Employee Express Courier Employee Reviews on Working Conditions and Salary

Today, we’ll provide you with feedback from Courier Service Express employees about your employer. This moment is extremely important for those who want to get a job here. After all, it is always useful to know which company you are contacting. Let’s try to figure out what's what. Is it worth it to get a job at Courier Service Express? Or is it better to stay away from this employer? Maybe he got into the "black list" of companies offering a variety of vacancies for building a career? We have to learn about all this.

employee reviews courier service express

All his

The first thing you should pay attention to is that the reviews of Courier Service Express employees often emphasize: you need your own machine to work. Work transport is provided, but preference is given to those who have their own.

Not very scary, but unpleasant. In principle, practice shows that “KSE” (“Courier Service Express”), when applying for a job as a driver, really offers its cars. Especially when it comes to bulky goods and parcels. Among other things, they often hire foot couriers to organize the delivery of small parcels to their homes. Basically, so far nothing is strange or scary, right?


Also, the reviews of Courier Service Express employees emphasize that during the interview you will be offered several options for the work schedule. It is possible for students to combine, as well as part-time.

In general, it is proposed to work 2/2 or 5/2. And the working time is about 12 hours - from 8 am to 8 pm. "Concessions" are made only to foot couriers, of whom there are not so many - the day of work lasts from 10:00 to 19:00.

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But, as practice shows, Courier Service Express (parcel tracking, cargo delivery and other logistics services - this is their profile) violates this condition of the contract. Huge processing will be waiting for you, and even after the working day you will have to fill out reports and other documentation. Of course, no surcharges are implied.

Social guarantees

When employing Courier Service Express (Moscow and other Russian cities), they promise that you will be given all social guarantees and the benefits due on them. This technique is very often used to attract new personnel to work.

Numerous reviews from Courier Service Express employees suggest otherwise. The thing is that the social package will be provided to you, but not in full. Although the documents will be made out as if you are "slandering" the employer. So, to complain about him is useless.

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Problems arise with payments, as well as maternity. If you are a girl who still managed to get into the Courier Service Express, you will have to postpone the planning of the child. Otherwise, you will simply be kicked out of work. Either they will force them to quit of their own free will, or they will find an article according to which you must vacate the vacancy. In principle, there is nothing to be surprised. Such a scheme is used everywhere. And not only at KSE. So, so far nothing special can be said about this employer.

Holidays and sick leave

However, numerous reviews of Courier Service Express employees repeatedly emphasize that you will be given leave and sick leave (paid). Although the payments are not so big, it’s better than not getting anything. So it remains only to rejoice.

But in order to earn paid leave you have to work for the company for more than a year. Few people linger here for such a long time. But sick leave always. And payments come exactly on time on a plastic card. So no cheating. This makes me happy. Most companies do not provide officially paid holidays and sick leave at all.

True, if you are seriously ill, then you can simply be fired. For long passes. Even if they were due to sick leave. Consider this fact if you decide to find a job in a company.


Courier Service Express (tracking and tracking parcels in Russia - the main direction of the organization) pays, as they say during the interview, only a "white" salary. Yes, and the salary to you, as a courier, is promised not so small - about 15,000 rubles a month. Tempting, isn't it?

courier service express Moscow

In addition, the reviews of Courier Service Express employees emphasize that when employed here everyone is attracted by payments, allowances, bonuses and other monetary rewards that will be accrued monthly. But is it really so?

Not really. Practice has shown that during employment, the contract will specify a salary of 10,000 rubles, as well as a "black" salary. That is, there are no guarantees that you will not be deceived. Nevertheless, many assure that if you carry out your duties normally and conscientiously, then no one will cut back your earnings. How much they worked - they got so much. On the one hand, this is true. But on the other - the company still has a certain deception. This is the amount of salary. And the moment repels many potential job seekers.

Plus, to the minuses of the organization include permanent delays in wages. Sometimes it may not be paid for several months. Numerous reviews from Courier Service Express employees state that mainly newcomers find jobs in this company. Those who just need money and have nowhere else to go. But people with higher education try to stay away from this employer.

Penalties and totals

Penalties and punishments at KSE are far from uncommon. But these events occur only when employees poorly perform assigned tasks. The amount of punishments of Courier Service Express (tracking of shipments, escort of parcels and other logistics services - this is the profile of the organization) is fixed. And no one will charge you multimillion-dollar fines for small offenses. In this regard, the company really proved to be a good employer.

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And what conclusion can be drawn from all that has been said? Courier Service Express is a company that is suitable for employment and the beginning of a career. But only to those who are ready to work for days, tirelessly. This is the only way to succeed here. Many employees advise against self-testing and staying away from the SSC. But, nevertheless, recently the staff turnover has decreased here. This employer is able to give at least some stability.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A8989/

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