Native advertising: basic concepts, examples, effectiveness

Despite the apparent diversity, advertising on the Internet is pretty monotonous. Standard banners, pop-ups, e-mail newsletters, advertising posts - all this has fed up with the user, so often an advertising message placed in this way does not cause a proper response from the target audience. It’s quite difficult to find something really new and attractive on the Internet, so native advertising, which has been gaining momentum lately, seems to be a very promising area of ​​Internet marketing.

Native ad format

What is native advertising?

This type of advertising is practically indistinguishable from regular content, it does not catch the eye, does not cause irritation and rejection, like ordinary advertising. Rather, the user sees in it some useful information for himself, good advice, and already subconsciously wants to put it into practice. This can be a review article, a post, a non-advertising review, questionnaires or tests that raise topical issues.

The native format of advertising (from the word native - natural) should be stylistically similar to the platform on which it is placed, and look like one of the materials of the resource. In this case, the plugin for blocking simply does not recognize it and does not cut it out of the display, which means that the information will reach the user.

According to research by AdBlock Plus (one of the most popular extensions for blocking inappropriate content), native ads are among the last places to annoy users. It is most often paid attention to by users, it is unknowingly often shared with friends and relatives, of course, if the material read is really unique, useful and interesting.

Native ad

All the advantages of native advertising

As already mentioned, the global experience of native advertising shows that it is the least annoying and causing negative emotions in the target audience, thereby increasing brand loyalty. In addition to this, there are several advantages of native advertising:

  • it is always located where they want to read or see it;
  • the more interesting the content, the higher the likelihood that the advertisement “will go to the people” - the effect of the so-called word of mouth;
  • it is almost impossible to block, which means that the advertising message will definitely reach the user;
  • it can exist on almost any multimedia device.

The most effective ad

A bit about the flaws

Any, even the most effective advertising, does not do without negative sides. The disadvantages of native advertising are the risks of loss of trust if the user realizes that an interesting information resource was paid by sponsors. Another disadvantage is the difficulty of creating and adapting content for a specific Internet site, as well as the high cost of these processes.

Native advertising on the mobile web

Today, advertising on the mobile Internet is especially important, as the average user spends many times more time on the phone than on the computer. Only “masked” ads have a chance to be seen on a mobile phone, since its usual forms (banners, pop-ups, etc.) are blocked in half of the cases, and in the other half simply annoy the user, occupying most of the small screen.

The main difficulty is that the native advertising is of interest to the user, and for this the content provided must be truly high-quality. To do this, experts are going to create new advertising formats. For example, creating a viral video, a non-standard questionnaire or a mobile application with a disguised advertising message.

Worldwide native advertising experience

Native Ad on Instagram

The whole direction is advertising on social networks Instagram and Facebook. It is enough to place an original attractive photo using the advertised product, and do it on behalf of an ordinary user, not a company. The person who sees the image will perceive it not as a direct advertising message, but as “he has it, and here’s what you can do with it (or this is how it will look).” And, perhaps, he wants a thing for use. Such advertisements are often used by sellers of handmade, designer clothes, children's toys and clothes.

Let's talk about the successful use of native advertising in more detail.


Examples of “disguised advertising”

Native advertising is often used to promote the film industry. Here is a striking example of this. Netflix has sponsored an article in The New York Times on the problems of women in prison about what they face in prison and what awaits them after their release. In the material, the journalist turns to Piper Kerman, the author of the memoirs “Orange is the New Black,” who inspired Netflix to create the eponymous series. Thus, the advertisement was sounded, and the company appeared in a favorable light for itself, as understanding and focusing attention on the pressing problems of society.

Another example will explain how important is audience feedback and entertainment. When Buzzfeed published another poll, “How would you die in a game of thrones?”, The final episode of the series was watched by over 8 million users.

The most effective advertising always speaks about the benefits for the consumer. For example, a chain of Starbucks cafes sponsored an article on the benefits of coffee for mental activity.

Native Advertising Examples

The usefulness of the advertised product can be more effectively represented in a visual form. Design Magazine Styling Home has published an article on “The 10 Most Useful Things for the Kitchen,” which featured 10 fantastically beautiful kitchens designed by a kitchen furniture customer.

Gradually, Native Ad is developing in the domestic advertising market. One of the successful projects can be called a series of materials “The Second Half”, where the characters talk about interesting places in Kiev and from time to time are photographed against the backdrop of Volkswagen Polo.

Native advertising, examples of which were examined here, is only a small part of the advertiser's most original approaches. Where else can Native Ad be placed efficiently?

Popular platforms

Where to place my “invisible advertising” so that it becomes noticeable?

1) Promotional articles (example with kitchens) - the consumer is given interesting material from which he can derive any tangible benefit for himself.

2) Blogs - users perceive ads through the advice of a famous person or a popular blogger. The emphasis is not on the advertised product, but on the sensation of its use.

3) Reviews - based on authoritative opinions, several products are compared, and the sponsored brand is selected as the best.

4) Mobile applications - a device associated with the mission of the company. For example, a training series from Nike or playlists from Pandora.

5) Social networks - users share photos or posts about usefulness, beauty, uniqueness, etc. any brand.

6) Viral videos on the YouTube channel.

Instead of a conclusion

Native advertising can rightly be considered the modern discovery of marketing promotion of a brand in the market. It is unique, useful and does not cause a negative reaction from the buyer. She is invisible, but she is everywhere - in our phone, in the computer, in conversation with a friend, in our head. We perceive natural advertising on a subconscious level, and the product that it advertises as something we need, useful, important. In other words, Native Ad is the most effective way to influence a person without his consent to it.

At the same time, the creator of the advertisement should not forget that the message that the message carries must be heard by the user, otherwise an expensive project will not bring any results. Keep a fine line between aggressive advertising and authoritative recommendation. Gather the opposite opinion, check if you are heard, only in this case you can get the desired effect from the advertising campaign.


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