How to make a watch from a plate with your own hands: the best options

The purpose of the article is to tell the reader how to make a watch out of a plate. The advantages of this product are its unique design and simple manufacture from improvised materials. The main thing is to find an old record, which many consider a useless thing. But masters know how to make unusual objects out of it. Making a watch from a plate is an easy task, for which you need to study further information.

Setting the clockwork

vinyl record

A homemade product needs to be equipped with this part. In this case, you will have to install a clockwork with arrows directly on the plate. To make an original watch, you first need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Fix the main part of the mechanism on the glue exactly in the center. The main condition of this stage is to fix the device on the end side of the plate.
  2. Set the arrows that should exit through the center hole.

A feature of vinyl records is simple processing, because they are easily cut and melted. Thanks to this advantage, you can make a watch of almost any shape. After completion of the initial work, it is necessary to decorate the product. There are several methods for making a watch out of a plate:

  • creating the desired shape after heating;
  • cutting out the contour with a hand jigsaw or drill;
  • decoupage of the source material.

The last option is the technique of designing the item, the essence of which is to apply a layer of varnish to the product, and after it dries, glue a special napkin with a pattern or ornament on the surface of the watch. Each of the methods needs to be considered in more detail.

How to make your own watch from a plate by heating - instructions

watch from a plate

Simply installing the mechanism is not enough to make an unusual device. Therefore, a good option for creating an original product is to heat the plate, for example, in the oven and give the material the desired shape. To make a watch yourself using this method, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Heat the oven to a certain temperature and put an unnecessary plate in it.
  2. Remove the material after a few minutes and give it the desired shape with your hands.
  3. Fix the clockwork in the center of the harvested product.

Do not forget about safety - the described work must be carried out in heat-resistant gloves.

The use of a drill for the manufacture of watches from a plate

watch making

In order not to damage the mechanism, it is advisable to remove it for the duration of the work. To make your own watch from an unusual shape of a plate, you must follow this technique:

  1. Apply a pattern to the source material (disk). If there are no artistic skills, you can use a ready-made stencil for these purposes. It must be attached to the base and carefully outlined. The main thing is to make the right pattern, otherwise in the end the clock will turn out ugly.
  2. Saw the vinyl record with a drill or a hand jigsaw along the marked lines. This stage must be performed carefully, since it is likely to accidentally damage parts of the source material that were not outlined during the application of the pattern.
  3. Draw with a pencil on the plate the numbers, which then need to be cut with a drill along the contour. The result is a dial.
  4. Sand uneven edges with a file or sandpaper.
  5. Fasten the clockwork.

When performing the described work, do not apply excessive force. All steps are preferably carried out on a stable surface.

Decoupage plates for watches

decoupage of a watch from a plate

This method is the best option for creating a product that will complement the interior of the house. As a result, it will not even be visible what material it is made of. Before you make a wall clock from vinyl records, you need to prepare the following items:

  • napkins, glue and paints for decoupage;
  • brush;
  • miniature scissors;
  • clockwork.

To manufacture the product, you need to follow the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Cover the plate with white paint to get a high-quality base coat. The vinyl surface is easy to paint, but the coating should be uniform, so this step is preferably performed several times.
  2. Paint the plate with water-based varnish to create decorative cracks.
  3. Wait a few hours for the paint to dry completely.
  4. Decorate the prepared surface with special napkins on which various patterns or images can be depicted. In addition, the product can be decorated with small items (for example, artificial flowers and coffee beans). To fix the jewelry, you need to process the painted coating with a small layer of glue for decoupage. The main thing is to glue the edges of the patterns onto the watch from the plate with high quality.
  5. Set the clockwork and paint the dial using a brush and paint.


Summing up, we can say that making a watch from a plate with your own hands is a simple task. However, it is recommended that you practice thin plywood first, as vinyl is a brittle material. Nevertheless, thanks to the information provided in this article, everyone will be able to independently make this simple and necessary product. In addition, it is not necessary to buy a clockwork: if there are unnecessary watches, the part can be removed from them.


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