Pedicure with ingrown toenail. Pedicure set. Medical hardware pedicure

Even if a pedicure, home or salon, is your regular cosmetic procedure, the risk of an ingrown nail is still high. This phenomenon is unpleasant and even painful. But by applying several techniques it is possible to get rid of it and even prevent it.

All this can be done using a conventional set. And you can use the modern hardware pedicure service with medical specifics. What is it about?

Ingrown nail - a serious problem or a minor defect?

Onychocryptosis - so, according to medical terminology, an ingrown nail is called. This problem can be easily recognized, even if it first appeared. Most often, a similar ailment is observed on the thumb. An ingrown nail is the bending of the edges of the nail plate and their ingrowth into the periungual tissue. As a result, the area of ​​the periungual roller reddens, becomes inflamed, suppuration and pulling pains appear, aggravated by pressure.

Inflammation and redness with a growing nail affect the aesthetics of the legs. Therefore, the disease is not only a medical, but also a cosmetic defect.

ingrown nail

Causes of the problem

An ingrown nail, a pedicure in which is not contraindicated, occurs for a number of reasons:

  1. The appearance of fungus toenails.
  2. Neglect of the rules of basic hygiene.
  3. Pedicure, in which the edges of the nail plate were incorrectly cut.
  4. Constant wearing tight shoes.
  5. Great load on the legs due to overweight.
  6. Toe injury.
  7. Scoliosis and other defects with posture, affecting the pressure on the foot.
  8. Genetic predisposition.
how is the procedure for treating an ingrown nail

Disease onset

Most often, men under 35 years old are affected by the problem of ingrown nails. Women, due to the fact that they carefully take care of their legs, suffer less from the ingrowth of the nail plate.

Only 10-15% of the population in the country face nail ingrowth. But as soon as this problem has made itself felt, you should definitely contact a surgeon. He will prescribe a medical pedicure course.

Although, as many people who have encountered an ingrown toenail say, self-correct cutting of the nail edge and the use of some ointments will contribute to the speedy elimination of the ailment.

Advantages of the medical method

Processing ingrown nails with pedicure has many advantages:

  1. The absence of pain during the procedure.
  2. In the vast majority of cases, medical pedicures do not require additional surgical intervention.
  3. There are absolutely no contraindications to the procedure.
  4. After it, all antifungal agents act more intensively, since the hardware pedicure of the ingrown nail makes the skin softer.
  5. An advantage is that the procedure is aimed at protecting healthy nails from infection with a fungus and ingrown edges.
  6. In addition to the treatment, the pedicure apparatus also has a cosmetic orientation, that is, it gives the legs aesthetics.

Contraindications for medical pedicure

Despite the usefulness of the medical procedure when growing the nail plate, nevertheless, due to its effect, some problems with the body may appear. Therefore, it is highly not recommended to get rid of the problem of an ingrown nail with a medical pedicure:

  1. If there are allergic reactions to the funds used in the processing process.
  2. With chronic liver and kidney dysfunction, as a result of such an ailment, metabolic disturbances in the body occur.
  3. With blood diseases, its poor coagulability. In the process of medical pedicure, the risk of bleeding is not excluded.
  4. With allergic dermatitis. The thing is that exposure to inflamed skin can enhance the development of dermatitis.
  5. In the presence of malignant tumors on the feet, fingers and nail plates. Violation of the integrity of such entities will lead to the progression of cancer development.
  6. With infection of the skin of the feet and skin of the fingers, as well as the nail plate. Using the tools used, there is a high risk of infection of healthy organs from already infected parts of the body.
  7. Diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2. A special detrimental effect can affect older people suffering from this disease.

Medical pedicure for ingrown toenails

The procedure of a medical focus with an ingrown nail should be carried out only by a qualified specialist with a medical background: podologist or cosmetologist.

The sequence of the procedure consists of several methods:

  1. Gold plate. It is applicable for increased sensitivity of the skin roller and the fine structure of the nail plate. The product is tightly attached to the nail and adjusts its shape. This instrument is made of gold-plated surgical steel.
  2. The Podofix plate is made of flexible plastic, it is firmly attached to the surface of the nail plate using special glue. The method is applicable for an intensive inflammatory process.
  3. Duroplastic plate. It has a springy effect. When gluing it on the nail plate, it will be possible to raise its growing edge above the skin roller.
  4. “COMBIped”. It is relevant with a running form of ingrowth, when the roller is very inflamed and purulent accumulations form. “COMBIped” is a metal bracket, which is brought under the edge of the growing nail and fixed with a plastic tip. This method is used to adjust the ingrown nail on one side only.
podofix plate

Tools for the procedure

The pedicure kit needed to “treat” an ingrown nail consists of several tools. As a rule, they are used in salons, but at home they can also be used.

