How to make a roof on the garage with your own hands? Construction, materials, tools

When constructing a garage, few choose complex and intricate designs. In the first place are simplicity, efficiency and reliability. Constructed roofs, as a rule, have a gable or single-pitch shape. The last option to build faster and easier, it involves less material costs. But sometimes the property owner needs an attic space to store the tool and other property. To this end, you can make a gable roof. Be that as it may, materials for the simplest rafter system, insulation, hydro- and vapor barrier films, and also roofing material will be required. The coating must retain heat inside to be in the garage as comfortable as possible.

Garage Roof Flat Design

how to make a roof on the garage

If you are thinking about how to make a roof on a garage, then you can consider as an option a flat design, which is suitable if reinforced concrete floor slabs were used during construction. In this case, the rafter system will be present if there is a need to form an attic. A soft roof is usually arranged on a concrete base, where roofing material, glass bit or bicrost acts as a material. This option is economical, and a reinforced concrete base protects the building from unwanted guests.

The slab should be located with some slope, for this the opposite walls should be at different levels. If you have not learned this, the slope under the roof can be equipped with a hard insulation and screed based on cement and sand.

Features of the construction of a flat roof

iron garage

Many today are thinking about how to make a roof on a garage. If it is flat, then its minimum slope should be in the range from 2.5 to 3 °. The flat roof is sometimes made of wood, for this purpose floor beams are laid on the walls of the building, with their ends they must enter nests formed during brickwork. On top of the beams is a continuous flooring of boards, the thickness of the latter should be 30 mm or more.

Next, a soft roof is arranged. Pitched roofs provide for the presence in the rafter system of a certain space under the roof. If the building is attached to a residential building, the roof should be shed. It will become a kind of continuation of the one that exists on the house. When choosing roofing materials for it, it is necessary to prefer similar to the coating of the main building, which concerns not only the material, but also the color. Gable roofs are made when the garage acts as a separate structure. Other varieties of roofs are used quite rarely.

Shed roof and its structure

prefabricated garage

Before you make a roof on the garage, gable or single-pitch, all wooden elements of the rafter system are treated with flame retardants and antiseptics, only in this way the materials can be protected from fire and decay. The pitched roof is erected with an inclination angle that does not exceed 30 °, one of the end walls for this is located at a more impressive height. This is true if the pediment is made of brick and becomes a continuation of the facade wall.

Then you can begin the construction of the rafter system. On the top of the brick walls, it is necessary to fill in a reinforced concrete armo-belt, it is arranged before laying the Mauerlat. The arm belt will bear all the loads. Before you make a roof on the garage using this technology, you can also think about whether you need an armored belt. They refuse it if in the system there are floor beams - they will act as puffs for the rafter legs. At a distance between 70 and 100 cm, it is necessary to lay the beams, they are inserted into special holes between the bricks. The ends of the beams must be wrapped with roofing material, this is necessary to exclude the contact of the material with the brick, this will prevent rotting. Further, the master can proceed to the installation of vertical racks, they should be tied together and placed on the beams. As a result, you should get a structure that has two triangles, each of which will rest on the wall with a long leg, while a short leg will fall on the brick facade of the roof. When a gable roof is set up for the garage, the hypotenuse of the triangle should form a roof slope. The structures are interconnected across the arranged beams, a crate is installed under them for the installation of roofing material.

More on the wooden roof of the garage

pent roof for garage

The wooden roof of the garage can be gable, for this the frame is formed according to a rather simple project. To do this, it is necessary to equip the rafter legs, which are arranged in two rows and have an identical shape. Such elements should be located on two parallel walls. The rafters are connected at the tops with a single ridge. The steeper the ramp, the more building material will be required to erect the rafter system. Do not forget about the length of the rafter leg, to which is added a distance equal to the allowance for the visor. For finished rafters, you should fill the crate system with the desired step, it is determined depending on the size of the roofing material.

Specialist recommendations

roof waterproofing

To form a single-pitched roof sheathing, it is necessary to purchase a square section block with a side of 5 cm. A 25 mm board is also suitable, the width of which varies from 15 to 20 cm. Depending on which roofing material you will choose for the roof sheathing, you can make a design continuous or with a certain step, the latter should correspond to the dimensions of the roofing material. A pitched roof for the garage will allow you to form an attic space. It will not be possible to fully use it, however there is an opportunity to arrange good insulation.

