Addiction prevention

How to deal with drug addiction? This issue is of interest to modern society, since the distribution and use of drugs is a global problem that affects dozens of large, economically developed countries. Unfortunately, every year there are more and more patients with drug addiction. Today, there are more than 20 types of drugs, most of which are banned in Russia and other countries of the world.

How to get rid of drug addiction is very difficult to say. Despite the prohibitions on the distribution of drugs, on the criminal liability for trade in these substances, the number of drug addicts is increasing in arithmetic progression. About 30 million people in the world use drugs, most of which are people aged 15-20 years. The fight against this phenomenon is necessary, and the prevention of drug addiction should begin in childhood.

School is the place where they should take place: preventive work to combat drug addiction, agitation of a healthy lifestyle, the creation of normal psychological conditions. To work with difficult teenagers who are at risk, psychologists and social educators should be involved.

Prevention of drug addiction in the school should have an individual focus, because Each teenager has personal qualities, feelings, problems, interests and opinions. Teachers, having extensive experience in working with children, should explain to them the causes of drug addiction, talk about the symptoms of the disease, the possible consequences that occur after the use of psychotropic substances. You can not ignore the types of drugs that are most common in the underground business. It is better if the child learns about it from the lips of a professional educator or psychologist than immediately tries to “taste” ecstasy or LSD.

Prevention of drug addiction should have a clear pedagogical concept. First, you need to get primary information about the attitude of adolescents to drugs. This will make it possible to distinguish groups into subgroups of addicted and not addicted to the use of psychotropic substances. You can get this information by testing with students. If you get answers like “I would try narcotic drugs so as not to stand out among my peers,” then you should “sound the alarm” and take such students to special control.

Secondly, the class teacher should educate his children so that they can defend their opinion in society, have their own outlook on life and are not afraid to look like black sheep among friends and peers. This goal will help children overcome difficulties that arise in life, conflicts with loved ones, without going to extremes, that is, without using drugs.

Thirdly, each experienced teacher should study the relationship of children and parents, the level of family income, the place of residence of the child, and, of course, the relationship in the classroom, since problems in these areas, in most cases, push teenagers to use light psychotropic drugs first substances, and then more severe drugs.

When problems are identified, the teacher is obliged to inform the social worker and psychologist about them, who will select an individual methodology for working with the child, his parents, conduct discussions in the classroom in case of conflict, and help relieve a nervous breakdown.

Prevention of drug addiction is the only means in the fight against this disease, which has acquired a worldwide color. To avoid the death of the entire young generation, for whom the future of our country, it is necessary to fight precisely with the causes of drug addiction, and not with its consequences. Indeed, it is impossible to force a person to give up drugs until he realizes that he is sick. But in most cases this awareness does not occur due to the fact that many drug addicts do not live to see it, due to overdoses or acquired fatal diseases.


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