  1. Pedicure device. There is a professional, but there is a usual one for home conditions. But it is better to give preference to the first, since it is equipped with more power.
  2. Pedicure set of milling cutters: gold-plated surgical steel gold sword, flexible plastic podofix, metal onoclip coated with epoxy, duroplastic with fiberglass.
  3. Equipment, large or miniature, for sterilizing pedicure instruments.
  4. Antiseptic for the treatment of feet.
  5. Compositions designed to soften the skin of the feet and nail plate.
  6. Scissors.
  7. Tweezers.
  8. Means for prosthetics of the nail plate, namely: restoring gel "Gevol" (most often used, easy to use), two-component composition "Ungizan", etc.
  9. Individual pedicure set consisting of a disposable nail file, napkin, toe separators. All these devices are disposable and are disposed of after the procedure.
medical pedicure machine

Correction session

So, pedicure correction of an ingrown nail should be done every month or two. The correction consists in re-filing and cutting off the growing nail and preventing it from growing completely. However, in some cases, surgical correction may be necessary. The latter, in turn, is divided into several methods:

  • processing the nail plate using radio frequency devices;
  • cauterization by electric current;
  • corrective method using a laser or chemical apparatus;
  • surgical intervention with conventional tools that remove the ingrown part of the nail, granular tissue and the root of the nail plate;
  • if the fragmentation removal of the nail plate did not help, the doctor resorts to its complete removal.

Rules for foot care after medical and cosmetic procedures

After a medical pedicure with an ingrown nail, it is necessary to follow the rules for further foot care. This is necessary so that the disease does not recur.

  1. After the procedure, you should not take a hot bath during the day. Hot water and steam will dry the newly renewed layer of the nail plate.
  2. To maintain the health of the legs and prevent further nail ingrowth, it is necessary to do a medical pedicure every 30-60 days.
  3. Between medical pedicure, do not neglect the usual cosmetic foot care.
  4. Avoiding wearing tight shoes will prevent the onset of onychocryptosis.
  5. Nursing preventive procedures are also needed.

Pedicure at home

Pedicure ingrown toenails at home is not so difficult, although it requires accuracy and attention. Tools can be involved not professional, the main thing - disinfected. You don’t even need to take pedicure training courses.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. First you need to prepare all the pedicure accessories: a foot bath, a towel, a curette and tweezers, polishing stones for feet, a machine with blades to remove rough skin or pumice (depending on the degree of neglect), a means for disinfecting tools, cream peeling or scrub foot cream, foot cream (moisturizing, softening or nourishing).
  2. The feet must be steamed so that both the nails and the surrounding skin rollers become soft and pliable.
  3. Then, using the curette, the ingrown nails are treated, the edge of the skin roller is gently pushed back and the ingrown edge is cut off, giving it an even vertical shape.
  4. Burrs are cut off, all edges are pushed aside, forming an even shape of the nails, the cuticle is cut off.
  5. With the help of a machine or pumice, the feet are treated, removing dead skin.
  6. They treat the feet with a scrub.
  7. In conclusion, lubricate the feet with the selected cream.

You can also lubricate the inflamed area of ​​the skin roller with Levomekol or other means that stretch suppuration and relieve inflammation. Wrap a finger with a bandage or plaster.

Preventative measures

A regular course of pedicure with an ingrown nail is already a worthy preventative procedure. But it will not be superfluous to carry out a number of measures that will significantly reduce the risk of an ailment. These include:

  • permanent nail care: includes a cut of the edge of the nail plate, which should not be too short, but rise a little on the soft periungual tissue;
  • the correct selection of shoes: most often wearing tight shoes can lead to ingrown toenails; and also it is not recommended to wear shoes with pointed noses regularly;
  • daily foot hygiene, consisting of washing, scrubbing, foot baths and masks, using products to soften the skin and nail plates.
feet care

Using a curette for ingrown toenails

Part of a manicure or a separate procedure is the work of a curette - a special metal file. It is used for pedicure and correction of ingrown nails.

The curette is available in two forms:

  • one-sided;
  • bilateral.

Both those and others are made of high-strength metal resistant to corrosion damage. The difference between the two types is that the one-sided has only one end with a surface for treating ingrown toenails, the two-sided has, of course, two.

After each use of the metal file, its antiseptic treatment is necessary. The principle of using the tool is as follows:

  1. The rasp (sharp edge of the curette) is pressed tightly to the nail plate and held several times over its entire surface.
  2. The second end of the file is cut off the ingrown edge of the nail.

The treatment of an ingrown nail during pedicure with a curette should be carried out only by an experienced master, since in inept hands this tool can harm the surface of the nail, which is why there is a risk of infection.

pedicure curette


Where to get a pedicure with an ingrown nail: at home or in the salon? Of course, you should trust a specialist with a medical education. Yes, and if a simple cosmetic pedicure is part of your usual life, then this ailment does not threaten you.

Home pedicure for getting rid of an ingrown nail will be fundamentally different from a medical one, since in the process of self-processing, as a rule, “improvised” materials are used that are intended for the usual care of feet and nails.

The main thing is to try to avoid injuring the inflamed area of ​​the skin and nail. This will not only avoid additional pain, but also reduce the risk of infection of the skin of the periungual area.


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