Secrets of McDonald's. McDonald's Marketing

Today, the McDonald's fast food chain is perhaps the most recognizable in the world, since thousands of these establishments work in dozens of countries. The company has developed its own corporate style of serving food, which appealed to millions of visitors. Many of us like to come here after work or on weekends to chat with friends or family.

But few people know that there are real secrets of McDonald's, which only employees know about. In this article we will try to reveal them. Believe me, after reading this information, you will change your mind about this restaurant chain forever. So, we describe the 20 secrets of “McDonald's”, which you had no idea.

Own “bible”

We had no idea that the corporate culture in the familiar “Macs” was so strong that we even introduced our own “Bible” here. Of course, it does not speak about any religious beliefs, but only gives detailed instructions on how personnel should act in certain situations. The size of such instructions is not quite familiar to us - it is about 750 pages of text that literally describes each employee’s action. It concerns, in particular, cashiers, cooks in the kitchen, cleaners and so on.

operating mode “McDonald's”

The fast and smooth operation of McDonald's requires that such a set of rules exist. As a result, each employee works like a screw in one large mechanism, which is what restaurant managers seek.

Again, the presence of step-by-step rules makes it possible not to think about how to get out of this or that situation - just turn to the document.

Artificial smell and taste of products

In order to extend the shelf life of ingredients that are added to the same cheeseburgers (and not only), they are delivered to McDonald's in a frozen state. It is only during cooking that the onions, potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes are heated, which leads to their transition to a normal state (by which we eat them). True, few people think that frozen vegetables, after thawing them, lose their smells and tastes. What do you think, how to deceive customers in such a way that they do not feel it? You see, if the food was tasteless, no one would take it.

The solution is obvious - the addition of artificial colors and flavors. With the right ratio and correctly selected cooking technology, even thawed potatoes acquire an incredibly seductive smell, which we feel when we order something here. In addition, the aroma of food, felt directly on the trading floor, is also created artificially. Or do you think that the food from the McDonald's smells so strong that its smell remains even in the halls?

Order and cleanliness

The management of the restaurant chain pays considerable attention to cleanliness. If you look closely at the staff of the institution, you can see that the cleaners wash the floor almost constantly. Although, if you think logically, the sense of driving a rag while a dozen visitors will immediately follow it is not enough.

In fact, such “preventive” cleanings are carried out so often in order to make the client understand: everything is perfectly clean here, we follow this. Perhaps these are not the secrets of McDonald’s, but you probably haven’t thought about this before.

Secrets of McDonald’s

Another thing is when someone drops drinks or food on the floor. Then the cleaner comes instantly and eliminates the consequences of the incident.

By the way, if you lose your food in this way (dropped Cola, for example), do not worry - the seller must give you a new portion. So feel free to ask if this happened near the checkout.

In general, as you understand, the McDonald's operating mode presumes the personnel’s responsibilities to regularly carry out cleaning procedures. You, for example, may be asked to wait until he is wiped out before sitting at a table.

Sandwich Freshness

Since the place of work of the domestic McDonald's network is Russia (despite the fact that the company is a native of the USA), there are some nuances with the freshness of cheeseburgers and other sandwiches. In particular, few people know that the lifespan (that is, the period during which it is recommended to use the product) of hamburgers, “cheese” and others is only 20 minutes. Those products that fall within this period have to be thrown away.

However, some managers manipulate time by changing timers (by prolonging them).

Let's hope that such secrets of “McDonald's” are not so common in our country, and this is just a myth, but nonetheless. The advice given by former employees of the network is to ask for a “non-standard” burger, which is likely to be absent at the moment. Then the kitchen will be forced to make a new portion for you, which will definitely be fresh. To do this, ask for a cheeseburger (for example) without a cucumber, onion or ketchup. Believe me, on the whole, its taste will change little - but there will be a guarantee that it has just been assembled for you.

Strength of habit

Did you know that the taste of products at McDonalds is not specifically changed in order to stimulate the visitor to return again? This secret is based on the power of habit. Even the first McDonald's in the 1970s offered customers the same cheeseburgers, big macs and “diners” as they are today. Moreover - the taste of all these dishes is the same all over the world, regardless of where the products are made for their preparation. For this reason, we all know the taste of potatoes, cheeseburger, salad, and more. Even the sauces at McDonald's have even had similar recipes for how many years.

20 secrets of McDonald’s

Inconvenient furniture

The fact that “McDonald's” uses such uncomfortable furniture, you probably also did not notice. But take a closer look - and it really is. Tables and chairs, sofas - all this is done in such a style that it will be difficult to sit on them for a long time. In addition, in the premises of “Mac”, as you can see, there is always little space. This is not about landing positions (which, incidentally, is usually enough), no. This refers to the space for passage through the hall - it is really small. And when someone passes by, most often it happens too close to those sitting.

If you believe in the secrets of “McDonald's”, then this is done specifically in order to reduce the time spent by a person in a restaurant. The administrators resorted to such measures for the reason that many visitors come to the hall, buy a small “potato”, and sit for several hours enjoying free Wi-Fi.

Cold drinks

Have you noticed that cold drinks (Cola, Sprite, Fanta, juices) cost 1.5-2 times cheaper than coffee or tea? Think it's all about the cost? Not really - at least look at how much the same “Cola” costs in a store regarding coffee and tea in small cafes “on the go”. In fact, it happens even the opposite. So why is everything like that in Mac?

“McDonald's” Russia

There is a theory according to which a person’s appetite allows you to play a cold drink, whereas after a hot drink, on the contrary, the feeling of hunger disappears. The restaurant owners set the prices for “Coke” below so that, having bought it, the client also wanted to purchase a cheeseburger or potatoes in the future.

