Nail painting for beginners: creating unique “paintings” on your own hands

Art painting of nails is one of the most fashionable and rapidly developing types of aesthetic cosmetology. Which, in general, is not surprising, because well-groomed nails decorated with an unusual pattern will perfectly complement the image of any modern fashionista.

To maintain excellent appearance, you must periodically resort to the services of professionals. But, unfortunately, not every woman can afford to visit a beauty salon weekly. Lack of financial resources, free time, or simply the desire to take care of oneself on their own compels lovely ladies to study and comprehend nail painting for beginners.

Fortunately, modern materials and technologies offer a fairly wide range of methods for decorating nails. One of the most popular and simplest types of nail art is nail painting with a needle. This technique is based on stretching the varnish, due to which unusual and very beautiful patterns are obtained.

To create a painting of nails for beginners with a needle, it is not necessary to possess any special drawing technique or have professional tools and special equipment at hand. It will take only a few contrasting varnishes, a regular needle and a creative approach to work.

Before starting to create a picture, you should put your nails in order: file, giving the desired shape, and remove the cuticle. You can pamper the handles in a bath with aromatic oils. It should only be remembered that only dry nails can be filed and trimmed, but it is better to remove the cuticle after the skin has steamed well. When all care procedures are completed, degrease the nail plates - wipe with a cotton swab moistened with nail polish remover. This is necessary so that the varnish lays more evenly, does not “bubble” and lasts longer.

It is recommended to start painting nails for beginners with a needle by using a minimum number of varnishes. It is important to choose contrasting shades for the picture, for example, such as red, white and black. Initially, the nail is covered with the main color, then immediately immediately add additional tones (one on top of the other). After that, the points are stretched with a needle. It is very important to carry out all the actions as soon as possible, preventing the paint from drying out, since the pattern can only come out on a “damp” surface. Also, do not be afraid to apply large drops of varnish. Than the dots will be “fatter”, the transition from color to color will turn out more beautiful and smooth.

Another equally interesting and cute nail art technique is watercolor painting of nails. To create it, you need brushes, several varnishes and the usual watercolor paints. To create a beautiful drawing, you should first practice a little on paper. After the colors are matched and the pattern is honed, you can safely proceed to create small paintings on the nails. Pictures can be anything - from simple abstractions to complex landscape elements. The complexity of the pattern depends solely on the imagination and skill of its author.

Painting of nails for beginners in watercolor should begin with the application of the main varnish. Only after it dries, you can begin to create a pattern. Since watercolor paint is water-soluble, ready-made drawings will need to be coated with a special fixing agent or ordinary transparent varnish.

Also, girls who are just starting to understand the art of decorating nails should pay attention to dry sparkles or colored sand. The design using these tools is performed as follows: a certain area of ​​the nail is coated with colorless varnish, then glitter or sand is applied, excess is removed, the edges of the picture are trimmed and then everything is covered with fixing agent. Most often, to create such a nail art, geometric shapes (stripes, triangles, circles) are taken as the basis.


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