How to move your ears and why is it useful?

What unique abilities a person is not endowed with! Someone runs faster than anyone, someone can curl into an arc, and someone has the ability to move his ears! From the outside, this may seem ridiculous, some so entertain their friends. But actually wiggling your ears is good. You did not know about this? Then let's look at why this skill is considered useful.

How many people can move their ears?

There are not many people in the world who can make their own ears move. This is easily achieved by children, while the muscles are more mobile. The ability to move your ears can also be developed by an adult, only who needs it? It turns out you have to! There are even special clubs where people are engaged in face-building in order to develop not only the muscles of the face, but also learn how to move their ears.

It turns out that men who can make their ears move are twice as many as women. The reasons for this are not yet clear, but there are suggestions that the answer is in the ancient world!

how to move your ears

Why does a person move his ears?

In modern times, this is simply entertainment or exercise for healthy skin and muscles. In ancient times, things were different. The life of all mankind depended on the ability to control the ears.

We are by nature not endowed with sharp claws or powerful teeth. Our ancestors, until they invented clubs and spears, were absolutely helpless creatures, could be eaten by any more or less large beast. But then the human body was more developed than now. Today we can calmly watch TV while drinking seagulls, and the ancient people in the silence of the night had to twirl their ears in different directions, so as not to be on the list of the menu of the next hungry saber-toothed tiger.

Over time, women began to need this skill less, since with the advent of weapons they were more in the cave, and men were on the hunt. Men used this gift for longer, since in the hunt it was possible to calculate prey faster by listening.

why a person moves his ears

Why doesn’t a man move his ears now?

This feature has been lost by man during evolution. Such an ability, how to move the ears, began to come in handy less and less for people, eventually atrophied, since the muscles responsible for such movement did not develop.

In animals, this ability has not been lost since ancient times, since they use it stably. Cats to catch rustles: suddenly a mouse? Dogs to take a trace and hear the enemy, wild animals for protection and for hunting, as people used to be.

wiggling your ears is helpful

Can I learn to move my ears?

Well, of course, it is impossible to move the ears themselves, because the auricle is motionless cartilage that cannot be bent according to our desire. But you can move the muscles that will raise and lower your ears.

The muscles around the ears are attached on one side to the scalp tissues on the skull, and on the other side to the ears. If you really try and strain these muscles, then the ears will begin to move. It is quite possible to develop them, because they are subject to the same nerve endings that are responsible for our facial expressions.

There are few people who can make these muscles contract the first time around. It takes time and a lot of patience to learn skills and develop muscles.

There are even fewer people who can move only one ear or in turn, since it is worth mastering the muscles completely.

Let's look at why moving your ears is good!

ability to move ears

Why is wiggling ears useful?

Undoubtedly, all women and many men by all known methods try to prolong youth and preserve beauty until old age. They resort to plastic surgery, give a lot of money for fashionable anti-aging procedures, not knowing that you can avoid costs and operations, just by learning one exercise. It’s enough to learn how to move your ears.

From the side, of course, this exercise, while you learn to do it, is very funny. The man resembles a monkey from whom a banana was taken. But then, when you fully master the technique, you can perform this exercise even at work, few will notice what you are doing.

When moving the ears, all three major muscles are involved. Their regular tension allows you to restore the facial contour, effectively smooth out deep wrinkles and remove only emerging ones, tighten the skin of the face and neck, which sagged.

Now that you have learned about the usefulness of the procedure, when you see the next person moving his ears, you will not be wondering why he is doing this.

how many people can move their ears

Instructions for learning how to move your ears

Many will want to learn how to do this, but not everyone is ready to go to face-building, where they will teach how to move their ears. For such people, we have prepared a detailed instruction manual so that you can study at home. There are only four exercises:

  1. At the beginning of training, your assistants are fingers, because not everyone can achieve a result the first time. Stand or sit in front of the mirror so you can see how much you are doing. With your fingers, which will be convenient, grasp the cavity of the ear, which is located at the tragus. With light movements, begin to tighten your ears to the back of the head. Help the fingers with the muscles near the ears, eyes, but try to concentrate so that the ears work more. Repeat exercise 30 times, proceed to the next.
  2. To find the second muscle, we move our fingers behind the ear. There you will feel a slight pulsation. Leave your fingers in this place, squeeze your skin a little and try to move your ears. Repeat the exercise also 30 times.
  3. Place the index fingers over the ear, slide the middle to the temple. Thus, you surround the third necessary muscle. Move your fingers in two directions, trying to move your ears. The procedure is worth ten minutes. So you not only stretch the muscle, but also get a good relaxing massage. This helps to relax after work, reduce or completely relieve a headache.
  4. This exercise is designed for the moment when your ears begin to listen at least a little. You will need points for the exercise. Put them on the very tip of the nose, fix the arms behind the ears. Now without hands, try moving the glasses closer to the bridge of the nose. Ears in this business are the chief assistant.

If the first time you could not cope with the fourth exercise, do not despair, train further!

ability to move ears

How long does the training take?

How to move your ears, you now know, but many will ask: how long will the training last? This is all purely personal. It depends on the muscles, and on desire, and on the time spent. Those people who work out every other day or even less can spend a year before they succeed.

There are people who quickly understand how to move their ears, their training can last only a week.

There are those who already after the first lesson understand how to make the muscles work.

So do it, don’t be lazy. This is the easiest task, you just need to believe in your abilities!


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