How to make MicroSIM from ordinary. How to make a micro SIM card yourself

New mobile devices require a special approach. Modern gadgets are increasingly compact, so SIM cards are becoming small. However, if you do not want to change this element, but it does not fit the new device, try to resize it. In this article, you will learn how to make micro-images from a regular card using a small number of tools that everyone has.

What size does the standard element have?

how to make microshot from ordinary
First of all, you should find out what sizes a familiar standard element has. I must say that the SIM card consists of two parts: a plastic case and a very small chip, on which all your information is stored. This case in the standard card is very large, but it does not carry any special function.

Typically, the size of the SIM card corresponds to these values: length - 25 mm, and height - 15 mm. The thickness remains the same for both the standard and the reduced version. Before making a micro-image from an ordinary card, you need to remember its dimensions: length - 15 mm, and height - 12 mm. I must say that it is quite rare, but there are such cards whose chip has non-standard sizes, so it is cut off on the foil. Naturally, when doing this procedure, you need to be as careful as possible so as not to damage the information area.

Ways to reduce the map

how to make a micro shot yourself
Before making a micro-image from a regular card, you need to understand how this can be done.

  1. Self-processing of the element with scissors.
  2. Trimming at the service center. Naturally, you will have to pay for this procedure. However, the specialist will do everything quickly and very carefully. At the same time, you do not have to additionally process the card in any way so that it easily enters the gadget slot.
  3. Self-cutting of excess parts of an element using special equipment. The advantage of this method is that the work will be carried out quickly, and the slices will be neat enough. That is why additional edge processing is not required. You can do all the actions at home. However, this device has a rather high cost, and you should not buy it only for processing one SIM card. It is necessary if you will be engaged in this procedure daily.

What equipment is necessary for work?

how to make a sim card micro SIM card
Before making a micrograph from the usual, you should collect all the necessary tools and prepare the work surface. It should be clean, dry and even. It is advisable that no one distract your attention, as the work is very delicate.

As for the tools for work, they require very few:

  • scissors (preferably sharp, since blunt ones can simply break the card, and they also need to be small in size in order to operate them conveniently);
  • a ruler (to determine the size of micro-images and to apply precise marking);
  • knife (it should be sharp, since you have to correct uneven edges);
  • a standard sheet of white paper (before you make a micrograph yourself, you must draw a template for it). Thus, it will be much easier for you to crop the item;
  • thin marker or pen (for marking);
  • adhesive tape (for attaching the template to the element);
  • sim card of standard size.

Important! All actions must be done very carefully. You should not rush, because if the chip is damaged, the card will have to be thrown away.

How is a map marked up?

how to make microshot
Before you make a micro SIM card from SIM card, mark it up. This procedure is very important. The lines must be drawn very accurately. We take a share of this marker and draw a rectangle around the chip. Its dimensions are 15 * 12 mm. If the chip is non-standard, you will have to do trimming on the foil. Try to make the most accurate movements.

If you do everything right, the result will please you.

How to trim an element: step-by-step instruction

1. Preparation of equipment and marking on paper. To do this, transfer the silhouette of the card to a sheet and mark the location of the chip on it. Now the drawn element can be cut according to the specified dimensions. Using adhesive tape, paste the resulting square onto a standard SIM card chip.

2. With sharp scissors, we slowly and confidently begin to cut the plastic case. A great option is a tool for manicure. The fact is that the plastic is quite thin and can be easily cut even with small scissors. Try not to make sudden movements. It is necessary to cut precisely along the intended lines, although you can do this by gradually separating small pieces.

how to make a micro sim card from sim card
3. Check the size of the item received. To do this, attach it to the template. If all the lines converge, then you have done the job. If small plastic elements remain, then carefully scrape them off with a sharp knife. You can “rub” an element with sandpaper. So it will look neater.

4. Naturally, the next step is to clean the product from dust with a soft dry cloth.

5. Now try to insert the "newly made" SIM card into your device. If it comes in without problems, then you have made the exact markup. If all the actions were performed correctly, then the gadget will work without problems: it will see the card and you will be able to make normal calls.

Why is it worth trimming the card yourself?

Before you take a micro shot in a service center, think about all the advantages of home processing a product:

  • There is no need to pay for the procedure;
  • You can do everything yourself according to the required sizes;
  • no additional equipment is required (only a pencil, ruler, scissors and paper are needed);
  • does not take much time.

In addition, if you randomly manage to spoil a card, then you can always restore it. Now you know how to make a micro SIM card from your SIM card yourself. A little patience, and you can use your favorite iPad. Good luck


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