating a fashionable manicure for girls of 12 years old is not so difficult as it seems at first glance. Young fashionistas always want to look attractive, so from an early age they already strive to have beautiful nails. Fortunately, children at this age absolutely do not need the help of a specialist, since they simply do not need luxurious patterns and thin lines. If they can’t do a manicure for girls of 12 years old with their own hands, then mothers who can care for their nails and varnish them will always come to the rescue.

manicure ideas for girls 12 years old

Children's manicure gives neatness to the appearance and prevents brittleness and damage to the nails. The difference between the nails of an adult and a child is the presence of moisture in them. In women, the nails contain little moisture, so they are less prone to injury or brittleness, but the nails of girls and girls are more flexible and brittle due to the large amount of moisture. For this reason, the main condition for creating a beautiful manicure for girls 12 years old is to prevent brittle plates.

Well-groomed marigolds

Nails at any age should be beautiful and well-groomed, because they adorn the hands and well complement any look. At an early age, parents themselves cut the nails of their children and take care of them using special means. Many girls are already able to do a manicure for girls of 12 years on their own, but some still need the help of other people. At this age, young fashionistas begin to experiment with design and choose the most suitable option for their image and style.

Girls in their teens tend to look older and often choose the wrong tools to decorate their nails. A manicure for girls of 12 years old must be done with extreme caution, because their nail plates are still too soft, and the periungual zone is vulnerable to infection. Therefore, before choosing a fashionable design, you should carefully prepare the nail plates for the procedure.

Basic Rules

To create a chic manicure for girls of 12 years old, which will delight everyone around you, a few simple rules will help:

  1. To prevent the occurrence of infectious and fungal diseases, before each procedure, disinfection of used tools should be performed. Along with this, you should always keep your hands clean and thoroughly wipe with a soft towel after washing. It is recommended to take care of the nail plates at home with the help of tools designed specifically for teenage manicure. Proper care is guaranteed to help maintain a healthy color for nails, prevent delamination and the appearance of brittle plates.
  2. It is not necessary to use metal files to correct nails. It is best to process the plate with ceramic, glass or abrasive files. The movements carried out by this tool must be smooth. In this case, strong pressure should be avoided so as not to destroy the nail structure. In addition, polishing the surface and filing the edges is required strictly in one direction.
  3. To make the nail plates more resistant to external factors, the direct shape of the nail will help, because the round and sharp ones break pretty quickly. You can do a 12-year-old girl’s manicure for short nails with slightly rounded edges, he’s always in fashion, so this option is considered one of the most profitable.
  4. Before reaching the age of 16, it is not recommended to cut the cuticle. You can choose an unedged manicure with the use of a modern remover or simply move the cuticle away with an orange stick and soften it with oil.
  5. Before using the varnish, it is necessary to treat the nails with a degreaser, and then only apply the base coat. Each nail must be thoroughly degreased, as this will make it possible to maintain the design for a long time.
  6. Regardless of the type of varnish chosen, it is necessary to apply a base coat in front of it. It reliably protects the natural plate from the influence of active substances and preserves all layers of varnish for several weeks.
  7. Top requires fixing - topcoat. This layer will protect the manicure from cracks and chips, as well as preserve the created composition of decorative elements of the nail design.
  8. Gel polish recently took the place of artistic painting, almost crowding it out. Now he is actively used for manicure, but at the same time, not every fashionista knows that painting their nails too often is not worth it, which especially applies to adolescents. For the quick drying of shellac, ultraviolet lamps are used, the rays of which negatively affect the formation of the plate. Therefore, teenage manicures are best done using other means.
  9. Within 10 hours after the procedure, hot water on the nails should be avoided, as the coating can immediately fade and become less pronounced.
  10. Particular attention must be paid to instructions for removing varnish. If you remove it incorrectly, then you can seriously damage the structure of the nails. The most dangerous is the removal by mechanical means without a special fluid, which does not contain acetone.

summer manicure for a girl of 12 years old

How to make a beautiful manicure

To varnish lasted on the nails as long as possible, you should listen to the tips:

  • wipe the nail plates with a cotton swab with white vinegar before applying the base layer (this product removes the greasy layer and dirt that interfere with the application of varnish);
  • do not soak the nails before the procedure (many unaware people do this to soften the cuticle, but in fact this process leads to steaming and expansion of the nails, and after applying the varnish the nails are compressed again and the varnish layer no longer matches the size of the plate);
  • do not apply varnish to the cuticle (it lifts the paint from the nail, which ultimately leads to the formation of chips);
  • dry nails with cold air (due to hot air, the varnish dries longer, therefore, to speed up this process, you can lower your fingers in ice water for a couple of minutes);
  • regularly apply oil for nails (this tool prevents overdrying and delamination of the plate, so you need to use it every day);
  • do not panic if the already dried varnish has cracked (you can fix this problem with a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover, which should smooth the edges, and then apply another coat of varnish).

Easy and interesting ideas for manicure for girls 12 years old

When a girl just begins to engage in manicure, it is difficult for her to decide on a design, so she considers the most popular and beautiful, but at the same time easy options. It is such ideas that are presented below. You can perform them quite easily, without even using the help of other hands.

For beginners

The simplest manicure for the summer for a girl of 12 years old, resembling a french jacket, does not require special skills. For him, you will need to stock up on white varnish and several other colors. First, all nails must be carefully coated with a white tone, and after it has completely dried, you need to carefully apply dots of other colors along the edge with an orange stick.

manicure for short nails girl 12 years old


An interesting, but a bit complicated option for beginners is the gradient. For it, you need to take 2-3 tones of blue, purple and pink varnish. First, all nails should be covered with pink color and wait until it dries completely. Then, apply the remaining colors to the sponge (as shown in the photo) and attach it to the nail.

A photo of a manicure for girls of 12 years old will help to better understand how to create it.

beautiful manicure for girls 12 years old

New Year's manicure

Manicure for an event is always highly appreciated, because it creates a festive atmosphere even more. There are many New Year's options for decorating nails, but one of the most common is nothing but Santa Claus clothes. To create, you will need to take varnishes of such colors: red, white, black, gold.

First, three vertical stripes are made on the nail in the following sequence: red, white, red, without leaving empty spots on the plate. Then the edge of the nail is coated with a white tip with a round tip in white, and a flat black line is drawn horizontally a little higher, in the middle of which a golden square is added after drying.

summer manicure for girls 12 years old


To make a popular manicure that is liked by both adults and children, you can use transparent and white pale varnishes. To do this, cover the entire nail with a base and allow to dry. After that, you need to carefully make a white border around the edge of the plate.

If for the first time you cannot make a straight line, then you can purchase special stencils. They are sold with varnishes and other manicure accessories.

Mickey Mouse

To create such a design, you need to take two colors of varnish (white and black are ideal, but you can take any other colors if desired) and an orange stick or a special device with a round tip. First of all, the entire nail plate is covered in one color and completely dries. Then, using a stick and a second varnish, it is necessary to depict the silhouette of a cartoon hero with just three points, as shown in the photo.

manicure for girls 12 years old

Bright decision

If we talk about summer manicure for girls of 12 years old, something bright and color immediately comes to mind. First you need to prepare a white varnish and a few more bright ones. The first option for such a manicure is to coat each nail with a separate color, so that in the end a peculiar rainbow is obtained. But most of all, people like the other option, where the ring finger stands out. The nail on it must first be coated with white varnish, and then using a stick in a chaotic order to apply points with different varnishes. The rest of the nails should be solid.

manicure for girls 12 years old photo

This option is perfect for both teens and older girls. Its main advantage is that to create it does not require spending too much time and effort.


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