Sergey Lukyanenko: bibliography and list of all books

The bibliography of Sergey Lukyaneno is very extensive. This is one of the most famous science fiction writers in modern Russia. On his account dozens of novels and storybooks. First of all, fame was brought to him by the works “Night Watch” and “Day Watch”, which were filmed by Timur Bekmambetov, becoming truly cult.

Writer Sergey Lukyanenko

The bibliography of Sergei Lukyanenko looks very impressive. He wrote his first novel back in 1992, when he was 24 years old. He was born in the city of Karatau in the territory of the Kazakh SSR. At first, he imitated the famous Soviet science fiction writer Vladislav Krapivin, but eventually found his own unique style.

It is interesting that by education Lukyanenko is a psychiatrist, he graduated from the medical institute in Almaty. He began to write in the late 80s. He moved to Moscow only in 1996, by which time he was already a well-known writer whose books were published in enviable runs.

Lukyanenko is married to Sofia Kosichenko. She is also a doctor, she graduated from the Kazakh State University with a degree in child psychology. They have three children - Artemy, Daniel and Nadezhda.

First novel

Forty Isle Races

Sergei Lukyanenko’s bibliography should begin with his first novel, “Knights of the Forty Islands,” which was published in 1992.

The action takes place in the world of the Forty Islands, created by an extraterrestrial civilization. This is an artificial training ground where studies are conducted of the behavior models of the most promising children from planet Earth. On it, doubles of real earthly children are created and placed on one of the islands. There they have to fight with the rest for the right to return home, using wooden swords, which at some point can turn into steel ones.

At the same time, the guys themselves understand that they are under the dome, and when the alien technique fails, they break free.

In 1995, the novel received the award "Sword of Rumata" for the best fantastic work in the heroic-romantic genre.

Timeline of creativity

There are two ways to talk about Sergey Lukyanenko’s bibliography: present novels in chronological order or break them down into series. Imagine the works of science fiction in that and in another form. Let's start with the bibliography of Sergei Lukyanenko over the years.

Already in 1996, he wrote three novels at once - “The Lines of Dreams”, “The Lord from the Planet Earth” and “Emperors of Illusions”. 97th turns out to be one of the most fruitful in his career - 6 novels are published - Stars - Cold Toys, Not Time for Dragons, Island Russia, Boy and Darkness, Labyrinth of Reflections, Autumn Visits .

In 1998, Lukyanenko wrote Star Shadow, Cold Shores and the cult Night Watch. The next year, Fake Mirrors and Genome are released, and in 2000, Morning Is Coming and Day Watch are coming.

After that, he is released on average one novel a year or two. In 2001, "Dancing on Ice" was released, in 2002 - "Spectrum", in 2003 - "Twilight Watch", in 2005 - "Draft" and "The Last Watch", in 2007 - " Chistovik ", in 2009 -" Nedotepa ", in 2010 -" Fidget ", in 2012 -" New Watch ", in 2013 -" School Supervision "and" Outpost ", in 2014 - "Reverse," Self-willed "," Seal of Dusk "," Precinct "and" Sixth Watch.

His last novel at the moment was published in 2016, it was called Quasi. Here is a list of all books by Sergey Lukyanenko. We will divide the bibliography into series.


The night Watch

Lukyanenko’s most famous series is dedicated to Watch. The bibliography of Sergei Lukyanenko in series allows you to get acquainted with the work of the author.

The action of the first part of the novel takes place in modern Moscow, in which, in addition to the world of ordinary people, Others live. These include wizards, magicians, vampires, werewolves, witches and other evil spirits. At the same time, Others are divided into Dark and Light. Good has not entered into an open confrontation with Evil for a long time, maintaining a fragile balance.

In order to maintain equilibrium in the world, any bright magical effect must be balanced by a dark matter. Organizations of Other Patrols are just watching to ensure that this balance is respected.

In the first novel of this series, vampires discover an illegal hunt for people, one of which becomes a potential Other named Yegor. In parallel, another storyline is developing, connected with the girl Svetlana, over whose head, for an unknown reason, a terrible black funnel of curses hangs, which can destroy the Russian capital.

A bright one by the name of Anton Gorodetsky is a participant in both of these stories. He becomes the central character in the complex multi-way leaders of both Watch. When the extermination of the Dark Ones takes place one after another in the Russian capital, it is Anton who becomes the main suspect.

Hiding from the persecution of the Day Watch, he manages to find the true culprit, in addition, he learns that the Light Forces are engaged in intrigues.

The bibliography of Dozorov by Sergey Lukyanenko is best known to his fans. In addition to The Night Watch, the novels The Day Watch, The Twilight Watch, The Last Watch, The New Watch, and The Sixth Watch were published.

Dream Line

Dream line

In the Dream Line series, the bibliography of Sergei Lukyanenko in chronological order opens the novel Shadows of Dreams. It tells about the life of the Orthodox Russian colony, which is located in the Novo-Kitezh system. A ship invades the planet, which, even during the Time of Troubles, went to the hyperspace of space at ultrahigh speed, so its braking lasted several hundred years.

Moreover, only a few days passed on the ships themselves during this time. Therefore, crew members are still going to fulfill their order, although the war ended several centuries ago.

The next books in this series are the novels “Line of Dreams” and “Emperors of Illusions”.


Labyrinth of reflections

Well-known series "Deeptown" by Sergey Lukyanenko. The bibliography in chronological order opens the novel "Labyrinth of reflections."

In it, events unfold in modern St. Petersburg and in parallel in the virtual city "Deeptown", which was created after the advent of the opportunity to move into virtual reality.

Only special people who call divers can move freely between worlds, the rest have to use special devices. The main character of the first novel is faced with the task of saving a user who is stuck in it from a computer game.

The novels Fake Mirrors and Transparent Stained Glass also appeared in this series.


Dancing in the snow

Lukyanenko began writing the Genome series from the novel Dancing in the Snow, which was released in 2001.

The action of this work takes place on an almost unsuitable planet for life called Quarry. From there, only thanks to perseverance and incredible luck, the main character manages to fly away - the young Tikkeria.

He finds himself on the planet New Kuwait, which is captured by the Frost Federation, affecting the brain of the inhabitants of the planet. Tikkery escapes from New Kuwait by flying with his friend and secret agent, whose name is Stas, to distant Avalon. However, they have to return when phage agents violate the peace of the Empire in order to find out who actually controls the interplanetary alliance.

Travel through interplanetary spaces continues in the novels "Genome" and "Cripples."


Roman Fidget

The Trix cycle includes only two novels - Nedotepa and Fidget.

The books describe the adventures of a young man named Trix Sollier, who is the heir to a noble duke, in a world very similar to the Middle Ages on Earth. However, here in the vicinity of ordinary people, magicians act who can handle otherworldly forces, necromancers, minotaurs and zombies.


Roman Zastava

The Borderland series opens the novel Outpost. As is often the case with Lukyanenko, events unfold in parallel in our world and the Centrum world, everyone can get into, but only if they guess how.

A key character named Ivan Pereslavsky in the Centrum turns out to be completely random, he likes it here and he plans not to return. Once, everyone who serves along with them at an outpost is being detained. It turns out that among them is a spy from the neighboring Universe, whose goal is to destroy all the oil and plastic on Earth, which will throw civilization back several centuries. Ivan helps to find a secret agent and save his world.


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