Relocation from Kazakhstan to Russia: procedures, resettlement program, necessary documents, migration services, organizational issues

Migration has always been considered a troublesome and laborious process. In order to legally settle in a new place and obtain citizenship, it is necessary to carry out certain procedures established by the laws of two countries (the state that they leave, and the one they move to).

Recently, the flow of migrants from Kazakhstan to Russia has increased. Relocation to permanent residence in the Russian Federation is of interest not only to Russian Kazakhs, but also to indigenous people. There are several reasons for this, which we will discuss below.

In this article, we will discuss in detail how the resettlement of Kazakhstani citizens to Russia is carried out, what documents for this need to be prepared, and which state institutions to visit. Is it easy to move to a foreign country? Of course not. Therefore, if you decide to travel to Russia from Kazakhstan, tune in to paperwork, various delays and other difficulties. However, if you have previously weighed the pros and cons, then any difficulties will pay off handsomely.

Reasons for moving

In recent years, migration to Russia from Kazakhstan has increased. Statistics show that most often citizens with Russian roots move. Perhaps, at one time, for some reason, they left Russia for Kazakhstan, and now they want to return. Or they have close relatives living on the territory of the Russian Federation. For such people, there is a special program for moving from Kazakhstan to Russia and it is called “Relocation of Compatriots”. Most often, the republic is abandoned due to prejudice and discrimination against Russians. According to statistics, in recent years more than thirty thousand Kazakhs officially receive Russian citizenship every year.

The next provoking factor of the resettlement from Kazakhstan to Russia is the desire of the republic's residents to live better. Russia attracts hundreds of Kazakhs with its standard of living - it is easier to find a well-paid job or start a profitable business here.

Often they leave their homeland due to family circumstances, for example, upon marriage.

Whatever the true reasons for leaving Kazakhstan to Russia, it is necessary to adhere to the rules defined by law. This is what will be discussed below. First, we will discuss how to take advantage of the program for resettlement of compatriots mentioned above. Then we learn the intricacies of moving from Kazakhstan to Russia without a program.

We study legislative acts

If you are thinking about leaving Russia from Kazakhstan, then first you need to familiarize yourself with the postulates of the program that interests us. According to her, migration is possible only if you meet the necessary criteria for resettlement.

For example, it’s not enough just to prove that you have Russian roots. The main thing is that the host state is interested in you. For example, in the framework of the program on compatriots, they will be ready to accept you in almost any region of Russia, but for this it is necessary to meet certain requirements.

There is a certain list of regions for resettlement from Kazakhstan to Russia. Each region has its own requirements for those who wish to live in it migrants. For example, it is important not only to know the Russian language and be able to work, but also to have the necessary education and work experience in certain areas of production. Moreover, information on work experience must be documented, that is, using a work book.

signing a document

The priority regions for the resettlement of Russians from Kazakhstan to Russia are the eastern regions of the federation. This is due to the fact that local residents are massively leaving the city in search of a better and more comfortable life. Therefore, the state is trying to bridge the shortage of its own citizens by luring immigrants into these territories. On the other hand, if you meet the above criteria and find a job at the place of registration, the Russian Federation will allocate considerable “lifting” to your family. What is their total?

If you choose the Irkutsk region, then subject to certain conditions you will be given 150 thousand rubles (plus seventy thousand for each member of your family). After a year and a half, another one is possible, the last payment is ninety thousand rubles (plus fifty thousand for relatives).

So, with the place of residence and the size of the "lifting" decided. Now let's find out what needs to be done in practice.

We get permission in the republic

The process of moving from Kazakhstan to Russia is quite complicated. However, if you travel according to the program, then there is a simplified version.

First, let's talk about what needs to be done while in the country you want to leave. According to the legislation of Kazakhstan, a citizen intending to migrate must inform the relevant authorities about this. What is needed for this?

You must contact your local police department to obtain permission to travel to another country with further residence in a new place. It is necessary to take with you not only a Kazakh passport, but also a documented authorization of close relatives to travel outside the state, as well as a correspondingly completed application.

documents of Kazakhstan

If necessary, you should also bring along a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office, as well as the birth certificates of all the children with whom the applicant intends to leave for permanent residence in Russia.

