How much does Ivangai earn per month? Detailed answer

A huge percentage of people visiting social networks have subscriptions. In this article, we will talk about the largest "YouTube" blogger from Ukraine, known by the nickname Ivangay.

Who is Ivangay

Let's start with the fact that one of the most famous bloggers on YouTube - Ivangay - is an ordinary guy from Dnepropetrovsk. He is nineteen years old, and his name is Ivan Rudskoy.

How much does Ivangai earn per month

Each video uploaded by him to the channel collects millions of views. Their main share falls on the Russian-speaking audience from the CIS countries. Many fans are interested in how much Ivangai earns per month. Let's figure it out. The article contains all the information from the public domain and is structured for clarity.

Sources of income

If someone thinks that all these YouTube video downloads do nothing but enjoy the big numbers on the likes and views, then this is far from the case. Now they earn serious money on this and there are specially created projects. There are several ways to get real money on your channel. Here are the most popular ones:

  • Collaboration with YouTube through an affiliate program.
  • Promotion of younger channels.
  • Placement of direct advertising of products.

how much Ivangai earns per month on YouTube

Ivangai uses all these methods in practice. Some information can be freely found on the Internet. But its veracity cannot be confirmed one hundred percent. Moreover, some information related to direct advertising contracts is confidential, and Ivan does not share it. What has every right.

How much Ivangai earns per month on YouTube?

It's no secret that on YouTube you can get money for downloading videos. During viewing, the user will see an advertisement, which can be in several formats. For each such viewing, the author of the video is charged a small reward. The size depends on several factors: the geographic location of the viewer, the subject matter of the content, age, and viewing depth.

how much ivangay earns per month 2017

To determine the income of a particular channel, the SocialBlade service is used. It allows you to see sample data for a selected period of time. Ivangai has enormous numbers in terms of views, but earnings fluctuate around 3-20 thousand rubles a day.

It is worth considering the fact that real incomes are usually less than or equal to the minimum value. This is due to the fact that the audience is from the CIS countries. The market is quite new in our open spaces and there are still few advertisers. Yes, and the rates are among the smallest. Answer the question: “How many rubles does Ivangai earn per month in 2017?” - You can do this: about 100,000 rubles.

If his audience was mainly from European countries, then his income would differ from the real ones several times in a big way.

Ivangai earns by promoting other channels?

In addition to working directly with YouTube, Ivangay offers paid services for young channels. With a huge audience, he can direct followers to people who have paid for like and comment. This feature allows younger channels to develop and grow by displaying Ivangai’s activity in the feed.

how many rubles does ivangai earn per month

In the case of promotion, it’s more difficult to say about Ivan’s earnings. The number of orders varies. There may be several per day. And it happens one in a week. This factor cannot be influenced in any way. According to the price list from the official group of Ivangaya, the cost of one like is 3,000 rubles. If you additionally need to leave a comment, then the price rises to 4,000 rubles.

Ivan did not talk about how many people used this service. Considering the fact that sales will go twice a week, we can talk about income from this method of about 28,000 rubles per month.

Does Ivangai sell direct advertising?

The answer is yes. A large share of Ivangai's monthly income is made up of advertising integrations. Or, as they are called correctly, product placement. Literally, this means placing a product in a video. Having great popularity with the audience, the blogger will not be forced to look for advertisers. They themselves line up for him, offering very impressive fees.

ivangai income per month

In the official price list, Ivan did not indicate the cost of direct advertising. This may mean that for each proposal, the optimal integration format and the corresponding cost are selected.

Without taking into account the income from direct integration, it will be difficult to say how much Ivangai earns per month.


Summing up, we can say that we have figured out how much Ivangay earns per month, while doing our favorite thing. Even without taking into account direct advertising integrations, the minimum figures are as follows - 128,000 rubles. This is an inaccurate indicator based on publicly available data. Actual numbers may be greater, since it is impossible to find out the exact geography of its subscribers and contracts with advertisers. We hope that in this article you find the answer to the question: "How much Ivangai earns per month in 2017?"

No need to think that he is exclusively selling advertising. First of all, the guy forms his brand. At nineteen, he achieved the leading position on the list of the fastest growing channels. Ivangai has a huge audience of fans who always support him. And even if something happens to YouTube, he will always find a way to realize his name, accumulated knowledge and experience.

The channel was officially recognized as the most popular and famous among Ukrainian representatives. The views that receive his video are comparable to television shows and broadcasts. Constant work with a large audience and advertising develop marketing qualities in it. All this will allow him only to develop over time and find application for his abilities. After all, at such a young age he achieved such heights that others have been dreaming of all their lives.


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