DIY wardrobe: options, sizes. Walk-in closet. Wardrobe

Wardrobe - an integral part of any apartment or private house. No matter how small the dwelling is, people will always find a place for a chest of drawers or his older brother. After all, this is the most important place for storing not only clothes, but also various items (home bookkeeping, boxes with appliances, shoes, and so on). Today you can not only buy a ready-made wardrobe, but also order furniture according to individual parameters. We suggest you find out how you can make a wardrobe with your own hands.

Dressing room or wardrobe?


Many, when they hear the word “dressing room”, imagine a room filled with racks and hangers with clothes and shoes. In fact, it may even be a niche nicely furnished. By the way, it can also be done at the place where you plan to put a conventional cabinet. The wardrobe that you have will be much more spacious and roomy. And visually he will not “eat up” the precious space. In other words, a dressing room can serve as an ordinary wardrobe.

The process of creating a wardrobe with your own hands is not fast. It consists of such stages as:

  • seat selection;
  • measurement of sizes;
  • creation of layout and drawings;
  • selection and procurement of materials;
  • wardrobe assembly.

Storage Features

Walk-in closet

Have you noticed that when you open the door of an ordinary cabinet, some aroma comes from there? This is because ventilation is not provided in familiar wardrobes. In a modern dressing room, an air ventilation system is a prerequisite for designing a cabinet. No complicated and intricate systems. Enough to have natural ventilation. And then there will be no smell of mustiness and other amber. Ventilation can be achieved by indenting doors from the top of the cabinet, creating special slots, or creating a small ventilation hole.

You also need to think through lighting. If the wardrobe is made shallow with your own hands, then you can do without light. But if the dressing room is wider than a conventional cabinet, then for convenience it is necessary to conduct wiring for at least one spotlight.

Ventilation and lighting are important. But the main point is the organization of the storage system. DIY wardrobe can be made of one of the following types:

  • rack;
  • wardrobe corner;
  • pencil case;
  • niche.

Storage designs for each species are different. Somewhere hanging clothes can only be stored on pull-out rods, somewhere familiar. The dressing room may have drawers or shelves. All this depends not only on desires, but also on the capabilities of the room and the size of the structure itself.


do-it-yourself wardrobe

Making a wardrobe with your own hands, you yourself decide which materials you will use. At this point, by the way, you can save. Indeed, even what is already at home can be used.

The best material for the basis of the structure are wooden sheets (particle boards). They are able to withstand the entire load of the structure, and also has a number of useful properties. Among which is the absorption of moisture and its gradual return.

If you need dock sashes, then it is better to buy new material. For the internal filling, sheets of chipboard that are at hand (for example, from an old wardrobe) are suitable . By the way, in many stores there is a free service for cutting material. Therefore, it is already possible to cut a tree on the spot, and at home it remains only to assemble the structure.

What will the dressing room be - the dimensions of the structure

wardrobe drawings

The size of the smallest dressing room is from 1.2 to 1.5 square meters. meter. That is, it is a rectangle in which one side is 1.2 or 1.5 meters, and the other is 1 meter. By the way, there is one trick that will allow you to put more things in a small dressing room. Just make it angular, not rectangular. Most often, with a width of 1 meter, customers choose a cabinet length from 2 to 2.5 meters. A lot of things will fit in such a wardrobe, and it will occupy almost the same area as a three-leaved wardrobe.

In addition to dimensions, you need to know also other cabinet parameters:

  • The height of the compartment for outerwear varies from 100-150 cm from the floor to the level of the bar. Plus, you need to throw another 10 cm from the bar to the upper crossbar.
  • The height of shoe and hat shelves is from 10 cm.
  • Linen shelves in height usually make from 250 to 450 mm.

The depth of the wardrobe is from 65 to 100 cm. As a rule, this is enough for the hangers to be functional and the doors to close normally.

Knowing these parameters, you can easily understand how large the cabinet is and how the project will look.

Wardrobe layout

dressing room project

Any wardrobe room should consist of at least two compartments - for hanged clothes and for folded. That is, in one there will be a bar for hangers, and in the other - shelves and / or boxes.

As for the penultimate element, it is best to buy special iron shelves for dressing rooms. They have the appearance of a lattice, so that the clothes will be well ventilated. But if you are an adherent of the vertical way of storing things, then it is better to focus on the classic version of shelves - from chipboard.

Boxes can also be bought ready-made in the store or ordered to assemble them. But they are easy enough to make yourself. To create them, you need sheets of chipboard and plywood, which will go to the bottom. Cut can be ordered in the same place where you buy the material. It is convenient when the drawers slide out on casters. Therefore, do not forget to buy this mechanism.

Additional internal elements

do-it-yourself wardrobe

Today it’s quite easy to make a wardrobe with your own hands, because you can buy everything separately, including additional accessories for storing various things.

