The best chocolate factories in Moscow: history, description

Among admirers of Russian chocolate there is not a single person who would not hear about such sweets as “Rot Front”, “Alenka”, “Moskvichka”, “Bird's Milk”, “Squirrel”, “Visit”, “Little Bear-toed”. All of them are produced at chocolate factories in Moscow and have enjoyed well-deserved popularity for several decades, not only in the Russian Federation, but also far beyond its borders.

Let us dwell on several well-known factories that produce confectionery products, known throughout the world.

"Red October"
Moscow chocolate factories

The factory is one of the oldest and most famous enterprises in Moscow, producing confectionery. Its opening took place in 1851, when a workshop for the manufacture of chocolate and sweets appeared on the Arbat. It was discovered by the native of Prussia Ferdinand Theodor von Einem, who came to Moscow from Germany. In Russia, his name was Fedor Karlovich. After the end of the October Revolution, the workshop was nationalized. It began to be called State Confectionery Factory No. 1. In the early 20s of the last century, the factory was given the name "Red October". The products of this brand have gained popularity around the world. It is worth noting that in 1931 the factory was considered the largest in Moscow, about five thousand workers worked at it.

War years

During the war years, Red October produced chocolates, toffee, chocolate and caramel. A variety of chocolates was produced under the name "Front-line"; bitter chocolate "Guards" was specially created for pilots. At the factory, in a special workshop, military products for the front were produced: flame arresters for aircraft, signal checkers. Started production and concentrates of cereals.

Soviet time

It was on it, one of the first among the chocolate factories in Moscow, that all new technologies were tested and implemented. In the 60s of the last century, the factory was fully modernized. The factory responded to all the major events in our country with the release of new products. For example, sweets "Space", "Olympics-80." The sweets produced by the Red October factory were the best souvenirs brought from the USSR.


In 1992, the factory was privatized. It was transformed into OJSC "Moscow Red Confectionery Factory" Red October ". The company has five subsidiaries in Russian cities. In 2002, the United Confectioners holding included several chocolate factories in Moscow. In November 2017, production workshops were transferred to Malaya Krasnoselskaya Street.

Our days
Red October

Currently, the company has the most modern equipment. The range of products is more than 240 items. Of course, the most famous products are the Red October candies.

The most popular brands are:

  • "Alenka";
  • "Cancer necks";
  • "Bear-toed";
  • "Kara-Kum";
  • "Red Riding Hood";
  • Truffles
  • "Golden Key";
  • "Capital".

All products are manufactured in accordance with GOST RF. Trademarks have many awards, for example, “Brand No. 1 in Russia”, “Brand of the Year”, “Product of the Year”. The factory takes an active part in competitions, domestic and international fairs. The company employs 2.9 thousand people, the annual output is 64 tons. The factory has several subsidiaries. Products are manufactured in European quality. Employees of the enterprise have high social protection. Family dynasties work at the confectionery factory, the management and pensioners of the enterprise do not forget - congratulates on holidays and presents gifts.

Factory "Babaevskaya"

The factory was established on August 16, 1804, when the serf Stepan Nikolaev received permission from his landowner A.P. Levashova to settle in Moscow. In the family shop they sold pastille and apricot jam. Soon the family accumulated enough money and bought a free from the landowner. Due to the fact that they traded in products from apricots, they gave the family the nickname Abrikosovs, and soon they changed their name from Nikolaev to Abrikosovs. The factory became even more famous when Stepan's grandson, Alexei, became its owner. It was he who turned this enterprise into one of the most famous in the country.

babaevskaya factory

In 1873, in Moscow, the chocolate factory of the Abrikosov family was considered the largest producer of confectionery. The company employed more than 120 people. Since 1880, the products of the factory became known as the "Partnership of A. I. Abrikosov and Sons."

After the revolution, the enterprise was nationalized and became known as "State Confectionery Factory No. 2", the name of P. A. Babaev was assigned to him in 1922. When manufacturing products for several years along with the brand name "Babaevsky" they wrote in brackets "ex. Apricot "to save buyers.

Since 1928, the Babaevskaya factory was allowed to produce only caramel products. During the war years, the company produced products for the front. In 1944, the factory again began to produce chocolate products. In 1972, a complete reconstruction of the chocolate shop was carried out and new equipment was introduced. In 1993, the company was privatized. In 1997, the factory won the title of “Best Russian Enterprise”. In the same year in Geneva it was awarded the Golden Cup prize for high quality products. The factory is a part of the confectionery holding LLC United Confectioners.


Moscow chocolate factories addresses

The confectionery factory produces the following products:

  • sweets in boxes;
  • chocolate;
  • weight candies;
  • caramel;
  • marmalade;
  • marshmallows;
  • dragee;
  • iris;
  • cookies;
  • waffles;
  • gingerbread cookies;
  • biscuits;
  • new Year gifts.

There is a chocolate factory in Moscow at the address: Malaya Krasnoselskaya street, 7, building 2.

"Trading House Leonov"

mouth front

This chocolate factory was located in Moscow in the Zamoskvorechye area. The year of its creation - 1826, the founder was the tradesman Sergei Leonov. The very first products were caramel. In 1886, the workshop was inherited by the grandson and his wife. The family expands the factory and equips it with machines. In 1895, the company employs 68 people. The confectionery factory produces not only caramel, but also chocolates.

Soon it is gaining popularity and recognition among merchants and buyers throughout Russia. In 1911, owners in Rome receive a prestigious award - GRAN PREMIO. In 1917, they decide to sell the factory, after which it became known as the “Confectionery Factory of the Central Union”. In 1931, the company was visited by Ernst Thälmann, leader of the Communist Party of Germany. He was the organizer of the Union of Red Front Workers (translated into German - Rot Front). Ernst tells factory workers how the German people are fighting fascism. After that, the factory staff asked the management to change the name of the enterprise to Rot Front solely from proletarian solidarity.

During the war years, it was decided to evacuate equipment to Central Asia. The factory produces chocolate, as well as products necessary for the front.

In 1980, at the Moscow Olympics, the company created the first chewing gum workshop in Russia . At the end of the 80s, the factory underwent a complete reconstruction and installed modern equipment.

mouth front

The visiting card of the confectionery factory is such products:

  • Mouth Front Bars
  • "Bird's milk";
  • "Evening call, evening Bell";
  • "Cow";
  • "Mask".

The company has a large number of awards, among which a special place is occupied by Golden Olympus, "Preservation of the traditions of the Russian product."


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