Rejection of the “not”

The secrets of McDonald's from a former employee, which are periodically published in the media, include one more rule - you never knew about it. It is a prohibition to say no. Even in questions from the cashier you will not hear this particle, which at the psychological level inclines a person to refuse. You will more likely be asked: “Do you want potato sauce?” Rather than “Would you like a sauce?”. A trifle, as well, probably plays a significant role.

Always “more”

Many dishes and drinks in the fast-food restaurant chain we are discussing are served in different portions. Of course, the client can order any of them, but often does not specify which one he wants. However, the cashier does not ask, but silently accepts the order. What portion is brought to the client?

sauces at McDonald's

That's right, the bigger one. Firstly, it brings more benefits to the restaurant, and secondly, it saves time in the queue. If the cashier asked the buyer again, and he was also considering his choice, the sale process would be delayed for another extra minute. Therefore, those who do not specify always receive more.

Cashier girls and uniform

A little-known fact, but until the 70s, only guys worked on the McDonald's network. And now in “McDonald's” Russia (as, indeed, the whole world) for the counter lets representatives of both sexes. Why is that?

The company noticed that the girls behind the counter often lead to queue delays for a simple reason - male clients begin to flirt with them. This is especially true of pretty girls who attract more visitors, which means they slow down the sales process even more. What to do in this situation?

Firstly, it is impossible to refuse to hire women. This would cause a lot of protests and qualify as discrimination. Therefore, girls need to be hired, it is inevitable. Secondly, you can hire less beautiful employees or make them those. There is such a theory that working at McDonald’s is available to less attractive girls, but it’s hard to believe in it, because the concept of beauty is purely subjective, and you can still find beautiful cashiers on the Makov network. Therefore, obviously, the uniform allows fighting delays in queues. Please note - it is specially made in such a way as to hide the figure of its owner and make the latter less attractive. The same applies to men - their form of “McDonald's” also clearly does not exhibit in the best light. Due to this, sales are accelerated here.

Location in crowded places

Perhaps this is again not quite a secret - but all the McDonalds are located in such a way that they could not be passed. Note: each restaurant is located at the most crowded intersections and boulevards where potential visitors go from work or from a university, school, and so on. The more active the place, the more likely it is that another “Mac” will open here.

first “McDonald's”

Joy for children

Very often, parents do not want to go to McDonald's, but they are brought here by children. Yes, the guys do not realize the harm from such food, and they like it here - of course, you can’t do without begging and tears. And in order to encourage children to ask their parents to pay a visit to “Mack”, the owners of the network hold special events and events for young visitors. For example, it is the organization of various birthday celebrations; distribution of toys in a special children's menu; balls for every visitor under the age of 6 years with the McDonald's logo. All this allows us to argue that here they are trying in every possible way to give joy to children in all available ways.

Meal replacement

We have already mentioned that if you spilled or dropped something near the cash register, you must return the portion. The same applies to another case - if in the sandwich you found any hair or anything else that is not related to a prescription product. Some use it to eat a portion and get a new portion for free.

Medium potato

One more item from our 20 secrets of “McDonald's”, which concerns potatoes, is portions. We all know (and it is indicated in the menu) that there are three different portions of french fries - small, medium and large. But visitors are not aware that the number of potatoes in large and medium portions is the same, the difference is only in cost and packaging. Just an envelope that is given with a large portion, respectively, a larger one.

food from McDonald’s

Ice cream “Horn”

The most affordable (and so delicious) “Horn” ice cream, if you notice, is always offered with emptiness at the bottom. It turns out that the ice cream itself is somewhat illogical in relation to the glass - on top it looks large, but the bottom of the waffle glass is empty. This is done, of course, to visually increase the entire product. And employees cannot pour the mixture to the very bottom - the machines are designed in this way, and there is a ban on filling the void in a glass. Thus, the restaurant saves a lot.

Additional questions and free glasses

Are you also annoyed by the questions that the cashier asks each time after your order? In particular, they ask you if you want to try a pie or a muffin? In order to refuse, you can add the phrase “all” at the end of your order. And then the cashier will not ask unnecessary questions and, thus, spend your extra time.

At every McDonald's you can get free cups. This can be used, say, to come here with your drink and just sit in the company of friends without ordering anything. Remember that with alcohol you will not be allowed here!

Last visitor

We all know that “Maki” work until the last visitor. At the same time, for the last half hour before the finish, the restaurant doors are locked at the entrance. Thus, no one will come in - but the last guests will be able to finish their servings.

This, of course, does not apply to those institutions that ceased to conduct their activities by the decision of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in the summer of 2014. In general, closed McDonalds became a symbol of the government’s struggle against American business in Russia - but, of course, such measures did not give a real effect, since Russian businessmen suffered.

The riddle of sauces

There is a myth that addictive substances are added to McDonald's sauces. It is for this reason that they are supposedly so tasty.

In fact, they still have something secret - after all, even many employees do not know what they are made of. Therefore, if you do not want to risk your health, we recommend that you refuse to purchase them. Unless, maybe, you can occasionally take it for a test, but obviously, you should not get involved in it. Explaining why they are so delicious is really difficult. But even long work at McDonald’s will not give you a guarantee that you will find out what is included in their composition.


Given the cooking technology at McDonalds, we can confidently say that all the food here is more high-calorie than homemade. At least one menu, consisting of a small sandwich, potatoes and cola, will bring your body more than 60% of the daily calorie intake! At the same time, you will feel hunger after it no later than after a simple meal. It turns out that you want to eat more, but in fact you will consume more.


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