How to make fishing sleds with your own hands?

An avid fisherman differs from an ordinary amateur in that in his arsenal you can find a huge amount of fishing equipment. If he goes fishing for the winter, then he will certainly need not only a tent, fishing rod and ice drill, but also fishing sleds, which you can make yourself. The design features of the model and its complexity will depend on the nature of fishing and financial capabilities. However, such products are still not expensive, because you can use materials that you can find in your barn.

How to travel on ice and ice

fishing sled

If you want to get quite far, you wonโ€™t be able to get there by road, so itโ€™s important to think about the best means for delivering fishing equipment. Moving over the surface of the ice is not as easy as it might seem. This issue is easily solved with the help of a sled. For some fishermen, they even become a place for spending the night and rest, because in order to obtain a trophy specimen it sometimes takes several days to stay far from home.

Preparation of tools and materials for the manufacture of wooden sleds

plastic fishing sledges

If you want to make fishing sleds with your own hands, then you should prepare some tools and materials, among them you should highlight:

  • pine boards;
  • sandpaper;
  • drill;
  • glue for wood;
  • electric jigsaw.

Step-by-step instruction

winter fishing sleds

The role of skids will be two boards that need to be used in the first stage. A compass will allow you to draw semicircles that cut with a jigsaw. Holes are made to secure the transverse bars to the skids. Their connection should be carried out using round probes by gluing.

The resulting structure should be strengthened by the rear and front runners, for this transverse trims are laid on the spikes. The design should look attractive, so after the glue dries, the excess must be cut. Fishing sleds must have a seat, a board can act as it.

At the installation site of the equipment box, grooves should be cut to connect to the runners. In order to achieve structural reinforcement, sticks must be glued to the back of the skis. In the places where the runners are rounded in the lower part, it is necessary to strengthen the aluminum or steel strip with screws.

Before final assembly, the design should be considered to determine the accuracy of the joints. If there are elements that have previously been ground, they should be coated with waterproof varnish. Fishing sledges after completion of work on their manufacture must be checked for strength. For this, all equipment should be put inside, because I would not want the product to fail at the most crucial moment.

Making an aluminum sleigh

do-it-yourself fishing sled

Fishing sleds must be not only functional, but also light enough, because sometimes with their help the fisherman has to move on ice, which can crack. For the manufacture of aluminum sleds, a sheet of the appropriate material and profile should be used. Parameters must be selected according to the size of the transported devices and the parameters of the fishing box.

The design will have three main parts, namely:

  • runners;
  • bottom;
  • two side walls.

Production will imply compliance with certain rules. The work will need a bending device. You can do with metal corners, as well as a mallet. The lateral parts should be made the same and reinforced, the back wall is also implemented according to the same principle. The most recent aluminum bottom is cut. It is important to make the edges of the product safe, for this they are bent.

When winter fishing sleds are made, runners should also be made. They can be made of aluminum profile. In order to bend the runners it was easier, in some places, slots should be made. At the final stage, it is necessary to collect the sled, for this you need to use nuts, bolts, as well as self-tapping screws for metal joints.

Refinement of the plastic sled

sled fishing box

As practice shows, plastic fishing sledges are convenient in everything; with their help, you can move fishing luggage over infusion, ice and snow. Such structures are made in the form of a trough, they are light in weight, able to undergo exposure to low temperatures and can have different sizes. However, such sleds have one drawback, which is expressed in the absence of fasteners for the rope. Correction of this minus lies with the fisherman.

Fishing sled drags can be supplemented by equipping with appropriate mounts. To do this, the required number of holes are drilled around the perimeter, where it will be possible to insert a metal cable with appropriate fasteners. This allows you to get strong and reliable, as well as frost and corrosion-resistant fastenings for luggage gum and rubber bands.

To install the pulling rope on the front side of the sled, 2 eye bolts should be installed, and the rope will be mounted on carbines. Eyebolts should be installed with nuts, which will be distinguished by reliability and speed of fastening. Such refinement of the fishing sled shows that for many years of operation the fastening system does not fail. Everything holds securely and firmly, the elements do not open, and it becomes very convenient to use the sled.

For traction sleds, it is better to prepare the 20th rope, which folds four times. With the help of a carabiner, you need to strengthen the eyebolts. This can help not only the fisherman himself, but also his companions, which can fall under the ice. If you quickly release the rope, then you will have the 20th segment available, with which you can help.

Remaking an old sled

fishing sled drag

Homemade fishing sleds will be much easier to perform if you use old sleds as a basis, which should have a frame and skids. The addition will be light plywood, a sheet that will be used for the manufacture of partitions for the box. The plywood must be carefully cut so that there are no creases on the edges.

The fishing box, which will complement the sled, is mounted on the skids with the help of self-tapping screws, holes for them need to be made with a drill. You should prepare the corners for the frame. The walls of the box must be insulated using polystyrene foam or polystyrene. It is laid on glue. Then the inside of the box must be sheathed with plywood blanks. The design may have several compartments that are intended for:

  • fish caught;
  • warm clothes;
  • gear and lures;
  • food supplies for fishing.

Once the box is ready, you can begin work on the lid. It must be very strong, since this element often acts as a seat, and therefore it must withstand the weight of the fisherman. In order not to freeze, the seat should be insulated. To do this, foam is laid on its surface and sutured with leatherette. You can strengthen such a system with staples of a furniture stapler. In order to make the sleigh more comfortable during operation, it is possible to strengthen fishing rods and grab, as well as other gear on the box body. When you fish, this will free your hands.

Recommendations of an experienced fisherman

completion of fishing sleds

After the sled is made, their bottom should be lubricated with silicone or ski grease. This will prevent snow from sticking. For safety on the roads you need to strengthen the reflective tape to the sleigh. Sometimes fishermen improve the sled, equipping them with a folding chair. Finnish fishing sledges are not very common in Russia . On their runners of metal is a high chair. Moving on such sledges is possible on the principle of a scooter.

For a snowmobile, you can make a sled from plastic pipes. Their welding will allow the fastening of the elements together. When assembling, you can use metal corners. The size of such sleds should be determined taking into account the needs of the fisherman. More sledges can be equipped with compartments.

More about Snowmobile Sleigh

If you forked out for a snowmobile, but did not have time to buy a sled, then you can make them yourself. A similar model was discussed above. When preparing plastic pipes for this design, products with a length of 1.8 and 7.5 m should be used. These components will be used for the transverse connection. In order for the frame not to be skewed, it should be laid on a flat floor and measure all values. Too high sledges can tip over, while low sleds are inconvenient to ride. Therefore, a structure with a height of 30 cm should be made, this parameter will be optimal. When preparing racks, it is necessary to perform them in the amount of 8 pieces or more, the strength of the sled will depend on their number. The final size should be adjusted using a file.


You can make a sleigh for fishing yourself, they can be supplemented endlessly. As improvements, for example, the backrest acts, as well as the trunk and even decor elements. These fishing sleds will be a budget option and a great alternative to factory products.


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