People with disabilities who have succeeded (photo)

If you give up and do not have the strength to conquer the next peak, remember the historical figures and contemporaries with physical disabilities who have become famous throughout the world. Calling them disabled simply does not turn their tongue. People with disabilities who have succeeded show us all an example of courage, perseverance, heroism and determination.

World famous personalities

Numerous stories of people with disabilities amaze and inspire. Successful individuals are often known throughout the world: books are written about them, films are made. The German musician and composer, representative of the Vienna school - Ludwig van Beethoven is no exception. Already being famous, he began to lose his hearing. In 1802, the man was completely deaf. Despite the tragic circumstances, it is from this period of time that Beethoven begins to create masterpieces. Having received disability, he wrote most of his sonatas, as well as Heroic Symphony, Solemn Mass, the opera Fidelio, and the vocal cycle To the Far Beloved.

people with disabilities who have succeeded
The Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga is another historical figure worthy of respect and admiration. At the age of 12, the girl fell into a sand hurricane and was blinded. At the same time, the so-called third eye opened up inside her - the all-seeing eye. She began to look into the future, predicting the fate of people. Wang drew attention to her activities during World War II. Then there was a rumor in the villages that she was able to determine whether or not a warrior had died on the battlefield, where the missing person was and if there was any hope of finding him.

People during the Second World War

In addition to Wang, during the German occupation there were other people with disabilities who were successful. In Russia and abroad, everyone knows the brave pilot Alexei Petrovich Maresyev. During the battle, his plane was shot down, and he himself was seriously injured. For a long time I got to my own, because of the developed gangrene I lost my legs, but, despite this, I managed to convince the medical board that I could fly even with prostheses. The brave pilot shot down many more enemy ships, constantly took part in military battles and returned home as a hero. After the war, he constantly traveled to the cities of the USSR and everywhere defended the rights of persons with disabilities. His biography formed the basis of the "Tale of a Real Man."

people with disabilities who have been successful in sports
Another key figure in World War II is Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The thirty-second president of the United States was also disabled. Long before that, he became ill with polio and remained paralyzed. The treatment did not give positive results. But Roosevelt did not lose heart: he worked actively and achieved tremendous successes in politics and in the diplomatic field. Important pages of world history are connected with his name: US participation in the anti-Hitler coalition and normalization of relations between the American country and the Soviet Union.

Russian heroes

The list of distinguished personalities includes other people with disabilities who have been successful. From Russia, we primarily know Mikhail Suvorov, a writer and teacher who lived in the second half of the 20th century. When he was 13 years old, he lost his sight from a projectile explosion. This did not stop him from becoming the author of sixteen collections of poems, many of which were widely recognized and put on music. Suvorov also taught at a school for the blind. Before his death, he was awarded the title of Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation.

But Valery Andreevich Fefyolov worked on another field. He not only fought for the rights of persons with disabilities, but was also an active participant in the dissident movement in the Soviet Union. Prior to that, he worked as an electrician: he fell from a height and broke his spine, remaining confined to a wheelchair until the end of his life. It was on this simple device that he traveled the vast expanses of a vast country, urging people to help the organization he created, the All-Union Society of Disabled People, if possible. The activity of the dissident of the USSR authorities was considered anti-Soviet and, together with his family, he was expelled from the country. Refugees received political asylum in the German Federal Republic of Germany.

Famous musicians

People with disabilities who have achieved success with their creative abilities are widely heard. Firstly, this is the blind musician Ray Charles, who lived 74 years and died in 2004. This man can rightfully be called a legend: he is the author of 70 studio albums recorded in the style of jazz and blues. Blinded at the age of seven due to suddenly developed glaucoma. The disease did not become an obstacle to his musical abilities. Ray Charles received 12 Grammy awards; he was celebrated in numerous stavas. Frank Sinatra himself called Charles "the genius of show business," and the famous Rolling Stone magazine entered his name in the top ten of his "List of Immortals."

people with disabilities who have succeeded in life
Secondly, the world knows another blind musician. This is Stevie Wonder. The creative person had a tremendous influence on the development of vocal art in the 20th century. He became the founder of the R'n'B style and classic soul. Steve went blind right after birth. Despite his physical handicap, he ranks second among pop singers in terms of the number of Grammy figurines received. The musician was awarded this award 25 times - not only for career success, but also for life achievements.

Popular Athletes

People with disabilities who have achieved success in sports deserve special respect. There are a lot of them, but first of all I want to mention Eric Weichenmeier, who, being blind, was the first in the world to climb the top of the formidable and powerful Everest. The climber became blind even at the age of 13, but managed to finish training, get a profession and a sports rank. Following Eric’s adventures, during his famous conquest of the mountain, a feature film called “Touch the Top of the World” was made. By the way, Everest is not a single achievement of a man. He managed to climb the seven most dangerous peaks in the world, including Elbrus and Kilimanjaro.

success stories of people with disabilities
Another world famous person is Oscar Pistorius. Having become an invalid almost from the first days of his life, in the future he managed to turn the idea of ​​modern sport. The man, having no legs below the knee, competed on an equal footing with healthy athletes-runners, and achieved huge successes and numerous victories. The Oscar is a symbol of people with disabilities and an example of the fact that disability is not an obstacle to a normal life, including sports. Pistorius is an active participant in the support program for citizens with physical disabilities and the main promoter of active sports among this category of people.

