Italian salad with pasta. Quick and tasty

The rich Italian cuisine, elevated to the rank of art, is dominated, first of all, by the famous Italian pasta dishes.

Traditional spaghetti with various sauces and without them is prepared by any hostess. Special skills are not required here, and such dishes always help out. But you can diversify the diet and cook Italian salad with pasta for your family.

See for yourself that no matter what recipe of Italian pasta salad you take, a dish prepared according to it will always delight you with its amazing taste. We will pamper the household and prepare such a salad - “Italian with pasta”.

Following the directions on the package, you need to boil 100 grams of pasta (it’s better to take small or baby pasta, it will turn out even more interesting), throw it in a colander. Add a little olive oil, mix and leave to cool. Cut into small cubes (about 1x1 cm) 250 grams of ham, put in a large bowl, add 280 grams of canned corn (without liquid), peeled seeds and chopped one bell pepper, 300 grams of cherry tomatoes cut in half, 150 grams of grated on a coarse grater of rennet cheese and cooled pasta.

Next, you need to beat finely chopped greens and half the onion head in a blender, adding spices (ground coriander and black pepper), salt and 4 liters to taste. olive oil. Add the prepared mixture to the salad and mix thoroughly.

The dish is ready! This Italian salad with pasta turns out to be juicy and satisfying, therefore it can replace the whole lunch.

Another recipe for Italian pasta salad (for 6 servings): scald with boiling water 2 tomatoes and peel. Then, in boiled and cooled 250 grams of Italian pasta such as bows, add finely chopped 1 cucumber, 1 head of red onion, tomatoes. Add 100 grams of finely chopped salami and 100 grams of cheese. Mix with sauce made from 4 l. vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, pepper, salt, parsley and mustard to taste.

Such an Italian salad with pasta will certainly be a pleasure.

Among the many recipes in which Italian pasta dishes are presented, the "Rossini Macaroni", the author of which is the famous composer Gioacchino Rossini, who became famous in cooking, holds the palm. It consists in the following: pour 300 grams of pasta with boiling water, then throwing it in a colander, wait until the water drains and thoroughly blot it with a napkin. Cook one kilogram of lean meat in a container with three liters of water, add medium-sized carrots, onions and parsley with celery. Be sure to remove the foam. After the meat is cooked, strain the broth through a double layer of gauze. Bay of pasta with one liter of this broth (always boiling), cook over low heat for 20-25 minutes. Discard the pasta in a colander and, after the moisture has drained, stir with 50 grams of butter. Cut into slices 300 grams of boiled meat.

Next, take 200 grams of beef liver, cut and fry in butter, along with a small amount of thin slices of carrots, parsley and very finely chopped onions (1 tablespoon). And then all this, combining with chopped boiled meat and adding chopped onions (2 tablespoons), should be heated in a pan, lightly pouring with broth. After cooling, turn the mixture twice through a meat grinder. Pepper and salt to taste. Beat two eggs lightly.

On a smooth form, greased with cold oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, alternately lay out a layer of pasta, greased on top each time with an egg, a layer of 3-4 tablespoons of cheese, a layer of mixture with meat. Grease the top layer of pasta with an egg and sprinkle with grated cheese. The dish should be kept in the oven (over medium heat) until a golden crust appears. Sliced ​​pasta slices serve with broth. Bon Appetit!


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