How to pump obliques? Exercises

Before any novice athlete, the question arises of how to pump up the oblique muscles of the press. They are not involved in the training of other groups, therefore, for the formation of a harmoniously developed body, it is necessary to engage in their separate study. It is impossible to pump up the so-called oblique muscles without special exercises.

What are obliques?

oblique abs photo
The photo presented in the article makes it possible to see their location. They consist of external and internal. A large external group is three flat muscles that are clearly visible. The internal ones are not visible, since they are under the external perpendicular to them.

Why swing the lateral abdominal muscles?

They do not give such a visual effect as, for example, biceps, wings or deltas, but thanks to them, a clearly defined waist and elastic press appear. In addition to the aesthetic component, well-developed oblique muscles protect the internal organs, stabilize the spine during sudden movements and inclinations, and are also necessary when working with large weights. Therefore, each athlete must know how to pump oblique abs.


There are many exercises for this group that are uneven in effectiveness. It is advisable to know them all in order to develop an individual training program. Let's move on to how to pump oblique abs muscles with and without dumbbells.

Side slopes

how to pump obliques
Stand up straight, arms down along the body. Slowly make a slope to the right, so that the hands slip along the body, while the left side of the torso will stretch. Then make a tilt to the left. Perform 10-15 repetitions in each direction.

How to pump obliques of the abs using lateral inclinations, but with a dumbbell? Stand straight, feet with the width of the shoulders, in the right hand a dumbbell, the left is behind the head. Slowly lean to the right so that the weight of the projectile carries along, while the pelvis remains motionless. At the lower point of the movement a little delay, return to the starting position as smoothly. Repeat 10 times with three sets. Choose weight in such a way that the last repeat in the set is performed at the limit of possibilities.

Side turns

Stand straight, bend your elbows in your arms and hold them in front of you. Turn the body to the right, the pelvis and legs do not move. In each direction do 10-15 repetitions.

Sitting Dumbbell Turns

Sit on a bench with your feet together and your feet on the floor. Dumbbells in bent arms at the chest. Tighten oblique muscles, turn the body as far as possible to the right, the pelvis remains motionless. Repeat 10 times in each direction in three sets.

Lying up

how to pump obliques
Lie on your back, bend your knees and put them to the right so that the left is on the right. Raise the casing as high as possible, trying to linger for two seconds at the top point. Slowly take the starting position. In each direction do 10-15 times.


Lie on your back, bend your knees, trying to pull your heels as close as possible to the fifth point. Hands are on the back of the head. Lower your bent legs to the right, trying to touch the floor with your knees. In each direction do 10-15 times.

Hand touch

Take a lying position, bending your knees, keep your legs parallel to the floor, raise your head slightly, arms to the sides. Try to reach the heels of the corresponding legs with your hands. You can slightly move your legs towards your arms, and slightly lean your shoulders back. It is performed in three sets of 8 repetitions.

Raising the blades 1

oblique abs
Lying on the floor on your back, bend your knees. Raise your arms so that they are shoulder width apart. Tightening the abdominal muscles, raise the right shoulder blade and the corresponding arm, while not taking the pelvis off the floor. Perform 8 times in three sets.

Raising the blades 2

Lie on your back, bending your right leg in the knee with an emphasis on the floor, put the other leg on it. The right hand is under the head, with the left palm up on the floor perpendicular to the body. Try to raise the chest to the left knee, while straining the oblique muscles and putting pressure on the right arm with the back of the head. Perform until the scapula comes off the floor. After returning to the starting position, change the position of the legs and arms and do the other way. Repeat 8 times in three sets.

Now you know how to pump obliques. It is important to follow the technique of execution, otherwise training may be wasted.


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