Savenkov Alexander Ilyich: biography and research

Savenkov Alexander Ilyich - professor, doctor of sciences in the field of pedagogy and psychology. An outstanding psychologist devoted his life to creating programs for the identification and development of gifted children. He has written many scientific works and practical manuals for teachers and educators.


Savenkov Alexander Ilyich was born on September 25, 1957 in a small village in the Novosibirsk Region. He grew up an ordinary Soviet boy. He was fond of sports, went to an ordinary rural school. Nevertheless, the guy was distinguished by outstanding abilities in the field of humanitarian disciplines.

After school, Alexander entered the NGPI. In 1983, he received a diploma from the faculty of graphic arts of NGPI.

The newly minted teacher did not stop there and, according to the target program, went to Moscow.

In 1988, Alexander Ilyich Savenkov defended his Ph.D.

Alexander Ilyich Savenkov is an example of a scientist who is engaged in self-education and does not get tired to develop throughout life.

Alexander Savenkov

At the age of 40, he defended his thesis on "The Pedagogical Foundations of the Development of Productive Thinking of Gifted Children", which he wrote with the support and guidance of Dr. ped. sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Education A.M. Matyushkina. So in 1997, Alexander Ilyich became a doctor of pedagogical sciences.

Despite such a high pedagogical title, Savenkov felt a gap in knowledge in the field of educational psychology. Developing the theory of giftedness and developing a methodology for working with gifted children, the scientist seriously engaged in deepening knowledge in the psychology of childhood and education.

This encouraged him to write and defend a doctoral dissertation, which revealed the main points in the development of capable children in an educational environment. So, in 2002, Alexander Ilyich Savenkov received a doctorate in psychological sciences.

In the professional field, Alexander Ilyich has reached great heights. He is a teacher at the Moscow State Pedagogical University, head of the department of educational psychology and director of the IISE Moscow State Pedagogical University.

But this did not stop the scientist in 2012 from completing the master's program at Moscow State Pedagogical University under the training program “Psychology of Education Management”.

“Learn to live forever” - this proverb describes the life of Alexander Ilyich Savenkov as accurately as possible.

Scientific and pedagogical activity

The doctor of science devoted his life to the study of children's giftedness. He developed a program for the diagnosis and development of giftedness. He has released many scientific articles and practical manuals on the organization of work with preschool children and primary school students. Under his leadership, an experimental program “A gifted child in a mass school” was created and is actively being introduced into the practice of Russian schools. Today, this program has been adopted by some schools in Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Khabarovsk and other cities of our vast Motherland.

Another area that Alexander Ilyich Savenkov is actively developing is the research activity of preschoolers and elementary school students. This topic is devoted to many scientific works of an outstanding teacher-psychologist.

Savenkov is the author of a unique program, a methodology of research training for preschoolers. Alexander Ilyich Savenkov initiated the organization in 2005 of a competition of research works and creative projects “I am a researcher”, in which children from 4 to 11 years old take part. The Doctor of Science himself is the permanent chairman of the jury of this All-Russian Competition for Young Researchers.

Project activities and the development of research skills have become particularly relevant in the context of the introduction of GEF in Russian schools.

In 2016, Alexander Ilyich was elected to the position of corresponding member of RAO.

IGO Director

Social work

Alexander Ilyich takes an active public position.

On a voluntary basis, he is an assistant to a member of the Federation Council V.S. Kosourova.

An outstanding scientist was invited to the Expert Council of the Committee of the Council of the Federation, dealing with issues of science, education, culture and information policy.

Alexander Ilyich is also part of the expert group on the development of the social infrastructure of childhood and the safety of children's products.

Recently, Savenkov holds the position of expert in the Committee on Family, Women and Children of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

At the international scientific-practical conference


For his educational activities, Alexander Savenkov was awarded the Diploma of the Council of the Federation of the Russian Federation.

Work with gifted children

Savenkov has been dealing with children's giftedness for over 30 years. He developed a program to identify the inclinations and abilities of young children. Issued a series of recommendations on the development of these abilities and practical manuals for parents and teachers. Alexander Ilyich insists that with the right approach this or that kind of giftedness can be detected and revealed in most children. He outlined his thoughts in scientific works devoted to the study of the phenomenon of giftedness and the development of the hidden abilities of children.

  • "Gifted children in kindergarten and school";
  • "A gifted child in a mass school";
  • "Diagnosis and development of children's giftedness";
  • "The path to giftedness. Research behavior of preschoolers."
How to teach to acquire knowledge

Research program

In his scientific work, he devotes much attention to the development of the research abilities of pupils of preschool institutions and primary school students. In his writings, the scientist argues that children are researchers by nature. That is why the educational process must be built in support of research activities. Education should not be problematic, only then it will lead to success, it will be interesting for the child.

The author describes the research teaching methodology in detail in his scientific articles and manuals for parents and teachers. These include the books of Savenkov Alexander Ilyich on the organization and implementation of the basics of research training:

  • "Content and organization of research training for schoolchildren";
  • "Psychological foundations of a research approach to learning."
Savenkova Book

In total, the bibliography of Alexander Savenkov consists of more than 340 scientific publications that reveal the problems of psychology, pedagogy, and psychodidactics.

The products of a scientist’s activity are in demand not only among educators. Responsible parents find in Savenkova’s books answers to such important questions as teaching a daughter or son to read, what to do if a child does not want to learn, how to help his child master knowledge "and others.


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