Strong women

Do not forget that people with disabilities who have achieved success in their careers are not exclusively representatives of the stronger sex. Among them there are a lot of women - for example, Esther Verger. Our contemporary - the Dutch tennis player - is considered the greatest in this sport. At the age of 9, due to an unsuccessful operation on the spinal cord, her legs were taken away , but she sat on the stroller and managed to turn tennis upside down. Nowadays, a woman is a winner of the Grand Slam and other tournaments, a four-time Olympic champion, seven times she became the leader in world competitions. Since 2003, she has not suffered a single defeat, becoming the winner of 240 sets in a row.

Helen Adams Keller is another name to be proud of. The woman was blind and deaf-mute, but, having mastered symbolic functions, having mastered the correct movements of the larynx and lips, she entered a higher educational institution and graduated with honors. The American became a famous writer, who on the pages of her books spoke about herself and people like her. Her story formed the basis of the play by William Gibson, "Creating a Miracle."

Actresses and dancers

Everyone with disabilities who have succeeded is in full view. Photos of the most beautiful women often love tabloid printing: among such talented and beautiful ladies, it is worth noting Sarah Bernhardt. In 1914, a leg was amputated by a French actress, but she continued to enter the theater. The last time grateful viewers saw her on the stage in 1922: at the age of 80, she played a role in the play "The Lady with Camellias". Many prominent artists called Sarah a model of excellence, courage and fortitude.

people with disabilities who have succeeded in Russia
Another famous woman who conquered the public with her thirst for life and creativity is Lina Poe, a ballerina and dancer. Her real name is Pauline Gorenstein. In 1934, after suffering encephalitis, she remained blind and partially paralyzed. Lina could no longer speak, but she did not lose heart - the woman learned to sculpt. She was accepted into the Union of Soviet Artists, the woman's works were constantly exhibited at the most famous exhibitions of the country. The main collection of her sculptures is now in the museum of the All-Russian Society of the Blind.


People with disabilities who have achieved success have lived not only in our time. Among them are many historical figures - for example, the writer Miguel Cervantes, who lived and worked in the 17th century. The author of the world famous novel about the adventures of Don Quixote not only spent time writing stories, he also served in the military in the Navy. In 1571, taking part in the battle of Lepanto, he was seriously injured - he lost his arm. Subsequently, Cervantes loved to repeat that disability was a powerful impetus for the further development and improvement of his talent.

disabled people who succeeded photo
John Pulitzer is another person who has become famous throughout the world. The man went blind at the age of 40, but after the tragedy he began to work even more. In the modern world, he is known to us as a successful writer, journalist, publisher. He is called the founder of the "yellow press". After his death, John bequeathed to him earned $ 2 million at Columbia University. Most of this amount went to the opening of the Higher School of Journalism. For the rest of the money, they founded a bonus for correspondents, which has been awarded since 1917.


Among this category there are also people with disabilities who have achieved success in life. What is the well-known English physicist Stephen William Hawking - the author of the theory of primary black holes. The scientist suffers from amyotrophic sclerosis, which at first deprived him of the ability to move, and then speak. Despite this, Hawking is actively working: he controls a wheelchair and a special computer with the fingers of his right hand - the only moving part of his body. Now he occupies a high position, which belonged to Isaac Newton three centuries ago: he is a professor of mathematics at the University of Cambridge.

people with disabilities who have succeeded nowadays
It is worth noting Louis Braille - the French teacher. As a little boy, he injured his eyes with a knife, after which he forever lost the opportunity to see. To help himself and other blind people, he created a special relief-dot font for the blind. It is used today in the whole world. Based on the same principles, the scientist came up with special notes for the blind, which made it possible for blind people to make music.


People with disabilities who have succeeded in our time and in past centuries can be an example for each of us. Their life, work, activity is a huge feat. Agree how sometimes it’s hard to break the barriers to a dream. Now imagine that they have these barriers more extensive, deep and insurmountable. Despite the difficulties, they managed to pull themselves together, gather their will into a fist and begin active actions.

To list all worthy personalities in one article is simply unrealistic. People with disabilities who have succeeded make up an army of citizens: each of them demonstrates his courage and strength. Among them are well-known artist Chris Brown, with only one limb, writer Anna MacDonald with a diagnosis of intellectual inferiority, as well as TV presenter Jerry Jewell, poet Chris Nolan and screenwriter Chris Foncheka (all three are suffering from cerebral palsy) and so on. What can we say about the many athletes without legs and arms, who are actively involved in competitions. The stories of these people should become a standard for each of us, a symbol of courage and determination. And when you give up and it seems that the whole world is against you, remember these heroes and move on to your dream.


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