There are some nuances here:

  • If close relatives, having the right to support the applicant, refuse to issue him permission to move, then the issue can only be resolved through the court.
  • If the applicant leaves with children under the age of sixteen, he must obtain permission from the guardianship authorities.

With the documents mentioned above, you must go to the police department and write a statement. For thirty days, employees verify the information, after which they issue a permission to leave and settle in another country.

It is noteworthy that permission does not deprive a migrant of Kazakh citizenship. In order to refuse it, it is necessary to write a statement and go through the procedures defined by law.

Can I get a refusal to transfer from Kazakhstan to Russia? Yes. This is most often associated with unpaid loans and other debts or with incorrectly filled out documents.

First submission of documents

The resettlement of Russians from Kazakhstan to Russia in the framework of the program for the reunification of compatriots involves contacting the migration service, the so-called temporary group for migrants, with a request for permission to leave for permanent residence. In order to carry out such a procedure, you must make an appointment in advance.

To do this, you need to call the institution and decide on the date and time of visiting the temporary group. Pre-assemble the package of documents and fill out the questionnaire in duplicate. Then, at the appointed time, you must come to the institution.

Experts recommend arriving early, as it is possible that no one will be in front of you. Who submits documents - only the applicant or all family members? It is quite difficult to answer this question, as the rules always change. It is best to visit officials with the whole family so that, as necessary, every citizen can declare his desire to move to Russia.

And one more nuance, which is paid attention to those who have already received Russian citizenship. All documents that are not in Russian must be translated. In the institutions where the commission sits, they provide such services. You can take care of the transfer of papers in advance. However, remember: the translation must be notarized!

Is failure possible?

Of course, and he is found quite often. However, do not worry: if you do not appear on the lists of criminals and terrorists, over time you will be given permission to move to Russia. According to the reviews of those who have already gone through all the paperwork, you can get a refusal for the most ridiculous reasons. For example, the inconsistency of the position of specialization indicated in the diploma, and so on.

The main thing here is not to lose heart. What if you are not given permission? Ask for a reason and try to fix it. The next time, or maybe the third or fourth, you will be lucky. Experienced people say that you can apply for resettlement in the Russian Federation indefinitely.

If you are approved, then they will call you from the institution and ask you to come. In this case, only the applicant is needed. He receives the coveted green book testifying to the citizen's participation in the Russian state program for the resettlement of compatriots. This is what this long-awaited document looks like.

member certificate

What next?

Two options for further events

So, you have received a special certificate of participation allowing you to move from Kazakhstan to Russia. The document can be compared with a pass, now it is your main paper for obtaining RVP and related benefits.

Remember that this certificate is valid for only three years, not more. Therefore, if your plans include receiving a fixed amount from the state in the form of a lifting amount, then you need to move to the Russian Federation at least a year and a half before the deadline. If this money is not necessary for you, then you need to plan your affairs in such a way as to be in the Russian Federation no later than six months before the end of the indicated term. Otherwise, you simply will not have time to complete all the documents.

After the green book is received, it is necessary to issue a RVP (or a temporary residence permit in Russia). This can be done in Kazakhstan itself, however, the process of obtaining permission may take several months, or directly at the place of settlement, which will be faster, but will cost you more.

If you prefer the first option, then contact any consulate. Usually the procedure lasts about six months. If your family is approved, then the stamp will not be delivered to you at the consulate, but immediately upon arrival in the destination city.

What to do if you have chosen the second method of obtaining permission to RVP?

We solve matters at home

As mentioned above, you should inform the government of Kazakhstan that you are going to leave the country. For this, a migrant needs to contact the migration police to check out and notify the state of their future plans. Permission to leave the Republic of Kazakhstan will need to wait for thirty days.

Then the men will need to withdraw from military records. In this regard, they receive a certain document (or certificate) of a special sample.

