How to brew coffee in a geyser coffee machine: recipes and tips

Probably, many already know how to brew coffee in a geyser coffee maker, but only true connoisseurs of this drink can perfectly prepare a unique latte or an exquisite cappuccino, skillfully using this device.

Do you want to learn all the secrets of real coffee making and enjoy amazingly delicious coffee every day? Thanks to this article, you will learn how to brew coffee in a geyser coffee machine, what care it needs, and what you should pay attention to when buying this machine.

Principle of operation

Before you learn how to brew coffee in a geyser coffee machine, we will discuss why it was called that. A geyser is an underground source that, under the action of steam, breaks through the upper layers of the earth and expels hot water with a high pressure.

How to brew coffee in a geyser coffee maker

The principle of a geyser coffee machine has something in common with a real geyser - a natural phenomenon. In this case, the underground source is the lower bowl into which cold water is poured, and the upper layers of the earth are a special filter with coffee powder. There is also an upper part, which is filled with the finished drink using the escaping steam.

Type of housing

The body of the geyser coffee maker is of three types: metal, stainless and aluminum. When buying, it is very important to pay attention to this. The best material is expensive metal or stainless steel. When heated, they do not give the coffee an unpleasant aftertaste, which cannot be said about aluminum.

geyser coffee maker how to brew coffee on gas

Many complain that after the first preparation of coffee in an aluminum bowl, it acquires a foul smell and taste. But do not despair. This problem will be solved by itself after 3-4 brewing. The most important thing is to rinse the bottom of the coffee maker with running water and in no case to clean it with detergents. Why? After each preparation, coffee oils remain on the walls, which not only neutralize the smell of aluminum, but also give the drink a more saturated taste.

The main differences between a coffee maker and a classic turkish

As we have already found out, a geyser coffee maker consists of three parts: the lower part is a container that is filled with cold water; top - a container for the finished drink; filter filled with coffee product.

how much to brew coffee in a geyser coffee maker

The classic Turk, unlike the geyser coffee maker, is very easy to use. This can be called its main advantage. But the minus of the Turks is that the coffee prepared in it does not have a pronounced taste and aroma. In addition, a geyser coffee machine eliminates the presence of small grains, which, as a rule, remain at the bottom of the Turks and can fall into a mug with a finished drink.

Another plus of the coffee maker is its characteristic signal (hissing), which warns of the preparation of the drink. Although the classic Turk does not need special care, nevertheless, she cannot give the coffee the density and strength that a geyser coffee machine is capable of.

Brew coffee

How many minutes to brew coffee in a geyser coffee maker? To prepare one serving, you will spend no more than 5 minutes (depending on the volume of the lower packaging). Let's take a closer look at the step-by-step instructions.

Inventory preparation:

  • Before starting, you need to make sure that all the ingredients are available (coffee, sugar, purified water, a measuring spoon and the coffee pot itself);
  • The coffee maker must be clean and ready to use.


  • disconnect all three parts (two containers and a filter);
  • make sure that the mesh on the filter is not clogged (otherwise, boiling water may not break through the filter and the coffee maker will become worthless).

Filling with water:

  • pour purified water into the lower tank;
  • if there are volume marks on the coffee maker, do not fill above the upper division;
  • if there is no such markup, then be guided by the volume of the mug from which you will drink.

Filter setting:

  • most importantly - do not ram the coffee;
  • make sure that the filter does not clog, this will lead to bad consequences.

Fastening all parts.

After we installed the filter, and secured the last upper part, you need to put the coffee maker on medium heat or connect to the network if it is electric.

how many minutes to brew coffee in a geyser coffee maker

Do not remove the coffee maker from the stove or open the lid on it, immediately after the coffee has been prepared. It is necessary to wait until the hissing sound completely subsides, and the steam stops coming out. If you do not adhere to this rule, you can burn your hands or ruin the device.

An unconventional way of coffee

The following method is significantly different from the previous one. In the lower tank, instead of cold, you need to pour hot water. Why do this?

The fact is that the coffee maker's body heats up pretty quickly, and before the cold water boils, the coffee grind inside the filter heats up and burns a little. This makes the coffee slightly bitter in taste.

how to brew coffee in a geyser type coffee maker

Next, put the coffee machine on low heat and leave the lid open. After a few seconds, the water will gradually fill the upper tank. As soon as the liquid reaches the maximum mark, you need to remove the coffee maker and cool it in cold water.

If it is not immediately cooled, steam conversion will continue, and the flow of boiling water will not stop. Therefore, prepare a small container with cold water in advance, in which you can quickly put the coffee maker.

5 secrets

To know the theory of how to brew coffee in a geyser coffee machine is one thing, but the ability to make the best coffee is another. Below are some tips that you can use to prepare the best latte or espresso for you and your loved ones:

  • Optimum grinding (lovers of delicious coffee recommend using medium or coarse grinding). Such coffee will not be very bitter and strong.
  • Use only purified water (if you do not follow this simple rule, the drink will not taste good, and scale will appear on the walls of the coffee maker).
  • Grind the grains yourself (ground coffee has a rich taste, because a lot of oils are formed during grinding).
  • Use additives (do not forget that coffee can be made more delicious if you add chocolate, cream, milk and other ingredients).
  • Give the drink piquancy (in addition to the above additives, it is recommended to put various spices, such as - cinnamon, cloves). But, you just need to add them to where the ground coffee will be, and not in the upper bowl.

If you like to experiment, try making espresso and adding some ice cream to it. Then you can enjoy a new, unique taste and treat your friends with an exquisite drink.

What you should not do

We figured out not only how to brew coffee in a geyser coffee machine, but also discussed 5 secrets that can be used to improve its taste. Now let's figure out what absolutely can not be done when making coffee in a similar coffee machine:

  • Wash the bottom container thoroughly (in order not to feel the taste of aluminum, you do not need to thoroughly wash the bottom container).
  • Open the lid during a boil (if the hissing sound has not subsided, and you decide to lift the lid, you will likely get a burn or break the coffee maker).
  • Exceed a certain level (do not pour water above the mark). Otherwise, the liquid, when evaporated, will leak out and stain the stove.

If you remember and follow these three simple rules, a geyser coffee machine will last you a long time.

What to look for when buying

Before choosing a machine, think about how much coffee to brew in a geyser coffee maker. If a person often invites guests, then it is better for him to buy a model with a large lower tank, for example, for 2-3 servings.

ready coffee

Also pay attention to the handle of the coffee maker. The most important thing is that it does not heat up quickly and is quite convenient for you. If it is an electric coffee maker, then it is not necessary to choose a metal or stainless handle.

Do not forget about the material of manufacture. If you do not want to feel the taste of aluminum at the beginning, then purchase a coffee maker made of high-quality metal or stainless steel.

How to care for the device

The best coffee for a geyser coffee machine is one that has been ground into powder just before brewing. Also, it is worth preparing a drink each time in a clean bowl. Even if you will do several servings at once, then do not be lazy to rinse the machine each time under running water.

best coffee for a geyser coffee maker

You also need to constantly clean the filter into which coffee is poured. Ground coffee for geyser coffee makers often clogs the strainer, and then water cannot normally pass through it. If you have an electric model, then the settings may be lost. Be sure to check them before each use.

From this article, you learned how to brew coffee on gas in a geyser coffee machine, what it consists of and how to care for it. Properly brewed coffee can invigorate in the morning, improve well-being, and delight your loved ones. You learned how to brew coffee in a geyser-type coffee machine , now you can make delicious and aromatic coffee every day and enjoy it with friends and relatives.


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