Means for softening toenails. Than soften toenails to cut

Rigid toenails appear primarily in older people. But this can also affect young people. And to cut off already such nails is problematic if they are not softened first. Sometimes water alone is not enough. What means for softening toenails are there, which ones are the most effective?

What causes the coarsening of nails?

A thick and rough nail plate on the nails not only looks unaesthetic, but also causes problems when it is cut. There is no way to do without additional funds. But, before you begin to consider all kinds of softening methods, it is worth considering all the possible causes leading to such trouble on your feet.

  1. Fungus is the most common problem that can affect everyone. A fungal disease is easily transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person, it is enough to take contact actions: wearing infected shoes, walking barefoot in public places, etc. From such an ailment, the nails not only thicken, but also turn yellow.
  2. Psoriasis is an autoimmune non-infectious disease that affects not only the skin and mucous membranes, but also the nail plates. The consequence is their thickening.
  3. Wearing the wrong shoes (poor-quality, sewn from poor material, small in size) leads not only to deformation of the toenails, but also to their compaction.
  4. Impaired blood circulation. Due to various diseases of the legs in the lower extremities, blood circulation slows down. And this, in turn, affects the nutrition of the tissues of the fingers and nails: it worsens. And as a result - tight nails.
  5. Genetic predisposition is something that is difficult to resist (in the case of nails), but still possible. The same means to soften the toenails.
  6. Improper nutrition. Lack of a balanced diet, lack of trace elements and vitamins lead to the described problem.
  7. Skin diseases in advanced form are reflected not only in the condition of the skin.
  8. Various diseases of the osteoarticular system.

If you start the problem and do not take measures to eliminate it in time, there is a great risk that the affected nail will simply fall off. Or infect other toenails.

nail cutting

Trays for softening toenails

Traditional medicine is very helpful in solving the problem of cutting a thick nail. And one of her methods is the foot bath. In general, foot baths are one of the cosmetic, medical and hygienic procedures that should be carried out regularly at home or in the salon.

Steaming the feet in the bath is guaranteed to solve the problem of softening the nail plate. And there are a lot of types of baths.

steaming legs

Camomile bath

Chamomile is a cheap and effective remedy that has virtually no contraindications. By making a foot bath and using chamomile, you can not only steam up the coarsened nail plates, but also disinfect the toes and feet as a whole.

A foot bath for a pedicure with a “participation” of chamomile is prepared as follows:

  1. Boil 1 liter of water.
  2. 6 tablespoons of chamomile are poured into prepared water.
  3. All insist for two hours, and then filter.
  4. Then again everyone boils.
  5. Finally, the broth is cooled to an acceptable temperature and used as intended.

Feet dipped in the bath, hold for 20 minutes. By adding boiling water, you can extend the steaming session. Hard toenails will become soft and malleable.

Salt bath

Salt foot bath is an effective and affordable way to soften toenails. In addition to softening, salt has strengthening properties for the nail plate.

To prepare a salt foot bath, you will need:

  • liter of boiling water;
  • a couple of tablespoons of rock or iodized salt;
  • a tablespoon of laundry soap grated.

All mix until the soap and salt are completely dissolved. Just at this time, the water will cool to the desired temperature, which will lower and hold your legs there.

Such a bath for softening toenails is used no more than two times a day, mainly before nail clipping and applying cream for the feet.

caring pedicure

Herb decoction

A herbal foot bath is prepared on the basis of a medicinal plant collection consisting of chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, coltsfoot, etc. The tool not only solves the problem of a solid nail, but also disinfects it, relieves inflammation with an ingrown nail, and relieves leg fatigue.

For cooking take:

  • a tablespoon of each kind of herb or mixture of herbs;
  • 2 liters of boiling water.

How to soften the toenails with a bath: the dried flower is poured with boiling water and insisted for half an hour. If during this time the water becomes cool, then boiling water is added to it. Dip into a basin with a decoction of the legs and steam for 15 minutes. The procedure is repeated daily.

After the session, the coarsened nail is easily cut off along with the dead skin. Treated nails and toes are lubricated with a disinfectant or emollient.

Soap bath

How to soften toenails to cut? An affordable and easy to prepare tool is a soapy bath. Soap well softens the coarsened nail plate, which allows it to be cut off without any injuries to the skin.

Preparing the bath as follows:

  1. Heated to boiling water in a volume of 2 liters. Water is poured into the basin.
  2. Rubbed into a basin or just wash out a small piece of laundry soap, stir until it is completely dissolved.
  3. Next, 5 drops of liquid cream soap are poured into the basin or a small amount of tar is rubbed.
  4. Pour 5 drops of eucalyptus oil, mix everything.

You can take such a bath when the soap has completely dissolved. If the water has cooled by that time, it will be necessary to add more boiling water so that the temperature of the water in the basin is at least 50 degrees. Such a tool for softening toenails is used before each application of a therapeutic emollient cream.

foot bath

Vinegar bath

Vinegar-based foot bath allows you to safely soften not only the skin of the legs, but also the hard nail plate. A product is prepared from water with a temperature of 50-60 degrees, 50 ml of vinegar and two tablespoons of shampoo.

All are mixed in the pelvis until smooth, feet soar for 15 minutes before each nail cut.

