What is TIC? How to check and analyze it?

Today, online business is gaining momentum. Earning is the only goal of many users. And there are many ways to achieve what you want. For example, you can earn income even on your site. Here, to earn money, you need not only to have it, but also to achieve a high rating in Yandex search engines for high TIC indicators - a thematic citation index.

How to check and analyze

TIC is determined by the number of entries to the site from external links. Moreover, each link has its own citation weight. You can check and analyze the TIC site on any targeted service. That is the number of links on external resources from which visitors come to you and do something - like, leave comments, make purchases - and create citation.

But there are several pitfalls. The weight of each link is not the same. Links to sites with low TITs and low ratings have a small weight for TITs in Yandex search engines.

How to check the site's TIC

What determines the importance of the site

It is clear that earnings on the Internet depend on the citation of the site. Today it’s easy to create your own resource, but it requires painstaking and thorough work to promote it in the Yandex search engine. And the Internet resources created on a paid platform with a domain name and a real address in the virtual world will have an advantage in this.

On the Internet there are a large number of paid and free platforms for creating a site. And each user chooses among them the most suitable for himself at the moment. But all this is just the first step.

Dependence of TIC on external links

Imagine that using templates, you created your own resource on a specific topic. Next, the process of filling the pages of the site with unique content is necessary, on which, in fact, the quality of the site, its promotion, and citation will depend.

To better understand what TIC is, we can say in other words - TIC indicates the importance of a site in the virtual world of the Internet, that is, it shows how many users click on external links to your site. And each such transition has its own weight.

Imagine that, for example, from some external resource using the link installed there, the input determines the weight of 0.45 TIC. So, to raise the site's TIC to one, you need to have at least 3 links to different external resources. This will be the answer to the question of what a site’s TIC is.

Increase TIC by external links

The Internet has created a system of buying and selling links and website promotion using external links called SEO optimization. This service, by the way, is an indirect answer to the question of what a TIC is. It is important for the owner to increase the citation of his resource, at least up to 10 units of TIC. This is an indicator with which you can enter the Internet business market and earn money on your site.

Most earnings exchanges start registering with this indicator. It is not easy to achieve it. You need to have at least a few hundred links on external rating resources, on which it’s not so easy to put your link, unless you buy it. With this, in fact, begins work on promotion.

It is important that TICs can only increase links on resources that are already indexed in the Yandex search engine. Links to other external resources, blogs, social networks, forums that do not have indexing in the search engine, have no weight. Therefore, when buying the latter, you need to do an analysis of the TCI resource on which it is planned to establish a link to your site.

Buying external links - increasing the TCI.

How to determine the TIC

Not so simple with these “faces”. And it is not so easy to achieve a high rating only at their expense. We can have hundreds of external links, but still not get a high rating. Citation still depends on high-quality SEO-optimization of the site for key queries. Yes, a key request has a direct impact on the TIC indicator.

Take a small example to better understand the situation. We have two sites. The first - with the key query "laptop Nokia" and the index TIC 25, and the second - with the key query "buy laptops" with the index TIC 50.

A user who wants to buy a Nokia laptop will enter the key query “Nokia laptop” in the address bar of his browser, and the Yandex search engine will display a site on the user's monitor with an exact entry for this key query, despite the fact that it has a lower TIC index. As you can see, the main place in citation is occupied by the exact occurrence of a key query. This suggests that the TCI depends not only on the number of external links, but also on the quality of SEO optimization.

How to check the TIC site? There is nothing complicated about it:

  • We enter in the address bar of our browser the key request "how to check the TIC".
  • We find a suitable site that provides analysis and checks the TIC.
  • Enter a link to your resource in the address bar, and the system will give a complete analysis in a matter of minutes.
check the site's TIC.

The influence of TIC on the position of the site in the Yandex catalog

Catalog is another invention of search engines in the process of increasing the ranking of sites. It contains all the data on the site: a link, a screenshot of the first page and a thematic description of pages that have already passed manual moderation in a search engine. All sites are located in the search catalog for TIC indicators, to the extent of their reduction.

The directory itself does not directly increase the performance of the web resource, but it does have some effect on the trust. That's why webmasters are so eager to get into it. Today it is not so simple. The fact is that the catalog makes very high demands on resources both on the topic, and on SEO-optimization, and on design.

You can get into it for free. But, as with all free services, an application can be considered for months. The application procedure is standard. This is, first of all, registration. Very often, during the application process, you can get an answer that registration is terminated. Here you just need to be patient.

TIC analysis.

So, we list the advantages of getting into the named directory:

  • The definition of a site in several regions, which greatly improves its position on search queries.
  • Indexing links from external resources.
  • Increase traffic, site traffic.
  • Putting it in a thematic section, which contributes to the increase in TIC.
  • Upgrading the site’s platform for advertising and, accordingly, for making money on advertising.
  • Increase the price level of pages for selling links.
  • This all together increases the site’s ranking in the Yandex search engine and in the eyes of Internet users.
How to increase the TCI.

Of course, to place a site in the Yandex catalog you need its high thematic quality, unique content, high-quality SEO optimization of all pages. Need a full version of the site with full pages. In addition, in order to find out the TIC of a site, you need to go to specialized resources from time to time, where verification is carried out at one or at once and at several sites.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A8984/

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