Directly leaving the country

After the Kazakh authorities allowed their citizen to leave the republic, it is necessary to leave the state within a month.

arrival of migrants

When crossing the border, it is necessary to fill out a migration card, which is issued free of charge. What to put in the column “Purpose of visit”? Of course, a private trip.

Registration of citizens of Kazakhstan in Russia

Upon arrival in the country, the fun begins. First of all, it is necessary to go through MU (migration registration). This procedure means that the owner of the apartment registers you at a specific address. And here migrants expect certain difficulties. For example, they may not be satisfied with the conditions of the apartment or house, the owner of which is ready to officially register them with them. In this case, as experienced migrants say, you can live in one place and be registered in another. Of course, it’s better not to tell anyone about this.

It is also important for immigrants to understand that not all people who rent housing will be willing to register them. However, those who wish to do this can be found by ad on any bulletin board. The main thing is not to make a deposit or advance in advance. You will have to pay extra for official registration. According to reviews, this is at least a thousand rubles per month per person.

So, when you find a landlord who is ready to register you, go with him to the MFC and fill out the necessary forms. After that, the migrant receives a tear-off slip, which indicates registration with the migration register.

delivery of documents

Once you have decided on the place of registration, you should go to the FMS (of district or regional significance) and activate the migrant book. When the inspector enters the necessary information there and puts a stamp, you can collect documents for registration of the RVP.

What is needed for this? In addition to collecting certain papers, you will need to undergo a medical examination and receive a special certificate about this. Once the documents are collected, they must be submitted. An unpleasant surprise awaits many immigrants here, namely, a huge queue for the delivery of papers at the RVP.

Remember: registration of citizens of Kazakhstan in Russia under the program for the return of compatriots implies an extraordinary filing of documents for the RVP. That is, immigrants have the right to submit documents for temporary residence permits out of turn and quotas. Priority is given only to refugees, then come immigrants, and only then - migrant workers and others.

A few words about lifting

Although we have already mentioned them, many are interested in the question, when can I apply for cash payments? Practice shows that you can ask for financial assistance immediately after the so-called activation of the ID card. Lifting from the Russian state will at least help the migrant to cover travel expenses, accommodation and various duties. And the latter, according to reviews, are many. For example, an immigrant is required to pay tax for RWP, applying for citizenship and obtaining a passport. In this case, it should be remembered that if you took a lift, then you must live in the invasion region for at least three years.

If RVP received

On average, permission is issued two months after the delivery of documents. What should be done in case of a positive decision?

To get started, go to the FMS. There you will be fingerprinted and taken away a passport, where it will be necessary to affix certain stamps. This procedure takes ten days.

As soon as the passport with a stamp from the FMS is returned, it is necessary to register in the same preemptive manner. This process will differ from MU in complexity and duration of execution.

For example, you will need to provide a rental contract, as well as bring all property owners. Here, some migrants give advice: if you pay for registration, then take out for five months, no more. Just during this period it will be possible to make citizenship for yourself.

How to become a full citizen

At first glance, everything is very simple. The issue is resolved in the FMS. It will be necessary to collect a list of certain documents, provide photographs, renounce existing citizenship and much more. After submitting papers to the institution, the question of citizenship is resolved within four months.

If the documents are approved, the newly made Russian citizen must take the oath. In most cases, a migrant reads her text in the inspector's office and signs this in the corresponding document.

After obtaining citizenship, a migrant must receive a passport of the Russian Federation within ten days.

Russian passport

Then register again! This time it can be permanent (if relatives or in their own housing) or temporary (all the same owners for a lot of money). In the first case, the registration stamp is put directly in the passport, in the second case, registration paper is issued for a certain period.

Off-program relocation

But what if the migrant wants to move from Kazakhstan to the Russian Federation not under the program of resettlement of compatriots? In this case, you will have to go through all the authorities described above, however, the process of obtaining citizenship will become longer and more problematic. So where to start?

