Richard Branson: biography and best quotes of a businessman

Richard Branson, whose quotes you can read below, was born in 1950 in the south of London, into a family of aristocrats. The boy’s mother, Yvette Flint, was a bright and strong woman who, even before marriage, managed to become a stewardess without any education. For some time she even posed as a pilot, wearing a masculine uniform. Her career ended immediately after her marriage.

Spouse Edward Branson had the opposite character and led a calm and measured lifestyle. In this he set an example for his son. In addition, Edward had a rare disease - dyslexia, which prevented him from working, which led to financial difficulties.

Richard Branson


Richard Branson inherited this disease. The boy had impaired coordination of movements, constantly having difficulties with writing and reading. The strong-willed character Yvette played a very important role in raising his son. She constantly arranged tests for him so that Richard could learn to adapt to difficulties. If not for his mother, then he would have remained an underdeveloped boy without a bright future. But Yvette taught her son to never give up, and soon his ailment receded.

First business

Richard Branson organized his first business at the age of 15. This was Student magazine, where young people could openly voice their opinions against the Vietnam War. But, despite the help of the mother and advertising contracts, after a couple of years, this publication was closed. Richard was not too upset, as he had another business functioning - a youth assistance center. Its visitors were people with various problems: women who became pregnant accidentally, drug addicts, alcoholics, people with a non-traditional orientation. This center has been successfully operating to this day.

richard branson quotes


The next business Richard Branson took up was selling records. At first he sent them by mail, but then opened a store on Oxford Street, giving him the shocking name: “Virgin” (English “virgin”). A similar name was chosen for a reason. It symbolized the inexperience and ignorance of the entrepreneur in show business. However, the lack of experience did not prevent Virgin from achieving unprecedented heights and financial success.

The businessman’s next step is conquering the world through a network of “virgin companies”. First cinemas appeared. Then Richard became interested in cinema and sponsored an adaptation of Orwell’s 1984 book, playing a major role there. Then came the "virgin hotels", toy companies, a radio station and an airline.

Today, Virgin is a corporation with four hundred subsidiaries. In addition to the airline, it also includes fitness centers, medical services, rail transportation, the production of beverages, cable TV, Internet service and much more. But that is not all. Soon, the first space tour operator on the planet will be added to the honorary list. Richard wants to launch space excursions so that ordinary people can admire the Earth from space with their own eyes.

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Hobbies and books

Richard Branson, whose biography was described in this article, is fond of extreme sports. In this field, he achieved serious victories. In 1986, a businessman flew a balloon in the Atlantic Ocean. It was a world record. And in 1991 he crossed the Pacific Ocean. Even now, many people consider the entrepreneur the best master of aeronautics.

Also, the businessman is engaged in writing. Branson Richard, whose books are immediately sold out from the shelves, shares in them the secrets of success, adventures, victories, difficulties and ways to overcome them. His stories are not only an object of admiration, but also good “kick-motivators” for all lovers of easy money.

Best quotes

1. "To create a business, you need very little capital."

We already talked about Branson's first business. So, he had absolutely no money for the issue of the magazine. Once his mother found a necklace and, like any decent person, took him to the police. Only no one filed a loss claim. Yvette sold the necklace and gave Richard several hundred bills. Thanks to this, young Branson attracted advertisers and organized the publication of the magazine.

2. "Business is an idea to improve the lives of others."

Branson claims that as an entrepreneur, this motivates him a lot. "If you are improving the lives of people, then you are busy with a worthwhile task."

Richard Branson Biography

3. "To grow, become smaller."

Richard Branson did not increase the size of his record business. Instead, he opened 30 record companies. The entrepreneur did not appoint top managers to control a huge number of subordinates, but came up with small organizational structures, at the head of which he put middle-level workers. The spirit of competition within the team was cordial and friendly.

According to the businessman, the success of his strategy is that each company at any given time knows exactly where it can succeed and where it risks to fail. Today, Virgin's revenues exceeded $ 20 billion. Nevertheless, Richard’s unique strategy reminds everyone that this is also a group of small firms.


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