The choice of roofing materials

concrete garage roof

To cover the roof, you can prefer different materials, for a flat roof fit:

  • roofing material;
  • bicrost;
  • ondulin;
  • glassbit.

If we are talking about a pitched roof, then you can use:

  • metal tile;
  • asbestos-cement sheets ;
  • professional sheet;
  • galvanized smooth sheet.

Roofing roofing material

flat roof garage

An iron garage can be covered with roofing material, which is used for flat roofs. This will require a continuous frame crate, and the floor itself should be formed from a reinforced concrete slab. Waterproofing should be laid between the roofing material and the slab. This will create reliable protection against moisture. Ruberoid is sold in rolls, and it must be laid in several layers. The two lower ones will be lining, while the upper one will be coverslip, it should be the most dense. An iron garage can be saved from moisture with the help of roofing material, for this the surface is lubricated with bitumen impregnation. Next, the first layer spreads parallel to the conditional ridge. It is important to provide a 10-centimeter overlap. Additionally, the material is fixed with nails or self-tapping screws, the distance between which should be 30 cm. Next, the surface is covered with bitumen impregnation, on which roofing material is laid, this time it must be placed perpendicular to the first layer. Strips should be overlapped and fixed. Edges tuck inward. The resulting "pie" is once again treated with impregnation from bitumen to cover the third layer of roofing material, it should also be placed perpendicular to the second.

It is important to remember the need for fasteners and overlap. The service life of such a coating will be approximately 15 years, after which the surface will require updating. A prefabricated garage can also be covered with roofing material, instead of which more modern analogues are often used, such as euroruberoid or rubemast. These materials have higher ductility, and their service life reaches 30 years. Analogs of traditional roofing material can be used on pitched roofs, they have a more attractive appearance.

Preparation of tools and materials before laying euroroofing material

If you decide to use euroruberoid for arranging the roof of the garage, then you need to stock up on a certain set of tools and materials, among them:

  • euroroofing material;
  • bituminous mastic;
  • blowtorch or gas burner;
  • metal hook.

Work with euroroofing material

Prefabricated garage can be blocked using euroroofing material. It is easier to stack than a regular roofing material. Before starting work, there is no need to process the base. The material is heated and stacked. To achieve the best effect, it is necessary to treat the base with bituminous mastic. The bottom layer of material is heated by a blowtorch until the layer boils. The surface also heats up. With a metal hook you need to unscrew the roll, laying the roofing material without the formation of folds and air pockets. Such waterproofing for the roof can be laid in one layer, but the overlap still needs to be done. Its width can be 150 mm. In order to prevent leaks, lay the material on adjacent garages 100 mm or more. For safe heating, it is best to use a blowtorch, but it requires a large amount of fuel. Sometimes a gas burner is used in the work, which is more effective, but dangerous due to the gas cylinder.

Concrete roof

Waterproofing for concrete roofs is especially necessary. The lower beams are covered with boards, a layer of roofing material is laid on top, which can be mounted on a dry or metal sheet to create a base. Sometimes the support does not seem reliable enough, it can simply not withstand the weight of the roof. In this case, it is necessary to take care of the presence of backups, one will be enough for 50 m 2 .

Next, a formwork is constructed for pouring concrete. Across and along the beams is a reinforcement whose cells should be equal to 200x200 mm. In order to exclude overrun of the solution, crushed stone is placed under the reinforcing mixture. When pouring concrete, make sure that the mesh does not move. The concrete roof of the garage is equipped by pouring the mixture in equal portions, which should be leveled on the surface. From time to time the formwork is tapped, this will allow the mortar to lie evenly.


Now you know how to block the roof of the garage. For this, you can use the most advanced materials, but some prefer to save by using, for example, roofing material. It is worth considering how much time you will be ready to carry out repairs, because sometimes it is more advisable to use materials that have a longer service life. And if you want to save money, it is better if you plan to equip a flat roof of the garage, as it involves less material than any other.


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