Emsi LLC: employee reviews of work in the company

Today we’ll have to figure out what kind of reviews the employees receive. And in general, what kind of organization is this. What does she do? What are the pros and cons of paying attention to when working here? Is Emsi a bona fide employer? Or is it better to avoid this company? Numerous reviews about the employer really help to understand all this. They help to understand how the company complies with the agreed working conditions. After all, initially employers promise a lot to their employees, but in practice everything turns out a little differently. So which Emsi LLC employees receive feedback? What do applicants need to know before starting work and further cooperation?


The first step is to understand what the company is doing. Emsi is an organization that is engaged in the field of show business. She holds concerts and various events.

emsey employee reviews

Everyone who has a craving for creativity dreams of working in a similar field. But is it worth it to get a job here? How good is Emsi? Understanding this is not so easy. Especially considering the fact that the company is engaged in several non-standard activities.


A positive review of Emsi suggests that the company is not a fraudulent office. And it pleases. Everyone has a chance to work in the field of show business, try their hand at selling tickets for concerts or organizing events directly.

Located "Emsey" in Moscow. In other cities there are no branches or branches of the company, that is, it is exclusively a Moscow organization. Accordingly, only the residents of the capital, as well as the nearest areas, can evaluate the essence of the employer.

Offers from the employer

Initially, Emsi, like any other company, offers quite favorable conditions. They are often called enticing. But is everything really that good? What attracts the organization?

Emsi offers all his subordinates:

  • official employment;
  • creative work;
  • Friendly team;
  • career;
  • the possibility of professional and personal development;
  • decent pay;
  • free education;
  • full social package.

It seems that the company under study is truly a conscientious employer. But is it really so? As practice shows, the heads of different firms make similar promises, but do not always keep them. What do they say about Emcie?

Official employment

Employee reviews differ in many respects relative to the specified company. Therefore, it is difficult to draw conclusions about good faith. Some workers emphasize that Emsey employs everyone in accordance with established legislation in Russia. Will have to perform duties under an employment contract. It consists of several copies, the agreement spells out all the features of cooperation.

ooo emcy employee reviews

The company "Emsi" reviews employees as not the most honest employer. Some opinions indicate that work has to be done informally. This means that there is no guarantee or certainty that the subordinate will not be fired once.

What to believe? In general, Emsi works under employment contracts. There is no evidence that the firm recognizes informal labor. Therefore, negative opinions in this area are not credible. Maybe Emsey does not really conclude employment contracts with someone, but there is no evidence of this. But there are many positive reviews and indications of the availability of official employment at Emsi. This inspires confidence in the company.

Social package

Moscow Show LLC ("Emsi" LLC) receives generally mixed reviews from employees. Some employees say that social guarantees are offered to all subordinates right from the moment of signing the labor contract. But in order to easily go on vacation, you must work at least 12 months. Prior to this, you will have to wait or take a break at your own expense with breaks. It is a completely normal, legal phenomenon.

Some, on the contrary, leave negative reviews about Emsi because of social guarantees. In such opinions, it is usually written that workers are used in the organization as "powerless slaves" who are not provided with a social package. Although the documents indicate otherwise.

emsey company employee reviews

These are standard complaints, unsubstantiated. There are more positive reviews about Emsi regarding the provision of social guarantees. Therefore, it is preferable to believe that the employer does not violate the rights and promises made to subordinates, especially if everything is documented. The main thing is to responsibly approach your work and study labor law. There are more reviews emphasizing the legitimacy of Emsi’s actions. It is not known how true they are, but the fact remains.


Emsi gets good job reviews because of the team. The employer keeps this promise almost 100% - you will have to work in a friendly company that is always ready to help.

Many emphasize that it is the Moscow Show (this is another name for "Emsi") that suits sociable, energetic and friendly people. It is noted that here colleagues can rely on each other. Not always, but in most cases. There are no serious scandals between them, although quarrels are not excluded.

Only occasionally can one notice dissatisfaction with the work collective. Yes, there are some not the most friendly and welcoming shots at Emsi. But such, as a rule, do not work long in the company. You can not insure yourself from a bad team. Enough to hope for the best. If you take root in the team from the first days of work, then employment will bring positive impressions. In any case, thanks to the friendly working team.

It is noted that it is sometimes difficult for beginners to contact new colleagues. But all the newcomers are all the same initially trying to "take to the company." Therefore, LLC "Emsi" receives positive reviews for collectivism. Outgoing and pleasant people really work here. A small, but still a plus, which not all organizations can boast of.


What other opinions does Emsi LLC get? Reviews about this employer are left different. Some workers emphasize not the best work schedule. Initially, stable earnings and clearly agreed labor hours are promised. But in practice, the situation is somewhat different.

emcie job reviews

The thing is that subordinates complain about overtime work. After a working day, you have to work extra. And without any additional pay. Sometimes a working day reaches 10-14 hours. Not everyone is ready to devote so much time to work. Therefore, such warnings are found among numerous reviews of the organization "Emsi."

And someone says that the company complies with the rules established by the employment contract. That is, you have to work only in the afternoon. Overtime work takes place here, but it is paid extra. Emsi operates within the framework of the established Labor Law. Everything is fair and according to the rules.

Again, it is impossible to say with certainty what “Emsy” actually receives feedback on the work. There is no evidence either regarding the integrity of the corporation, or regarding its dishonesty. However, people tend to believe negativity more.


