Keywords "Yandex" - help in promoting the site

Few ordinary Internet users think about how search engines can determine which sites to show in the first place and which to put on pages starting with the second one based on his requests. But those who at least once tried on a copywriter or rewriter overalls, of course, know this little secret. Yandex keywords are one way to optimize the site’s content (content) so that Yandex or Google give preference to this particular resource.

Yandex keywords
By and large, keys are the most frequently repeated requests. You can find out which combinations or just words are the most popular in the search thanks to the service. The site has a filter, by entering the necessary phrase in the menu, after a second you get a page of four columns. The first contains the keywords "Yandex" in its pure form, as well as with the "plus sign" options for their use. The second is the frequency of requests. The third is alternative keyword phrases. The fourth - again, the frequency of requests per month.

The statistics of keywords on Yandex will allow you to choose such combinations that are sure to help promote the Internet resource to more advantageous positions in search engines. But do not abuse this technique. Otherwise, the site will be perceived as garbage (spam). And then search robots will simply exclude this page from the index. On the advice of experienced optimizers, there are several correct tricks on how to use the Yandex keywords:

  1. Use in the nominative case in the title of the article, but so that it is
    Yandex keyword statistics
    part of the sentence.
  2. Fill the body of the text with key phrases from two to four, evenly distributing them.
  3. Provide the article with an image, photograph, picture, in the title (title) of which use the keywords "Yandex".

Specialized services help in the work of a copywriter, rewriter, content manager. As already mentioned, the selection of keywords "Yandex" begins with entering them in the search But here it is necessary to pay special attention to the second column - the frequency of requests. Remember, this is not the number of visits to search engines per month, but the sum of the entire second column. How to determine a pure number. The search word in the search must either be enclosed in quotation marks or an exclamation mark must be placed next to it. It is better to use one and the second operator at the same time. That is, the request will look like this: "! The request will look like this." Only in this case, you can get the net number of keywords searched per month. If you enter with one operator - an exclamation mark (!), Then the statistics of Yandex will reflect not only the keyword, but also the phrases containing it. A separate operator - quotation marks ("") will count all word forms associated with the keyword.

Yandex keyword selection
Since website optimization for search engine queries should be as accurate as possible, it must be understood that incoming keywords and phrases should be as correct as possible. So, for example, if a request was entered ignoring operators, and its frequency is 100 per month, then in reality it can be much less.

Almost the same are considered keywords from Google. But this is the topic of a separate article.


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