Intrafirm planning at the enterprise

Intrafirm planning at the enterprise allows the business entity to solve certain issues:

- the availability of financial resources at the disposal of the enterprise;

- sources of formation of these financial resources;

- the necessary amount of funds for the implementation of the tasks;

- possible transfers: the amount of taxes paid to the budget; on credit obligations to banks, etc .;

- rational distribution of profits of the enterprise;

- ensuring the adequacy of the planned revenues and expenses of the business entity on the basis of self-financing and self-sufficiency.

The organization of in-house planning is based on ensuring competent financial management both for profit making by the enterprise, and for the gradual expansion of the volume of economic activity in accordance with the current economic processes in the state.

Intrafirm planning can be divided into two components: financial planning and production planning. At the same time, the first covers all aspects of the financial and economic activities of any enterprise, and the second is based on plans for volumes of sales and production, an assortment of goods, services, as well as production costs.

The need to create plans for a business entity stems from a sufficiently large number of competitors, various forms of management, enterprise structure, relations with suppliers and customers. It is impossible not to mention the requirements of scientific and technological progress, thanks to the development of which the enterprise needs to quickly master and apply the achievements of science and technology.

Intrafirm planning is developed taking into account the growing trend towards centralization of enterprise management and should be linked to the activities of all structural divisions, whose activities should be focused on the main strategies of the business entity.

Based on the foregoing, in-house planning can cover current and future planning using a tool such as forecasting.

The basic principles of planning are based on the nature and content of this type of management, namely:

- the financial ratio of the terms of use of funds, their receipt and use should be carried out in strictly established terms;

- solvency is represented by providing the enterprise with a sufficient amount of liquid funds to ensure repayment of short-term liabilities ;

- adaptation to market needs provides for constant monitoring of market conditions and the company's dependence on loans;

- maximum profitability, to ensure which it is necessary to make only those investments that are capable of ensuring a high result of this principle.

Intra-company planning is carried out using certain methods, providing clear methods for calculating plans. The main methods for creating plans are: normative, balance sheet, method of optimization of calculations using analytics, as well as economic and mathematical modeling.

With regard to production planning, here as a decisive factor is the effective management of the economy, subject to its intensification and is based on economic laws. The need for such planning is due to the availability of the company's own funds and the possibility of their additional acquisition, as well as the level of high concentration of production.

Consideration of internal planning as a management function of the enterprise provides for the determination of the main areas of activity of the subject and the further development of its activities, taking into account material, financial and other sources.


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