Moscow Show LLC ("Emsi" LLC) reviews employees earn a negative plan also for earnings. Some workers are ready to turn a blind eye to all the previously listed shortcomings, but only on condition of a decent wage. What do they say about Emcie?

Initially, as already mentioned, employees are promised high earnings on any job. And career prospects. But the main thing is a good profit. She is still emphasized during the interview.

In practice, it turns out that employees are offered a low salary, as well as percentages of sales. Some positions do not provide for salary at all - only about 15% of the amount of transactions concluded by the employee and sales. All this is frustrating. On the one hand, there is indeed a prospect of good profit. That's just to bring it to life does not work in the modern world. Even if you actively sell services from EMC, you still won’t get a good profit.

company reviews

And some, on the contrary, say that employees at the Moscow Show are paid well. Moreover, a stable and high salary is emphasized. Direct contradiction between opinions.

Applicants trust negative reviews more, they cause more confidence. In any case, there is not a single evidence that Emsi pays well. Given some other negative aspects of the organization, it should be assumed that the salary in the company is paid to subordinates low. But the prospect of earning is. It’s enough just to work on conscience, on the result. Then it will turn out to earn with dignity. You can describe earnings at Emcie as unstable high profits and low stable income.

Job interview

By the way, about the interview. It provokes mostly positive emotions among job seekers and employees. Although some comments are still available. For example, Emsi LLC does not receive the best reviews from employees because the first acquaintance with the employer takes place in a small office. The atmosphere of constant fuss is felt by all.

But at the same time, recruitment managers are usually friendly and open. They tell potential employees in detail what to do after choosing a job. All answers must be answered.

Also at the interview, they actively talk about the benefits of Emsy. For example, about high earnings, prospects for the development of the corporation, career growth and development of each subordinate, social benefits and excellent superiors. Many experienced people say that recruitment managers simply do everything to attract new employees to the company. At least for the period of their training. From this, “Emsi" only benefits.

About training

Why? What is useful for the organization of such work in "Emsi"? Employee reviews indicate that training new staff allows superiors to use free labor. Indeed, during the internship, the employee will not receive money. He just studies, gets to know the team and his responsibilities. Approximately a week this period lasts. Only after it can you conclude an employment contract or refuse further cooperation.

You can find opinions according to which, on an internship they really teach upcoming work. Beginners will have a hard time here. Especially if before there was no work experience at all. Some are too harsh on the organization. For example, "hellish labor." That is how some describe both the work at Emsi and the internship.

Indeed, working in this company is not so simple. Will have to try. But if you responsibly approach the performance of official duties, listen to the mentor and practice, you can very quickly get used to and get used to the load. To achieve a similar result, not everyone succeeds.

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Training is offered to all applicants at the interview stage. This nuance pleases many. After all, you can immediately get acquainted with the upcoming work, test your strength!


It is clear what kind of feedback Emsi receives . Moscow is a city of opportunities, show business and prospects. Therefore, the company under study still attracts new job seekers. What can employees say about their superiors? This feature is of interest to some potential employees. Especially if all the previously mentioned pros and cons of the company are not very interested.

Emcy executives are often complained about. Workers speak of both an unfair attitude and the fact that subordinates in the company are generally not put into anything, using as slaves. You can find opinions indicating the intransigence of the authorities. Some leaders are arrogant and arrogant. It is impossible for an ordinary employee to agree on something with the employer.

All these complaints are standard for most employers. Together with them, you can see that the company "Emsi" sometimes receives neutral reviews from employees. They say that the leadership here simply does not like lazy people and requires discipline. With conscientious employees who work in good faith, the management of the company will have a normal relationship. The bosses of “Emsi” will be ready to meet those who deserve it.

Due to the frequent negativity that appears to be for the leadership of the company, the organization is blacklisted by Moscow employers from year to year. You should not be scared and afraid. This is not a true indicator of a company's integrity. But keep in mind that Emsi does not receive the best reviews from employees, especially for its superiors, it is recommended anyway. Taking into account even non-existent minuses of the company will help to avoid serious disappointment by the employer.


And what about the career growth at Emsi LLC? Reviews about the employer are both good and bad. Career growth here, according to numerous opinions, is absent. He is available only in certain positions, and even then not too high. For example, you can get the title of senior sales manager. But apart from the new status, nothing will change - all the same responsibilities, the same salary.

Therefore, Emsi is not the best place to build a career. This has its advantages - employees refer to the fact that no one in the team will compete. This has a positive effect on relationships. Nevertheless, career growth is important for many. If you want to develop and move up the career ladder, it is best to avoid the “Emsy”.

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What conclusions can be drawn? It’s clear what kind of reviews Emcy receives. Moscow is a city in which people are used to building a career. Not everyone succeeds, but most residents are interested in career growth. The Moscow Show cannot boast that it provides its employees with such an opportunity.

In general, Emsey is the most common employer who puts forward very stringent requirements for his employees. Claims against the company are expressed in a standard, standard way. Neither positive opinions nor negative ones are confirmed by anything. Therefore, you just need to analyze on your own all the information presented and make a conclusion for yourself about how “Emsey” is a conscientious employer. This is far from an ideal organization for employment.

One thing is certain: lazy people have no place here. And people with low stress resistance too. For the rest, Emsey can be seen as an option for employment.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A9017/

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