First of all, fill out the migration card at the border. Upon arrival in the Russian Federation, you must contact the local FMS with a request for RVP. This should be done within three to seven days from the day of arrival. What is included in the package of documents? First of all, the application form and photographs measuring 2.5 by 3.5 centimeters in the amount of two pieces. Then a standard set of documents is presented:

  • passport, migration card;
  • certificate of marriage or divorce;
  • rental agreement or hotel reservation;
  • bank statement or any other document confirming the availability of funds;
  • medical certificate, which should be a conclusion on the absence of HIV and other infections, drug addiction;
  • a certificate confirming the conviction of the migrant (its validity is not more than three months);
  • a document that confirms the migrant’s knowledge of the Russian language, Russian history and basic legislation.

A positive or negative decision regarding the provision of RWP will be made within two months.

A year after the migrant receives RVP, he can apply for a residence permit (in other words, a residence permit). To do this, you must contact all the same FSM service. A residence permit is most often issued for a period of five years. After this period, it can be extended. If the migrant wants to stay in Russia, then you can apply for citizenship. However, in this case, a simple rule must be observed - the migrant should not leave the Russian Federation for five years.

A few words about employment

As soon as a citizen of Kazakhstan has issued a permanent or temporary registration, he can legally be employed. In this case, there are no restrictions for migrants regarding official employment. There is no need to even inform the migration or tax authorities about their employment. This will be done by the employer himself, unless, of course, the migrant got a job on an official basis.

And yet it is not always so easy for a foreigner to find a job that would meet his expectations and needs. In this case, it is recommended to contact special organizations whose purpose is to help immigrants formally find jobs.

Pensioners moving from Kazakhstan to Russia

pensioners from kazakhstan

Elderly people who wish to settle in the Russian Federation must undergo the procedures described above. For pensioners from Kazakhstan there is a more simplified registration program, however, it applies only to certain circumstances:

  • a migrant was born in the former RSFSR;
  • in the territory of Russia his able-bodied children live;
  • who wants to obtain citizenship is a member of the Second World War.

What needs to be done to receive a pension in Russia when moving from Kazakhstan? There are two ways to get legitimate retirement benefits. The first one is a relatively new method. It is based on an agreement between three states (Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia). According to this agreement, elderly people can live in these countries without applying for a new citizenship, and at the same time receive a pension. This can be done using mail orders.

However, there is a second, more complicated way. For this, a pensioner must legally cross the border of the Russian Federation, register with the local migration service, and also obtain immigrant status or obtain a residence permit. After that, a person should send a notice to the Pension Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan on a change of residence with a request for deregistration. Having received the answer, the pensioner contacts the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, where he provides documents for applying for a pension.

Then, a special commission examines the reliability of the securities and sets the amount of the pension payment, which will be transferred to the recipient's own account.

What documents will need to be submitted to the appropriate authority? First of all, of course, a passport, as well as a certificate of residence permit and a work book. In addition, it will be necessary to present a certificate from the Pension Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan stating that the migrant does not receive any benefits at the previous place of residence. The necessary papers should also include a certificate from the place of registration in the Russian Federation, as well as a document confirming the size of insurance premiums.

But what if a citizen of Kazakhstan who wants to settle in Russia receives a disability pension or survivor? In the first case, he needs to pass MSEC already in the territory of the Russian Federation and confirm his health status, as well as present a certificate of family composition. In the second case, certificates must be attached to the submitted documents confirming the death of the breadwinner and his relationship with him.

If over time, a pensioner decides to move within the Russian Federation, he should notify the authorities. To do this, it is necessary to deregister at the Pension Fund at the old address and register with the PF at the new place of residence. Within three days, the citizen's documents will be transferred from this PF to another according to the internal system.


Migration to Russia from Kazakhstan over the past few years has gained unprecedented proportions. This is often associated with discrimination against Russians in the republic. Those who wish to move can take advantage of a special program established by the government on the resettlement of compatriots. Thanks to her, it was much simplified for former Russian citizens to relocate from Kazakhstan to Russia for permanent residence with further obtaining citizenship.

The article drew attention to what actions need to be taken in order to issue a RVP in the Russian Federation with subsequent obtaining citizenship. Advice and recommendations were given for those who successfully completed all the necessary procedures for obtaining the long-awaited Russian passport. It was also told what should be done to elderly people and young pensioners who want to become Russian citizens.


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