Motor ship "Mikhail Sholokhov": photos and reviews of tourists

A trip along the rivers and seas of immense Russia is the best option for a summer vacation. Try to find another option, which would include the opportunity to see so many cities with their cultural monuments and temples, chat with a huge number of people, and just have fun in the music salon or on the upper deck of the ship. That is why our fellow citizens liked water cruises so much, and today many people book tickets long before the planned cruise.

ship Mikhail Sholokhov

Motor ship "Mikhail Sholokhov"

This is the most beautiful and elegant, comfortable and successful of all launched in the 70-80s of the twentieth century. It was built at a German shipyard by order of the USSR. The ship “Mikhail Sholokhov” was designed for long-distance cruises in any weather, along the largest reservoirs. Initially, it was designed for the tourism business, and today it underwent an additional reconstruction in order to become not just good, but the best of its kind airliner.

Ship modernization

In 2001, the ship underwent a deep modernization. It was a time when it became clear that only those who achieve perfection will withstand competition. The ship "Mikhail Sholokhov" has become an ideal vessel for cruises on rivers and seas. All cabins received individual amenities, in addition, the recreation area was significantly increased. Thanks to the efforts of engineers, the power plant received additional noise protection systems, which means that it ceased to disturb the peace of tourists. Even the aft cabins have become comfortable, suitable even for couples with small children.

ship Mikhail sholokhov reviews

General characteristics

The ship "Mikhail Sholokhov" is able to take on board 296 passengers. The length of this snow-white vessel is 129 meters, the width is almost 17 meters. Displacement of four thousand tons. It has three gas turbine diesel units. The power of each engine is 1000 horsepower. The speed is relatively small, 26 km per hour, but for a pleasure liner it is very decent.

Guest cabins

Cruises on the ship Mikhail Sholokhov is a comfortable trip that will appeal to adults and children. There are different cabins to choose from. Luxury - these are two-room cabins that are designed for two people. Each of them has a TV and toilet, shower and air conditioning, refrigerator. A kitchen area is also highlighted. Huge panoramic windows allow you to fully enjoy the scenery. But this is not the only accommodation option, there are also single rooms with air conditioning, a shower and a bathroom. About the same plan there are double cabins, their only difference is that on both sides of the cabin there is one bed. If you are making a family trip, then there is a budget option for a bunk cabin. In it, on both sides of the wall is located on the bunk bed, as in a train.

cruises on the ship Mikhail Sholokhov

Virtual tour

When choosing a cabin for your future trip, you need to know what “Mikhail Sholokhov” is. The ship, the scheme of which is so detailed and understandable, can be studied directly from the official website. Cabins for travelers are on the lower and main deck, here they are most often windowless. On the main deck there is a medical center and a beauty salon, as well as a wonderful library. Next are the middle and boat deck, where restaurants and bars are located, which means that all tourists will gather daily. Finally, the upper, sun deck is an outdoor and indoor solarium and conference room. Regardless of your preferences, you are sure to find an option for hanging out to your liking. This is not taking into account the amazing places, ports and cities into which the ship "Mikhail Sholokhov" enters. Reviews of tourists say that time on a cruise flies very quickly, days filled with impressions fly by in one breath, leaving the fondest memories.

ship Mikhail Sholokhov photo

We travel seasonally

This is the first very cruise ship, although it is very reliable, so it still has some limitations. This is not so important if you are planning a trip along the rivers of Russia. In any weather, the ship “Mikhail Sholokhov” will leave on its voyage. Vladivostok has a stable and temperate climate, so it is unlikely that something will ruin your trip. However, access to large bodies of water (Ladoga, Onega) can be canceled with a large wave. It should be noted that, unlike smaller motor ships, pitching during the average Ladoga wave is practically not felt. That is, even if you have a weak vestibular apparatus, you can travel on the upper deck without any special consequences. However, with a strong storm, there will still be motion sickness. However, in the summer this happens very rarely, and if you do not tolerate the pitching, then choose a cabin on the main deck.

ship Mikhail Sholokhov photos

Spring tours

Usually, with the onset of warm May days, people become interested in cruises. It is for this period that the most interesting route is planned. The motor ship "Mikhail Sholokhov" sets off on a tour of ancient cities and monasteries. Reviews of tourists say that this is the most interesting and informative tour, which is great for the whole family. The duration of the trip is seven days. The ship departs from Moscow, the next day enters Uglich, where an exciting excursion awaits you. After lunch, you will walk around the ancient Myshkin, visit the Mouse Palace and the amazing museum.

The next stop is Kizhi island. A few hours are allocated for exploring its sights, after which you return to the motor ship Mikhpil Sholokhov. Photos taken here will be the gem of your album. The next day you will find a green parking on the beach, here they usually have a picnic with barbecue. The last two days on the road are the busiest, this is a visit to the monastery of Alexander Svirsky and an excursion to the Valaam monastery. Finally, the ship arrives in St. Petersburg.

Mikhail Sholokhov ship scheme

Summer tours

This is most often weekend tours, for example, St. Petersburg - Valaam. In summer, tourists are more attracted by the opportunity to sunbathe on the upper deck, breathe in the fresh river air, and also take a walk in the most beautiful places. And since the summer heat is bad for long excursions, the routes are planned in connection with the requests of tourists. The longest summer cruise is a six-day trip from St. Petersburg to Kizhi with a visit to the Valaam Monastery. In the evening, the ship "Mikhail Sholokhov" leaves from St. Petersburg. Photos of the city, taken from its decks, are amazingly beautiful. You are waiting for an amazing vacation on board, entertainment and a lot of positive things. Excursions to the ancient monastery and temples will be a memorable adventure. On the third day, you will have a trip to the monastery of Alexander Svirsky and exit to Lake Onega. Then you will find a real adventure on the island of Kizhi, a tour of Petrozavodsk, relaxation on Mandrogi and return home. Regardless of your preferences, you will definitely like a vacation.

motor ship Mikhail Sholokhov Vladivostok

Autumn tours

Probably the most wonderful time when the weather favors leisurely walks and excursions, and a riot of colors makes the landscape even more beautiful. The most popular fall route is a trip from St. Petersburg to Valaam and vice versa. A charming walk aboard awaits you, and on the second day, arrival at Nikonovskaya bay. Two excursions are planned around the island, one with a visit to the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral, and the second - along the small monastery of Valaam. During this excursion, tourists climb Mount Eleon, which offers stunning views of Lake Ladoga.

The ship "Mikhail Sholokhov" allows you to visit the most beautiful places located between the two capitals, Moscow and St. Petersburg. Besides the fact that you can admire the enchanting landscapes of Russian nature, ancient cities, absorb the whole atmosphere and breathe fresh air, you also get the opportunity to learn a lot about your country.


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