What if I am a fool? How to understand yourself.

What if I am a fool? This question is being asked by women around the world. It all depends on the situation and their self-esteem. For those who ask: β€œWhy didn’t the Lord God endow me with the mind?” indeed, in most cases, an inadequate attitude towards oneself. Perhaps the stereotypes that are an integral part of our whole life are to blame. Basically, they are invented by men: why are women fools, and we clever people have to endure their stupid words and deeds? A woman who knows her worth and has self-esteem will never pay attention to such ignorant remarks.

And why is there only the widespread opinion that blondes are fools? People who think so, at least take an interest in the essence of the problem and then learn that there are as many smart women among brunettes as there are fair-haired women. It’s just so customary in our society, we attack those who are in the minority or in something different from the majority. Blondes are a rare occurrence, naturally it is not about those who dye their hair. One such woman is born to ten dark-haired ladies. Therefore, before being offended by such attacks, a blonde who knows her worth will think many times.

In general, the question of what to do if I'm a fool belongs to the category of those for which there is no answer. It is striking that sometimes we pronounce words whose meaning we do not fully understand. After all, a fool is a kind of collective image, which implies a combination of various words that are close in meaning: silly, irresponsible, absent-minded, inattentive, not far off, and so on. Applying these words to oneself speaks only of low self-esteem and lack of self-discipline.

The important thing is that when you ask yourself what to do if I'm a fool, it means you are aware of the presence of some shortcomings in your behavior or outlook on life. And this is already good. After all, a person completely stupid and stupid simply would not have to worry about it. Such people usually, on the contrary, believe in themselves, and generally a serious analysis of the situation is not for them.

Why are you scolding yourself? It’s time to think, because it can significantly ruin your life. We are what we think of ourselves. Therefore, if you repeat as a spell what to do if I’m a fool, then in the end people really will consider you a near-minded person who behaves extremely ridiculously. Such destructive behavior can cause a lot of reasons. An unsuccessful job interview, parting with a loved one, forgetfulness, indecision or awkwardness - all this and not only can cause attacks of self-flagellation and self-criticism in you. In fact, not everyone realizes that there are a great many people suffering from the same situations or character traits. But for some reason they do not call themselves fools. They just love themselves for their virtues and do not scold for their shortcomings.

Another thing is if you have made such a conclusion about yourself, based on the opinion of the people around you. If you are told that you are a fool, this does not mean that it is. A person who expresses such an opinion can pursue different goals, up to elevating himself against your background. Therefore, if you hear such insulting words from a loved one, then this, of course, is absolutely unacceptable and outrageous. Indeed, a truly loving husband or relative will never tell you such things.

The main thing you need to do if you are tormented by the question of what to do if I'm a fool, stop thinking like that. Your self-esteem, of course, is extremely underestimated, and you need to increase it slowly and persistently. You should pay more attention to your positive character traits and personality traits. You should not be so self-critical to yourself. Each person has its drawbacks and should treat them adequately and thoughtfully.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A8993/

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