Do-it-yourself restoration of chairs. Do-it-yourself restoration and decoration of old chairs

It is very disappointing to throw in the garbage the thing that is included in the furniture. Do not violate the equipment will help restore the chairs with your own hands. Also, do not be upset if something fails that plays the role of an exclusive, dear to the heart, memorabilia. And here, the restoration of chairs with their own hands is capable of creating real miracles.

do-it-yourself restoration of chairs

Paintwork chairs

What is a favorite chair? These are wonderful moments of returning to childhood ... Or the memory of a loved one ... And even a chair can be a family heirloom passed from generation to generation. Or something else, but so dear, which I do not want to part with.

But, unfortunately, a thing cannot be eternal. Scratches appear on the furniture, the varnish cracks and peels off. Appearance, alas, becomes unpresentable. However, the restoration of old chairs with their own hands will help to keep the item for some time.

do-it-yourself restoration of old chairs

Often, before varnishing, the chair needs to be completely cleaned of old paint or varnish. This process requires patience and perseverance from the master. But the payment for labor will be fully consistent with the efforts made.

Decorating chairs

Sometimes it makes sense to radically change the color scheme of furniture. Chairs painted white or gold look very creative. Often, craftsmen choose other colors for the wooden part of the chair: blue or blue, pink or bright red. But then upholstery should be pure white or with a golden ornament. The grace of such a design is carried by people during the time of Catherine II, reviving palace luxury.

White furniture can be decorated with a gilded ornament, simply traced or made in the form of a bas-relief. Billets for this kind of jewelry can be purchased in stores or cast independently from plaster and glued. Restoration and decoration of chairs with their own hands in the antique style will bring charm and originality to the design. Sometimes the edges of the upholstery are decorated with beautiful braid and tassels.

do-it-yourself restoration and decoration of chairs

The image of the room and the chairs painted in a cubic style will also change. And someone will like flower or plant colors more. In any case, the surface coating will protect the item from corrosion and increase its service life. Therefore, the practical benefits that such a restoration of chairs with their own hands will be obvious.

do-it-yourself wooden chair restoration

Comprehensive instructions for replacing failed parts

In addition to the appearance of the products, the owners of beautiful old chairs are concerned about their functionality. Therefore, the restoration of wooden chairs with their own hands includes the replacement of some parts in the product. For example, a broken rail from the back of a chair is difficult to carve out absolutely identical to the rest. Therefore, it is recommended to produce the number of rails of a different configuration, but of the appropriate size (height and thickness). You can even try to purchase them in a store, although it will be very difficult.

  1. The first step is to remove the top of the back into which all the other trims are inserted.
  2. Then all strips are removed (in the event that they are to be completely replaced).
  3. After all the grooves of the glue are thoroughly cleaned, they are again filled with a new coupling composition.
  4. New slats are inserted into the lower grooves.
  5. Grease the upper parts of the rails with glue.
  6. Fill the grooves in the upper part of the back with a coupling compound. Do not abuse glue here, because this part will be fastened down with grooves, and excess will flow out onto the slats.
  7. The upper parts of the rails are inserted into the grooves of the back.
  8. The whole structure is pulled together by strong twine, clamps, milking completely dry. Protruding excess adhesive should be constantly cleaned with a cloth.
    do-it-yourself Viennese chairs

Repair of Vienna chairs

Very often, slats simply fall out of their nests. Viennese chairs usually suffer from this defect. Do-it-yourself restoration in this case occurs according to the above algorithm. Only here it is no longer necessary to remove all the rails from the lower grooves. It is enough to clean the loose hollow from the remnants of the dried glue, fill it with adhesive compound and strengthen the precipitated part in it.

Soft Stool Repair

Furniture plays an important role in our lives. For example, upholstered chairs look elegant and stylish in the interior. And sitting on them is much more comfortable than on ordinary ones.

The most common repair is the restoration of chairs with your own hands when it comes to upholstery that has lost its visual appeal. It also often shows stains that are not removed by anything, or even holes, ugly scuffs, once bright colors burn out. And sometimes you just want to change the whole design of the room, remake it in a different color scheme.

Restoring a soft chair with your own hands will not take very much time. Even an inexperienced master, a teenager or a woman can produce it. It is only important to choose a sufficiently strong upholstery fabric and professional furniture foam.