The following devices are available for organizing and storing clothes and other wardrobe items:

  • Horizontal skirts and pants: have the form of transverse slats that are mounted on special guides. Sometimes they also have clips. On such slats you can easily hang skirts and trousers. Things will hang evenly. The system moves forward, making clothes easy to hang and take off.
  • Vertical hangers for skirts and trousers: they look like hangers with several crossbars located one below the other. Such a system is distinguished by a lower price and a compact way of placement.
  • Horizontal and vertical tie hanger. The principle is similar to scrubs and skirts. Only the hangers for ties are much narrower.
  • Retractable brackets for clothes hangers. This is a more expensive alternative to the usual barbells. Ideal when you have a narrow dressing room. The dimensions of this bracket are small, but thanks to the retractable system, you can place a large amount of material deep into the cabinet.
  • Pantograph. This is a bar that has the ability to lower down. A great option to make two levels of hangers. Thus, it turns out to use the space of the cabinet to the very top, while getting things out, you do not have to go behind a stool or stairs. The system of such storage is equipped with a special handle, pulling which you can lower the bar. True, the pantograph has a weight limit - up to 18 kilograms.
  • Various storage systems for shoes. It can be special mini-dressers, hanging organizers, hooks and hangers with clothespins for boots, mesh with hooks and so on. You can find an option for any wallet and for any size wardrobe.


sliding wardrobe

A sliding wardrobe room takes up less space than a wardrobe with wings. And it's not about the dimensions of the wardrobe. Just such a cabinet can be placed even in the narrowest place, you will still have access to its contents. Indeed, for sliding doors do not need a place to open, as in the case of sashes. Therefore, this option of closing-opening the wardrobe is especially appropriate in the corridors, hallways and small bedrooms.

Also, when using sliding doors, there is a wide selection of cabinet designs. You can choose a mirror surface, thereby using a trick with a visual expansion of space, or order photo printing on the doors, or come up with any other design method. It all depends on your fantasies, wishes and financial capabilities.

The flaps also have their advantages. One of them is that it is possible to make shutter doors. Then the issue of ventilation will disappear.

Project creation

dressing room sizes

How the wardrobe room project will look depends on many factors: the size of the space allotted for the wardrobe, design features, and the storage system option.

So, firstly, decide on the place where you put the wardrobe. Drawings of a future project directly depend on whether the cabinet will stand under the wall or be made in an existing niche, whether additional walls and a top cover are needed or not, and so on.

When a place is chosen, decide on this question: what will be the door. Sashes can open or move along special guides. If the doors will open, then they need additional space. As well as for drawers.

After drafting your perfect wardrobe, go on to create a working sketch. It is necessary to clearly calculate the depth and height of the cabinet, as well as the height of each compartment and drawer. This can be done based on the recommended parameters that were mentioned above.

Decide on the layout of the wardrobe. Calculate how many drawers, shelves, shoe compartments, rod size and other accessories are needed for your needs (we’ve already reviewed the additional storage compartments above). Also try to imagine where it will be most convenient for you to use certain storage systems. For example, it is better for you to place the boxes in the left corner, and the bar for placing outerwear and suits - on the right.

Tip: when drawing up a drawing of your dressing room, use ready-made plans that were developed by professionals. Sometimes it's easier to tweak something than to draw everything from scratch.

Design and implementation in specific examples

wardrobe closet

Wardrobe plays an important role, but still remains a utility room. Therefore, the main principle when creating a wardrobe design is to make it not noticeable. This implies the features of choosing a place for a cabinet, and its appearance.

As a rule, the design of the dressing room is developed at the beginning of the repair, and its design is at the very end. When the style of the whole room is already understood, the main palette is defined and so on.

As for the features of the appearance of the dressing room, which depend on the place of its implementation, we will consider specific examples below.

Wardrobe from the pantry or any other niche

DIY dressing room from the pantry

A do-it-yourself wardrobe from the pantry is the easiest option you can come up with. The question of place and size goes aside. It remains to consider only the ventilation and lighting system, as well as the configuration option. It also turns out to save a lot on materials - the cabinet box is already there, and it is very durable, you need to buy only wood for shelves and additional accessories for organizing storage, as well as making doors.

Such a wardrobe can be created not only in the pantry, but also on a glazed loggia or in niches in the walls. The principle of work in these places is the same as with the arrangement of the wardrobe room in the pantry.

Wardrobe corner

DIY wardrobe

This option will turn out a little more expensive than the first, but will be more optimal. After all, most often pantries are located in the hallway, and there it is not always convenient to make a dressing room. Therefore, it is better to assemble a wardrobe corner in the bedroom. True, if the sleeping room is less than 16 square meters, then there is practically no space left for such a cabinet.

An embodiment of the wardrobe corner can be seen in the photo above. As you can see, storage compartments are placed on the walls in the corner of the room, and the doors are fixed on the sides. In creating such a dressing room, a minimum of auxiliary materials is used.

Wardrobe case

wardrobe depth

A pencil case is a narrow and tall cabinet. It takes up quite a bit of space, so it is suitable for small rooms. An example of the implementation of such a closet is the placement of a wardrobe on the sides of the bed (instead of bedside tables).

The internal content of the wardrobe-pencil case is slightly different. No, the compartment with shelves and drawers remains the same. But to store outerwear, blouses, trousers, skirts, dresses and other things that are best stored in suspension, you will have to buy a retractable bar.

By the way, the doors here will be wide open, as there is no room for retractable ones. Therefore, you need to provide a place for their opening.


do-it-yourself wardrobe

Wardrobe rack - a classic version of the design of cabinets. The materials for its creation go the most, since it is necessary to make side walls - the basis of the wardrobe. But with the complete set and internal filling, the situation here is much simpler. You can even save something. For example, make only compartments for shelves and a regular bar, and abandon other accessories and designs.

It is worth noting that when creating a wardrobe-rack all profiles and guides, to which all the contents of the cabinet are attached, are attached to the wall. Therefore, it should be made of concrete or brick, and not of drywall. Since the load on the profiles and the guide is very large. Drywall simply can not cope with this task.

As for the exterior design, wardrobes-racks are usually made with sliding doors. And, as mentioned above, they can be ordered absolutely any kind. Therefore, such wardrobes are perfectly written out to any room, without attracting special attention.


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