Lotus position calms the nervous system!

What is yoga? There are a lot of opinions on this matter, and they are quite diverse, but they all agree that this is a rather multifaceted teaching, the purpose of which is to control the internal state and body shell as a single mechanism.

Despite the fashion that has swept the whole world, because now many famous people are engaged in yoga, it is necessary to understand that the highest degree - samadhi, can be achieved only after the soul has been completely cleansed, so during classes it is necessary to discard all worldly thoughts and experiences.

In yoga, several tools are used, which together lead to the desired state, such as meditation, music, and, of course, asanas. The latter, by training the body, help lose weight and improve posture.

The most popular yoga position, the so-called padmasana, is considered the lotus position. This asana is perfect for meditation, because thanks to this pose, you can control your breathing, throwing away all thoughts. The lotus flower, it is in honor of him that the pose is named, symbolizes complete calm and harmony with the outside world. In order for the lotus position to be beneficial and to help you learn, you need to know how to sit in the lotus position.

To perform the asana, sitting on the floor, put the right foot on the thigh of the opposite leg, and the left, on the contrary, we cross and lay symmetrically with the right. Feet should look at the stomach. Such a pose should be performed easily, because it is one of the simplest and most common in teaching. Next, we fix the body in this position and meditate.

The lotus position is the most popular among those presented in yoga, due to the fact that with a simple implementation, it allows you to completely relax the mind of a yogi, as well as normalize the respiratory and nervous system.

As mentioned earlier, the teaching of yoga should affect not only a certain part of the body, but also internal organs. Simhasana, the lion pose, is quite popular for this. Yoga in this position develops our nasopharynx, thus training the tongue and protecting our throat from colds. If you learn to properly perform such an exercise, you can strengthen the overall immunity of the body, and, like when performing the lotus position, improve breathing in general.

Simhasana is performed in this way. First, the tongue bends in the mouth toward the back wall and abuts the sky. At this time, the head of the performer should be tilted and pressed tightly against the chest. It is in this way that tonsillitis can be cured, thyroid function can be improved and salivation can be enhanced. This is due to the tension of the throat muscles, which, while training, do not allow the disease to take possession of the nasopharynx.

Another important pose is savasana, which yogis use after all asanas. Its meaning is to completely relax the body, that is, all muscles and consciousness should rest at this time, because in translation such a pose means "corpse." Do not be scared, because all the teachings of yoga are based on the complete relaxation of the body, and it is necessary to learn not only to relax the body in such a way as not to feel tension in any muscle, but also to completely get rid of vital problems for the period of meditation.

In conclusion, I would like to advise you that before we do such a peculiar kind of fitness, as we are used to imagine yoga, are you ready to completely get rid of worldly problems, can you get rid of envy, hatred, anxiety, and this list goes on and on . And if you realize that you are not ready to embark on the path of learning, no asanas, even as simple and popular as the lotus position, will help you to understand the highest degree of perfection. Talk to yourself, do not lie to your I, and do not pursue fashion!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A9037/

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