Calculation of fabric when replacing upholstery

Often in the interior use a set of furniture. In this case, the upholstery is usually replaced immediately on all chairs. Therefore, the size of the tissue needed for restoration should be calculated in advance.

First you need to measure the width and length of the seat. Do not forget to add a centimeter on all sides for the hem of the fabric. Most often, this part is square, measuring 50 by 50 centimeters, that is, 50 square centimeters.

Then, if the chair has a soft back, the same thing needs to be done with this part of the subject. After calculating the size of the upholstery needed for the restoration of one chair, you can calculate the amount of necessary material for all chairs. Just multiplying the result by the number of items (usually 6 pieces), the restorer will receive the number of square centimeters. They need to be divided by the width of the upholstery fabric, which was looked after in the store. In response to this problem, the number of necessary "linear" centimeters will also be figured.

do-it-yourself soft chair restoration

It’s best to buy a little more material, with a margin, because otherwise, the master may have to sew the fabric, because in one strip when cutting will remain a piece, and in another - also a piece.

And in order to avoid this, the master will also need the ability to lay out patterns in such a way on the fabric so that as little as possible unused fabric remains. It will not be difficult to do this if you need to prepare a number of details from the newspaper in advance.

Upholstery Replacement

If the restoration of old chairs with your own hands consists only in the fact that the master needs to change the fabric on the soft part of the object, then this will take quite a bit of time.

Just unscrew all the parts that need repair, that is, the seats and backs. Then the old upholstery is removed from them, a new one is applied, a hem is made, the edges are beaten with small furniture studs with wide hats. For lack of such, small pieces should be cut out of cardboard or leatherette. Before hammering, you need to put them on nails so that they tightly hold the fabric, and not slip through the holes punched in the material.

First fix the front of the seat. Nails are distributed quite often, after 0.7 centimeters from each other. If necessary, make small folds that are fixedly fixed.

Then they pierce the second symmetrical side, pulling the fabric. After that, they work with the sides, leaving the corners free. They should be carefully stretched before clogging, straightening the fabric so that there are no wrinkles on the front of the upholstery.

The last step in this repair is fixing the corners of the upholstery with staples. With the thickness of plywood or fiberboard used for the frame of the soft part of the chair, equal to 3-4 mm, four-mm staples will be required. Be sure to take this fact into account! Naturally, if the frame is made of material 10 millimeters thick, then the staples are taken ten millimeters.

Replacing stuffed material when repairing a soft chair

The calculation of the amount of foam is the same as that of upholstery fabric. Only now it’s no longer worth adding allowances for hem. Instead of foam rubber, batting can be used.

Sometimes it makes sense to incompletely replace the packing. Then it is enough to simply apply a “patch” at the place of pressing, to cover everything from above with a thin layer of batting or foam rubber.

If the packing is completely replaced, then all parts should be removed from the seat: self-tapping screws, staples, nails. It may be easier to cut out a new seat part from plywood or fiberboard, reinforce the padding on it, and then cover it with new upholstery.

Sizing joints of chair parts

Loose furniture can be repaired in two ways. One is to tighten the joints with screws or bolts. They should not be screwed into the old grooves, but next, if possible. Sometimes a craftsman needs to use a steel corner or a “patch” carved from soft metal.

do-it-yourself restoration of chairs

The second method is sizing. Then the chair is analyzed for details, the joints are cleaned of old glue. Having carefully missed the joints, the parts are connected and pulled together with clamps.

how to repair a chair

Repair broken legs

The most difficult thing is if the "injury" of the chair is in the "fracture" of the part. In an ordinary chair, you can completely replace the part by turning another one. But it is almost impossible at home to make a twisted or curved leg, which is different, for example, from Vienna chairs.

Do-it-yourself restoration in this case is done only with glue. Moreover, the tightening of the part must be done not only at the places of gluing, but also at the ends of the legs, so that its size remains the same.

how to restore a chair leg

After drying, the joint is processed with a sandpaper. For more reliable fixation of the “fracture”, it is necessary to groove the groove from the inside, into which then glue the wooden plate, drowning it completely.

You can also use a metal part, putting it on the screws. The excavation site is then carefully covered with putty or a mixture of wood glue with sawdust, leveled, sanded and treated with a paintwork.


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