Company "Leader Tim": reviews of employees. Leader Tim: Address

The trading sector has always been an excellent source of part-time jobs for people who do not have special education, but have little time and a desire to earn money. Various supermarkets and large stores are what you need to create jobs for students and temporarily unemployed people.

A large company engaged in the provision of merchandising services operates in this area. We are talking about Leader Tim LLC, an agency that cooperates with more than 20 thousand employees. We will tell in this article about how to work in the company, what reviews the staff leaves, and also what working conditions await everyone who wants to earn extra money through activities in supermarkets.

About Leader Tim

Let's start with a general description of the company. As indicated on its official website, the agency has been operating in this market for over 10 years. During this time, naturally, they have gained a lot of experience, customer relations and a database of applicants - those who are interested in such work. The company has built a whole vertical of management, with the help of which its activities are carried out.

Leader Tim (Moscow is the hometown of the company) provides its clients with services of various kinds, mainly temporary rent of personnel, that is, providing people exclusively for certain functions. They, in turn, are determined by the tasks that the client company solves.

For example, a supermarket needs to calculate the number of products left after a trading day. For this, people are employed who work part-time at Leader Tim. Employee reviews also show that the work that the company will entrust may not be limited to one single function, but to combine several tasks at once. Therefore, looking ahead, we can say that there is nothing surprising in the complaints of employees about difficult working conditions in this agency.

"Leader Tim" employee reviews


A definite advantage of the company, which provides temporary work personnel for large supermarkets, is the very ability to work for anyone who wants it. The candidates even have a wide choice of what they could do - work in a warehouse or on the trading floor, receive goods or advise customers about the goods, count the remaining products on the shelves, and so on. As you might guess, there is another job, for example, arranging the goods in the right sequence. However, all of it is quite difficult, given the 8-hour working day and the huge amount of goods that must be sorted out manually. In practice, reviews of employees at Leader Tim are reported as fairly complex physical activities. True, they pay well for this (a separate item in the article will be devoted to salaries).

LLC "Leader Tim"

People selection

One of the functions that Leader Tim performs is a qualified selection of people. This is much more complicated than just finding the contacts of the person who posted his resume on the job site. The selection includes an interview and identification (screening) of people who can perform tasks of poor quality and dishonesty. Leader Tim (employee reviews will not let you lie), for example, has its own set of techniques for such selection. The staff here is hired on the basis of certain criteria, because how a person will work in the future will greatly affect the image of the company that brought him.

A special set of requirements and conditions helps in the selection of unprofessional or dishonest people.


work in Leader Tim

It should be understood that due to the variety of tasks that arise for one or another specialist, each vacancy has its own set of requirements, which must be met by the person submitting his profile to it. This means that the sales representative must have minimal experience (six months) and (preferably) his car for more mobile movement in the city in order to establish contacts. The Leader Tim company, reviews of which we are most interested in in the framework of this article, selects among those who wish those who will be able to carry out the task more quickly and efficiently than others.

If we are talking about working on the trading floor, for example, an inventory, then a person should be especially careful, conscientious and accurate. In addition, the ability to work with a computer and a scanner is mandatory.

The requirements for the employee at the checkout indicate that the person must be friendly to customers, careful when scanning goods. And of course, diligent to work for 8 hours in one place.

Such sets of required qualities for work in Leader Tim (employee reviews prove this) are available for each vacancy. And of course, if you want to submit a resume for employment, for each of them you will need to provide some facts in order to be more competitive. And even better - to have experience in this area.

Working conditions

Leader Tim Moscow

We analyzed the Leader Tim company reviews of employees in order to find out how favorable the working conditions are in this structure: is it easy to start your career here, how do they treat temporary people looking for part-time jobs and other nuances. As the recommendations of those who have already been employed in the agency have shown, it all depends on the specific position for which you are being hired. In this sense, of course, luck plays a significant role.

The example is quite simple: two people can take on a vacancy of a merchandiser, one of whom will be assigned to recount the alcoholic beverages located in the center of the hall, and the other - frozen products in refrigerators. The difference in working conditions is obvious.

Some employees also complain about the peculiarities of work in specific stores. There are supermarkets where cashiers are required to have a higher working speed or a constant "demonstration of a good mood" due to a smile on their face. Again, if you are not lucky enough to run into such a vacancy, you will have to make more efforts than your colleagues.

A plus is the ability to choose your schedule. Each vacancy assumes the existence of different employment schemes, which is also important.

Terms of payment

Leader Tim St. Petersburg

With a salary, the situation at Leader Tim LLC is mixed. In fact, this is a large structure, which, in theory, should offer reliable, stable and white earnings with all social guarantees. So, in principle, it is indicated on the official website of the group, and it should be so according to the legislation. However, in reality, apparently, this is not entirely true.

Suspiciously many times about working at Leader Tim, the reviews of employees testified as an opportunity to receive a higher but illegal salary directly to the card for each day worked. This, apparently, is the case with the employment of employees for part-time work. The company's goal is to reduce tax deductions and maximize its own profit. Of course, such documents will not be listed anywhere according to documents and will not be able to prove anything in case of problems. Incidentally, there were also some complaints about this.

"Leader Tim" address

Reviews about the boss

Work in Leader Tim, as in any other structure, is directly associated with interaction with its leadership - field supervisors, coaches and coordinators. Therefore, if you read the reviews about those who manage the work of ordinary staff, you can understand that the people there are completely different. Someone really helps the novice by solving additional problems and simplifying tasks, and there are those who demonstratively show their neglect by lower-level employees, personally exalting themselves. In this regard, the agency is no different from other companies.

Leader Tim company reviews


The agency is located in 9 cities of Russia. In addition, in Kiev there is also one representative โ€œLeader Timโ€. The address of each of the offices can be seen on the company's website, therefore, applicants should not have problems with this. The central office of Leader Tim is located at: 1/52 , Suvorovskaya Square, Moscow. Metro station "Dostoevskaya".

The companyโ€™s website also has contact numbers. As described in the employee reviews, when submitting a job application through the company's website, you may be asked where you are from. You must specify a city, such as St. Petersburg. Accordingly, you will be sent to the Leader Tim office (St. Petersburg), providing all the contacts.


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