Peroxide for the bath

A bath with the addition of hydrogen peroxide will contribute not only to softening the nails, but also to their disinfection. To prepare this product you will need to boil 1 liter of water, cool it to a temperature of 50-60 degrees. Then 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and 1 tablespoon of baking soda are added to the liquid.

All components are dissolved in water, and then used as directed. The procedure lasts 20 minutes, and after it the coarsened nails are easily cut off.

What else is suitable for a foot bath?

Pedicure foot baths can be prepared based on various ingredients. Their main goal is softening and disinfection. In addition to the presented bath options, you can cook them in the following options:

  1. With the addition of onions and garlic. The only drawback of such a bath is the smell.
  2. With the addition of iodine and vodka.
  3. Based on natural ground coffee. The product not only softens, but also acts as a scrub.
  4. With kiwi pulp. The juice of this fruit has a high acidity, which contributes to a better softening of the skin, disinfection.

Ointments and creams homemade

How and how to soften a toenail to trim? Components can be found in the home arsenal of available tools. From such funds, ointments can be prepared that are effective in softening the coarsened nail plate.

Most often, ointments for softening are prepared from such ingredients as:

  • chicken eggs;
  • vegetable or butter;
  • onion and garlic;
  • glycerol;
  • vinegar and iodine.

Moreover, as you can see, based on some components, you can prepare not only ointments, but also foot baths. The effect of home ointments can occur both independently and in combination with other pharmacy drugs.

One of the recommended ointments is a preparation made from 1 egg, 5 ml of vegetable oil (any), 5 ml of dimethyl phthalate. An ointment is prepared and applied to the coarsened nail. Wrap with polyethylene and put on a sock. It is advisable to do the procedure for the night. After that, the nail will soften, and cutting it will be much easier.

Another good remedy is a homemade ointment from a tablespoon of vinegar, a couple of drops of iodine and a small amount of glycerin. The prepared product is applied to the nails, wrapped and left overnight. After this, you can conduct pedicures without using foot baths.

ointment for nails

What to buy in a pharmacy?

Pharmacy products for softening the toenails, due to its enhanced composition, will help to soften the nail plates on the legs in a short time. What can you choose from?

  1. "Nogtivit" - a drug whose composition is based on stearic acid and tea tree oil. The substance carefully disinfects and softens the nail plates well. For the best effect, it is recommended to apply a foot bath before applying the ointment. The analogue of Nogtivit is the drug Nogtimycin.
  2. "Exoderil" with naphthyphine prolonged action. Accumulating in the tissues of the toes, the drug not only softens the nails, but also acts as a remedy against the fungus.
  3. Uroderm based on urea. The ointment is used twice a day, then the effect will be visible after the first application. The drug softens well even very coarsened nails.
  4. "Dimexide" is an ointment for softening nails and getting rid of the initial stages of mycosis.
  5. "Bifonazole" is an urea-based ointment. Before its use, it is recommended to hold a steaming foot bath, and then distribute the product on the nail plate with a thin layer. This method will allow for 1 month to completely cut off the coarsened nails, in place of which they will grow completely healthy.

Fluid Pedicure Blade

Another way to get rid of coarse nails is a pharmacy - a fruit-based bio gel. This tool is called a liquid blade for pedicure. Such a gel will be an excellent substitute for the steaming bath, coarse pedicure tools with which rough elements are cut and cut off: skin and burrs. And the fruit acids included in the composition gently soften the hard nail plate, and it is easy to cut it off.

Such a tool for softening toenails not only softens the rough skin of the legs and nails, but also serves as a good disinfectant that can cure a fungal disease and relieve inflammation from an ingrown nail.

The advantages of a liquid blade are its effectiveness and affordability. The drug is much cheaper than one pedicure procedure in the salon.

liquid soap

The most popular liquid blades are the following:

  1. Domix, which costs 600 rubles per 200 ml. The composition contains a large amount of fruit acids and lemon extract. The drug softens nails well and eliminates corns on the feet.
  2. Callus Remover is a glycolic acid based drug. It has a softening effect, disinfecting and anti-inflammatory. The express action of the liquid blade will eliminate a coarse toenail in one pedicure session.
  3. Balbcare is a gel based on natural ingredients. The glycerin contained in the composition reliably softens the nails, and also softens the coarsened skin of the feet.

How to soften the nails of an elderly person?

The problem of a coarse nail is very relevant for the elderly. The nails not only thicken, but also turn yellow, bend, and the surface of the plate becomes uneven, ribbed. And cutting off such nails is very difficult. How to soften thick toenails in the elderly?

aged people
  1. Kombucha is a time-tested remedy. To do this, cut a piece of Kombucha and divide it into interlayers. On coarse nails paste these layers in 2-3 layers, wrap with a band-aid. The procedure is done at night, and in the morning removed using apple cider vinegar. A few such sessions - and the nail will become softer, and cutting it will become much easier.
  2. Bath of essential oils. It is prepared from the following oils, each of which needs to be taken in 5 drops: lavender, orange, lemongrass and rose, add them to 0.5 liters of boiled hot water. This foot bath is taken daily for 2 weeks. The nail will become noticeably softer and healthier.


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