How to make a logo yourself?

Do you open your own company? Or maybe you produce or make unique products? Then you need to create your logo. But not all aspiring entrepreneurs have money to order the development of a brand name from a designer. How to make a logo yourself, read below.


how to make a logo

The first thing a person who wants to create a logo must do is sit down and think about the concept. But it’s difficult to invent something sensible right away. Therefore, brainstorming should help you. Take a piece of paper and a pen. And now write everything that comes to mind regarding the logo. For example, you produce handmade bags. What can I write? Bags, leather, fashion, style, luxury, influence, comfort. How can this help? The ideas you write by brainstorming will be the first step. Having a list in front of your eyes, you will know what to start from. The logo does not necessarily represent what you produce. Often this is simply not possible if you are not manufacturing a product but providing a service.

How to make a logo? After the result of your brainstorming appears on your leaflet, you should choose five words that best reflect your area of ​​activity. It is on these concepts that you will be guided in the future.

Collection of analogues

how to make a beautiful logo

After you brainstorm, you need to understand how the logos of your competitors look like. To do this, you need to collect analogues. Drive your search field into the search engine and go to the picture tab. Now create a folder on the desktop of the computer and save there any images you like. You must save them in one place. It makes no sense to bookmark the browser. If necessary, it will be difficult for you to find the information you need. First, you should look at Russian-language sources, and then ask a request in English and see the result of such a search. At this stage, you need to collect information about what your global competitors use as a logo. Do not be surprised if the images from Russian-language sources will be different. World design is better developed than domestic. At this stage, you will become closer to answering the question of how to make a logo. But do not immediately finish the work. Plagiarizing foreign companies is not only ugly, but also illegal.

The target audience

make company logo

Anyone who decides to work on design on their own should have a question about who the manufactured product or services that the company will provide are designed for. The organizer of the company should have an idea of ​​its target audience. Here you need to consider everything: the age of the customers, their taste preferences, as well as financial capabilities. You might think that everyone can use your services or goods - from small to large. But this is not so. Such products do not sell well. Immediately decide who you would like to work with. For example, when organizing a children's center in a new district, you can assume that children whose parents have mortgages will go to it. And this means that your pricing policy will be low. And if you open an Italian shoe store, you can assume that you will have customers with an income above the average.

The form

how to make a company logo yourself

When you have determined the prosperity of your customers, you can make an assumption regarding their life values. Young people want to get new emotions, they are attracted by everything new and interesting. How to make a beautiful logo for this audience? Nontrivial complex shapes should be used. For example, you can draw a detailed image of a person in motion. If you want to adhere to geometric shapes, give preference to a triangle - it is associated with speed and looks stylish. If your clients are middle-aged people with a good income, give preference to something simple and concise. How to make a logo for this population? A square is what the elite want to see. This geometric figure is associated with stability. Bizarre shapes, plants, and abstractions should be avoided.


how to make a company logo

Did you draw the first sketch? Now you should make a company logo. Try to simplify the initial drawing. Today in the world of design, there is a trend towards simplification. It is rare to see something fanciful on the logo of a well-known company. Designers prefer styling. Did you draw a tree? Now draw only its outline. Foliage can be shown with five randomly growing leaves. No need to draw a crown. The viewer will understand that there is a tree in front of him. The trunk and leaves speak for themselves. If you depicted a person, translate him into a conditional image. Do not draw your face and do not depict a hairstyle, unless there is a special need. You need to create an image that clearly demonstrates to the client the focus of your company. If your company provides legal assistance, portray a portfolio. No need to draw a person who holds him.

Color spectrum

how to make the logo transparent

Are you tormented by the question of how to make a company logo yourself? You already have a finished sketch that looks very simple and concise. Now you need to think over the color scheme. It should be understood that each color carries a semantic load. You do not need to be a designer to understand that red is aggression and green is environmental friendliness and tranquility. Do you like pastel shades? Yes, you can use them, but keep in mind that such a logo will look good only on a certain background. It will be difficult to call it universal. If you decide to use calm colors, be sure to compose the image in any geometric shape and use a neutral background color.

