Do-it-yourself pinpoint: diagram and description

Pinpointers in our time are called compact metal detectors. According to the accuracy class, they are quite different. It should also be borne in mind that devices of this type have their own sensitivity. The main element of the pinpoint can be safely called a coil. It is installed most often of the orthogonal type. However, in this situation, much depends on the accuracy class of the device. In order to assemble a simple pinpointer with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with known configurations.

Two-wire capacitor model

To make this type of pinpoint do-it-yourself, you must first prepare the case for the device. To do this, many experts recommend using an ordinary flashlight. The main problem at this stage is to find a good modulator. As a rule, for a two-wire capacitor, a nonlinear analog is selected. Directly, the coil must be located in front of the device. Batteries should be installed behind the modulator. You can also remove them from the flashlight. The minimum battery power must be 200 mAh. For 25 minutes of continuous operation, this is enough.

do-it-yourself pinpoint

Using three-wire capacitors

It is quite difficult to make a pinpointer with three-wire capacitors with your own hands. The modulator in this case is suitable only for the linear type. Nowadays, finding it in electronics stores is not easy. It should also be noted that the coil must be installed under the amplifier. Some additionally equip the device with zener diodes. To increase the sensitivity of the model, they are ideal. Batteries in this situation can be used as standard from a flashlight.

do-it-yourself pinpointer minimax pp

Signal Interruption Model

To assemble this type of pinpointer with your own hands, you must first take the body from the flashlight. A minimum modulator threshold frequency must withstand 200 Hz. All this will allow the sensitivity of the device to be maintained at a high level. As a tester, this device is used quite often. To activate the interrupt mode, a regulator must be installed in the design.

Most often it is used a button type. In this case, you need to pay attention to the features of the case, which belonged to a flashlight. It is better to choose a simple coil for this purpose. However, it must withstand the input voltage limit at 15 V. All this will improve the accuracy of the readings.

Modification "Kid-FM2"

It’s quite easy to assemble the Kid-FM2 pinpointer with your own hands. This device differs in that its sensitivity is low. However, the cost of the model is extremely low, and for home use, this device is ideal. The modulator in this case uses a non-linear type. It is mounted directly next to the regulator.

Most often on the market you can find exactly rotary counterparts. Inductance coil input threshold voltage is capable of withstanding at a level of 10 V. It should also be noted that this device has a high current conductivity. This was achieved by installing a zener diode. Next, to assemble the Kid-FM pinpointer with your own hands, you need to solder the capacitors. Only after that the contacts are connected to the zener diode. At the end of the work, it remains only to fix the batteries in the housing.

do-it-yourself pinpointer on transistors

Pinpoint on low sensitivity transistors

You can make the pinpointer do-it-yourself low sensitivity on transistors thanks to a device such as a beeper. It is installed in the housing immediately after the modulator. The amplifier for this device is suitable only for pulse type. In this case, the capacitors for the device can be selected different. However, they must withstand the minimum input threshold voltage at a level of 5 V.

It should also be noted that zener diodes are installed in devices quite often. Their maximum frequency is welcomed at 200 Hz. It is important to note that the accuracy of the readings depends on the inductor. The bandwidth of this element most often does not exceed 3 microns. Batteries for the model are selected with a capacity of not more than 600 mAh. This is enough for the device to work continuously for 30 minutes.

High sensitivity model

High sensitivity how to make a do-it-yourself pinpointer? To understand this issue, it should be understood that the coil will be required for the assembly is quite powerful. It must withstand a minimum threshold voltage at a level of 20 V. It should also be noted that modulators in this case are suitable only for a linear type. The accuracy of the readings also depends on the type of condensate.

In this situation, many experts advise using open-type models. On average, the capacitance parameter for these elements fluctuates around 5 pF. However, in this situation a lot depends on the capacitor manufacturer. If we talk about the zener diode, then it is used with high resistance. This is necessary to increase the sensitivity of the device. Batteries for this model should be selected with a capacity of at least 900 mAh.

Modification Minimax-PP

To assemble a Minimax-PP do-it-yourself pinpointer, you need to pick up the PP20 series beeper. It should also be noted that in devices of this type vibration mechanisms are installed. At the same time, the most diverse indicators are used. If we talk about the coil, then it is in this case used orthogonal type. The threshold input voltage of this component must withstand at least 15 V. Moreover, the resistance in the circuit should not exceed 4 ohms.

The sensitivity of this device is heavily dependent on capacitors. There are two of them in the standard scheme. One of them is mandatory installed near the coil. In this case, the second is mounted at the output of the modulator. The main problem of these devices can be considered a small bandwidth of 2 microns. Due to this, amplifiers are used in devices of this type quite rarely.

how to make a pinpoint do-it-yourself

Device with integrated controller

Do-it-yourself pinpointer assembly of this type (the diagram is shown below) is quite simple. First of all, for the device, you need to choose a good case. At the same time, the integral type controller does not take up much space. If desired, it can be purchased at any store with radio equipment, and it costs extremely little. A distinctive feature of this element can be called good conductivity. Capacitors in this case are installed two-electrode type. The resistance parameter of them fluctuates on average around 2 ohms.

It should also be noted that the coil must be installed first. To do this, you will have to use a blowtorch. Next, the modulator is attached directly. At the same time in the back should be batteries. The amplifier in this case is not practical to use. This is due to the fact that the sensitivity of the device is significantly reduced due to an increase in the maximum frequency of the device.

do-it-yourself pinpointer

Use of multilayer capacitors

Do-it-yourself pinpointer assembled with multilayer capacitors (the diagram is shown below) only in the presence of orthogonal coils. Modulators in this case are suitable for linear and non-linear types. It should also be borne in mind that in devices of this type, vibrational mechanisms are often installed. At the same time, beeper can be found quite often.

To increase the sensitivity of the device, zener diodes are often used. In this case, cardiod analogues are especially popular in our time. To install them you will have to use a blowtorch. In general, it should be noted that models with multilayer capacitors are universal, and are ideal for home use. With their help, a person is able to quickly find out the exact location of the wiring in the wall.

do-it-yourself simple pinpointer

Model on a monolithic board

It is quite easy to assemble this type of pinpointer with your own hands. These devices differ not only in increased accuracy of readings, but also in good sensitivity. For professionals, this model will work well. Assemble the device with the fixation of the modulator. In this case, many experts recommend the use of linear analogues.

do-it-yourself pinpoint kid fm2

However, nonlinear modifications are also common. Beeper in this case are installed behind the coil. The parameter of the input threshold voltage of the device should not exceed 20 V. For this purpose, zener diodes are mandatory. Regulators in this case are soldered as desired. At the end of the work, it remains only to fix the batteries.

Pinpoint with resonant regulator

To fold the device with a resonant regulator, you must prepare a blowtorch in advance. First of all, a high-quality modulator is selected for the device. Many experts in this situation still recommend using linear analogues. Finding them in the store is quite difficult, but they should cost little. On average, their conductivity parameter is 3 microns. Due to this, the input threshold voltage can be expected at a level of 15 V. Zener diodes for the device are very diverse. The maximum resistance they must keep at 5 ohms. It should also be noted that the device with regulators does not need beeper.

In this case, it is advisable to install a coil last. In this case, wiring insulation must be given special attention. It should also be remembered that the body of the device must be completely sealed. For this purpose, as an option, you can use a rubber seal. The regulator itself should be soldered to the modulator. Capacitors in this situation are mainly used in the field type. The minimum battery capacity must be 800 mAh.


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