American teens: psychology and interesting facts

Children all over the world have a lot in common, they develop according to a similar scenario. But in the teenage period, some differences begin to form. Given that the US and Russia are always opposed to each other, it will be interesting to know how Russian and American teenagers differ.

american teens

Attitude to study

American teens are responsible for the education process. Moreover, they love to learn. They actively participate in the public life of the school and the university, spend a huge amount of time on the development of some projects. Moreover, in the USA it is not shameful to study, because parents or sponsor organizations pay for their studies, and the invested funds must be worked out. For Russian teenagers, the period of study is a fun and carefree time. Free schooling is taken for granted. Thus, individual responsibility is developed.

Most American teens know which university they will go to and who they will become in the future. Sometimes parents make this choice for them. This forces teens to learn how to plan their time and life ahead. Most Russian schoolchildren, unfortunately, until the last moment may not know in which particular university they will study.

Another interesting point is cheating and cheat sheets. American teens never do this in exams. Moreover, if they see the cheater, they will certainly be given to the teacher. But the Russian guys are a bit of a sport. They not only manage to cheat on exams, but actively help each other.

From an early age, American children and adolescents are introduced to active social activities. They take part in charity events and other events. All this in order to be perceived as individuals. There are also many activists among Russian schoolchildren and students, but so far this practice is not so widespread.

about american teens


American teens are not fixated on their appearance. As a rule, they do not complex about being overweight or some other disadvantages. Not trying to keep up with fashion trends, both boys and girls wear loose-fitting T-shirts and jeans. Thus, there are no complexes about the social status, cost of clothing or belonging to any brand.

Among Russian teenagers, everything is completely different. If the majority of guys are frivolous in their appearance, then for girls this is a sore subject. They are anxious in choosing outfits, competing with each other.

life american teenagers features

Relations with the older generation

What do we know about American teens? For youth films and news reports, it’s quite difficult to make any concrete impression. But one cannot but pay attention to the fact that they enjoy respect and support from the older generation. In America, it is believed that the future belongs to young people, and therefore, if a person has a chance to give a teenager a job or help realize an idea, he will certainly do it. Even if for this you have to squeeze an experienced employee and send him to retire, the boss will prefer to open the way for the young man.

Unfortunately, it is much more difficult for Russian youth to realize themselves. The older generation treats adolescents with distrust and even condemnation. All undertakings or attempts at self-expression are perceived with hostility by conservatives. Often in some institutions, certain positions are occupied by pensioners, while young people cannot find work.

the secret life of an american teenager

First work

Surely many are interested in the life of American teenagers, especially their everyday lives. Its integral part is work. Starting from the age of 13, a teenager has the legal right to independently raise funds for pocket expenses, having received permission from the school and parents. This can be mail distribution, pet walking, childcare and much more. Somewhere by the age of 16, young people tend to get a job in catering establishments or at gas stations. And this absolutely does not interfere with study, because employers are willing to make concessions. Thus, adolescents from an early age become accustomed to self-employment and begin to put off for the future.

In this, Russian and American teenagers are very different. Our children have neither legal grounds, nor the ability to work, for example, from the age of 13, and therefore they remain dependent on their parents for longer. It is unlikely that someone will entrust a 13-year-old teenager to look after a neighbor's child or distribute correspondence. In addition, in our area for some reason it is believed that it is impossible to effectively combine work and study.

Russian and American teens

Intimate relationship

The secret life of an American teenager is inextricably linked with intimate relationships. According to statistical studies, most young people gain their first sexual experience no later than 17 years. At the same time, cases of coercion to intimacy are not uncommon (especially for girls). So, polls showed the following:

  • 7% of girls indicated that their first sexual contact occurred as a result of violent acts;
  • 25% of girls indicated that they came into contact voluntarily, but without much desire, but only to give pleasure to a partner;
  • 70% of women who entered into an intimate relationship at the age of 13 experience regret and remorse.

As for Russian teenagers, unfortunately, about the same picture is observed. Every year, young people come into intimate relationships ever earlier, which is associated with sexual illiteracy. Neither the institution of the family, nor educational institutions give sufficient attention to this issue.


Russian and American teens seem very different. Nevertheless, their current lifestyle is very similar. Young people tend to learn information faster using digital technology, rather than focusing on voluminous book material. Having access to almost all data, adolescents around the world do not know only one thing - what to devote their lives to, how to realize themselves. The only difference is that in American society, young people have more opportunities for self-development and earning.


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