Work ethics: team relationships, model clauses

Labor relations are a special area of ​​social relations. They are subject to not only generally accepted, but also specific ethical standards. Work ethics regulate relations not only within the organization, but also interaction with the external environment.

professional work ethics

The history of the issue

The ethics of labor relations has a long and complex history of development, which is associated with the history of the development of labor. Here are the main steps to pay attention to:

  1. In barbarian times, the desire for creative work was perceived with contempt. The emphasis was on military art. The elite of society were landowners who kept slaves and were deprived of the need to work.
  2. In the ancient period, there was no honor either. Thinkers and politicians enjoyed special respect. There was an opinion about the natural baseness of people engaged in manual labor.
  3. In Christianity, a reassessment of priorities. It was believed that one who does not want to work is not worthy of food. The gravest sin in early Christianity was considered idle life.
  4. In the era of the Reformation, only the worthy position of labor and the baseness of idleness were strengthened. Vagrancy was condemned at the legislative level. The moral duty was considered the transformation and decoration of life.
  5. In the era of romanticism, the first steps were taken towards capitalism. The value itself was gained not so much by labor itself as by the ability and ability to earn material wealth.
  6. In capitalism, the value of entrepreneurial ability is noted.
  7. Protestant ethics means high quality work.

Components of Ethics

Work ethic includes the following main components:

  1. Values ​​are generalized assessments of life principles that are constantly attractive to the vast majority of people.

  2. Rights are a certain space for actions of an individual.

  3. Responsibilities - limiting the space for personal actions.

  4. Moral norms - moral requirements inherent in a particular social group.

  5. Relationships are established relationships between people.

work ethic

Ethical levels

Work ethics is implemented at several levels. Namely:

  • public - the interaction of the organization with society as a whole (including consumers and suppliers);

  • organizational - interaction within the organization (between colleagues, between employees and superiors);

  • individual - moral aspects of the interaction between specific individuals within the organization.

Key Points

The basic norms of work ethics can be formulated as follows:

  1. It is necessary to fulfill the promises given to the collective (or collective).
  2. The thought of harming someone in the organization must be discarded.
  3. It is necessary to help each other both in working matters and in personal affairs.
  4. It is necessary to respect the identity of each employee, regardless of his position in the organizational hierarchy.
  5. It is necessary to strictly follow the rules of labor discipline.
  6. It is necessary to exclude any actions that are contrary to the interests of the work collective and the organization as a whole.
  7. It is important to be correct and attentive towards colleagues.
  8. It is worth refraining from public assessments of the personal and professional qualities of colleagues.
  9. It is important that more experienced employees share their knowledge with other team members.
  10. It is important to realize responsibility not only for one’s own work, but also for the results of the entire team.
  11. It is necessary to condemn acts that are sharply contrary to ethical and moral standards.
labor ethics

Influence on the ethics of subordinates

The basis of a productive relationship is work ethics. All employees, without exception, must follow professional ethics. To this end, the leader can use the following methods of influence:

  1. Authoritarian influence through orders, punishments and threats.
  2. A call for ethics through demonstration by example.
  3. The use of a system of informing about moral standards and rules that are mandatory for execution in a team (leaflets, online mailing, conversations, and so on).
  4. Development of a system of incentives for workers who strictly follow ethical standards.
  5. Creating a favorable moral climate in the team, which would contribute to the establishment of constructive and friendly relations between employees.

Manager Requirements

Despite the fact that the responsibility for the observance of work ethics and morality lies with the entire work collective, the main attention is focused on the head. It is he who sets the example for employees. Here are the requirements that it must meet (regarding the subject under consideration):

  • knowledge of the main provisions of the ethics of relationships in the workforce, as well as the skills to apply this information in practice;
  • business conversation skills both with equivalent managers and with lower-level employees;
  • the skills of critical analysis of the behavior of subordinates, as well as the adoption of measures appropriate to the conclusions made;
  • ability to combine business activity with relaxation.
work ethics and morality

Rules for the head

For the head of the workforce, ethics is a method of effective influence on subordinates. To maintain a healthy atmosphere and discipline, you should be guided by the following rules:

  1. Link incentives and rewards to activities that increase the organization’s performance.
  2. Publicly reward those people who show high performance and adhere to ethical standards.
  3. Organize the work so that each employee will feel the results of improving the results of the organization.
  4. Encourage employee engagement in management.
  5. Pay attention to the difficulties faced by middle and lower level employees in your organization.
  6. Avoid situations in which the interests of the organization are contrary to the interests of its employees.
  7. Do not try to introduce more stringent labor standards and labor relationships until you can ensure their smooth implementation.
  8. Avoid discrepancies between the declared norms and the actual situation.
  9. Do not replace the concept of employee income with the general income of the organization.
  10. Do not create privileges for individual employees, so as not to create tension in the work team.
labor ethics

Subordinate Requirements

Do not underestimate the role of ordinary employees in creating a healthy moral climate in the enterprise. If the leader is the foundation, then the subordinates are the “building blocks” that make up a powerful organization. In moral and ethical terms, they put forward the following requirements:

  1. Do not create unnecessary problems for the boss. If the solution to the issue is within your power and within your competence, you should not once again distract the higher.
  2. Do not distract the boss in tense moments. Postpone your question until the leader is free and in a good mood.
  3. If you notice that the leader is wrong, report it to him in a respectful and delicate form.
  4. Engage in dialogue with your superiors in a polite and respectful tone, but do not fawn in front of him.
  5. If you do not have time to complete the assigned work on time, notify the boss in advance.
  6. Do not communicate with senior management, bypassing your immediate superior.
work ethic

Features of a self-actualizing employee

Each manager wants self-actualizing employees to work in his organization. That is, those that put the interests of the enterprise and the standards of work ethics above their own interests and benefits. Here are the main features of a self-actualizing employee:

  • takes pleasure in doing his job efficiently;
  • takes pleasure in finding a way out of difficult situations;
  • works enthusiastically and passionately;
  • refers to work as to some personal matter;
  • seeks to turn chaos into order and bring morality to a disoriented collective;
  • Enjoys helping colleagues on work issues.
  • consider their work very important both at the scale of the organization and at the scale of society as a whole;
  • selflessly strives for self-improvement.

Gender aspects

Recently, more and more attention has been paid to the gender aspects of work ethics. In teams where both men and women work, the following rules are established:

  • in labor disputes, never touch the difference between the sexes;
  • do not allow yourself frivolities in communication:
  • during working hours, the nature of the relationship should be exclusively official;
  • do not interpret friendships as flirting;
  • communicate on equal terms;
  • Do not disclose personal relationships with a colleague, if any.
ethics of relationships in the workforce


Compliance with the rules of work ethics is the key to the successful functioning of the organization. Indeed, the effective work of the team is impossible without constructive human relations. Labor ethics can be understood as the practical implementation of generally accepted norms that determine the behavior of people in the process of work. Responsibility for compliance with the rules lies with both the head and each employee of the organization.


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