And how many colors can I use? It is advisable not to complicate the logo. Choose one primary color and two additional. If there are not enough colors, enter another shade. But more than four colors are not recommended.


how to make a transparent logo in photoshop

Color extensions should only be used if absolutely necessary. Have you chosen an extremely simple geometric shape? Then a color transition will be appropriate. But just think about what color will go into which. Those shades that stand side by side in the color wheel look good: red - yellow, yellow - green, green - blue, etc. But with contrasting colors, the situation is more complicated. Yes, they can also harmonize well, but on the print, on the border of the fusion of colors, dirt can form, and you definitely do not need it.

A factor such as a combination of colors, you also need to consider if you want to make a logo yourself. How to avoid mistakes? See color picks. Not all colors look good with each other.


People who do not work with logos every day are poorly versed in fonts. And this is their main problem. The average person cannot distinguish one font from another and understand which one will be better read. By default, bold sans serif letters are better read, and look more catchy. But italics and handwritten text are problematic to understand. The name of the company written in such letters will be difficult to make out.

If you are tormented by how to make a company logo, and think that the image is too simple, feel free to add a font to it. The name of the company, which stands next to the logo, is better remembered by the client. But keep in mind the name must be complete. If you recently entered the market, and no one knows your company, it makes no sense to write an abbreviation. She will not tell anyone about anything.

Regarding the color of the font, you can advise giving preference to the classics. Black letters on a white background are always better read. Of course, white on black is readable, but they reach the client’s consciousness worse.


Making the logo yourself is not very difficult. But the idea should be your original one. You can not copy the logo of a foreign competitor and pass it off as your own. Some may think that you are working under a franchise, while others may decide that your competitor’s products are one and the same. Some illiterate people suggest that by mirroring someone else's image, they will make it original. Nothing of the kind, recognition will be the same.

Originality is also needed to help you stand out from a number of competitors. If you produce organic food, you do not need to draw sheets and trees on them. This is too commonplace. Better stylize the landscape of the field or the countryside.

Do not try to keep up with fashion, you will not succeed. If you do not open your company to close it in a year, make a logo that will look advantageous not only today, but also in five years.


You will need to draw a logo in one of two common formats. The first of these is a vector. This graphic is perfect for creating a logo perfectly. You can change the format of your brand name without losing quality. And also to insert such an image will be easy in printed products. You can order a print from a vector image. If you do not own such programs as CorelDRAW or Adobe Illustrator, then it makes sense to order the rendering of your sketch from the designer. Yes, you will have to pay for this service, but at the exit you will get a unique logo, the source file of which can be used everywhere. And one moment. When drawing an image yourself or ordering it from a designer, make the logo transparent. How will this help in the future? If your logo does not have a colored backing, then it should not be anywhere else, including on packages, labels, business cards, etc.


The second graphics format is bitmap images. They differ from vector ones in that they lose their quality with increasing magnification. So a clear small picture can become pixelated if you enlarge it. But many people know how to use Adobe Photoshop. This makes the process easier. How to make a logo in Photoshop? You need to take a pen, pencil or brush and draw an image. It is advisable to draw in large format. If necessary, the picture can be enlarged or reduced. But the original image should be such that when printed on a banner, it looks presentable. You made a logo in Photoshop. How to use it now? You need to save the source file and save the image in one of the popular graphic formats jpeg or png. Be sure to make a transparent logo. How to do this in Photoshop? When saving to png, the background of the layer will be transparent if it initially had no fill.

Online creation

If you do not own any of the graphic programs, and you don’t want to pay money to the designer for the logo design, then you can make yourself a brand name online. To do this, you should go to any of the popular sites. Now enter the keywords in the search field. They will help you find a lot of different ready-made logos that fit your request. And now, by the principle of the designer, an image should be assembled. But remember that you don’t need to do anything very complicated. Do not pile up, more does not mean better. Simplicity is in fashion today. As for the font, choose the one that you like more. But again, focus primarily on its readability, and only then think about beauty. What about the color scheme? If you collect a template logo, then by default you will have two colors: one that you select, the image will be painted in it, and the second will be black. If this option does not suit you, change the color. But remember that any, even bright, shade on a white background will look worse than black or brown. Gray is also better not to use, although it is standard. Such a whitened logo will be unattractive to customers.


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