Rules and features of a neat manicure

Women at any age try to monitor their appearance. This applies to both hair and clothing, and manicure. And to save a little family budget, as well as their time, many women prefer to do beauty treatments on their own. So, in order to achieve the perfect manicure, you need to follow simple but mandatory rules. Which one? You will find out in our article.

Well-groomed pens - the key to success?

Unfortunately, some women sometimes forget about hand care, paying attention only to the nails. Meanwhile, the untidy skin around the nail plates can nullify even the most fashionable manicure. On how to achieve a neat manicure, read on.

The first step in any manicure is leaving

If you prefer salon procedures to home, then you need to follow the same care rules that nail masters use. The first thing to do is moisturize the skin of the pens. This can be done using a special bath or mask. The skin after such procedures will become soft and silky.

Hand care

This is followed by the manicure itself, i.e. ridding the nails of the cuticle, burrs and irregularities. You can do this in any way convenient for you. A neat manicure is done using a trimmed or hardware method.

Having prepared the nails and the skin around them, you can begin to design and decorate.

Choose the shape of the nails

If you do not know how to make a neat manicure at home, then it is advisable to have an example model of what you want to achieve. As a rule, when it comes to neat nails, we mean pastel classic shades and a laconic form, as well as the general well-groomed appearance of the woman's hands.

And if everything is clear with care, then with the shape of the nails - not really. When choosing a shape, always give preference to those that are ideal for your fingers.

Nail shape

Do not chase ultra-short nails in fashion if your fingers are far from aristocratic thinness. Long pointed nails on already long phalanges of fingers look so ridiculous. A universal option for a neat manicure is a slightly square shape on medium-long nails.

For women with full and short fingers, long plates with a soft oval shape are most suitable. For small pens of medium fullness, square nails of medium length will be an excellent option. But the owners of aristocratic fingers can experiment as you like. The exception is only very long nails.

How to choose a win-win design?

Once you have decided on the form and brought your pens in full order, you can start choosing a design. I would like to say in advance that a neat manicure implies restraint, rigor and even minimalism. Therefore, the choice of color and design should be given special attention. Universal colors for a neat manicure at home are beige, coffee, light pink, powdery, pale blue, red, burgundy, dark purple and black. These colors are suitable for most clothes in any lady’s wardrobe.

Now let's move on to the design. For a concise manicure, choose the following options: French, ombre, matte, geometry. But first things first.

French manicure

The most popular manicure is French. Despite its many variations and modifications, its classic version remains at the peak of fashion for many, many years in a row. To make such a manicure is quite easy.

French nails

1. Stick on a white part of the nail (tip) a paper strip for a jacket.

2. Cover the main part of the plate with a pale pink color. Next, remove the strip and let the varnish dry.

3. Apply a thin brush on the end of the nail with white varnish and also dry.

4. When both colors dry, cover the plates with a clear topcoat. This will give them shine and extend the life of your manicure.

Ombre on the nails

Another of the universal ideas for nail design is ombre. This design gained popularity about three years ago. But it is still in demand among women.

Gradient manicure

Ombre is a smooth transition from one shade of varnish to another. Mixing forms the third color. If you are looking for options for a neat manicure, then choose an ombre design in pastel colors or using harmonious tones. Then the manicure will not turn out vulgar and will not be too striking to others.

Matte manicure - the trend of 2018

Glossy and iridescent varnishes were replaced by a fashion for dullness. If you want to see your nails with a matte finish, then you will need a top coat that converts ordinary varnish to matte. Just cover the solid nails with a thin layer of such a varnish and let dry.

Be careful to use additional decor. Matte manicure is independent and requires virtually no addition. An exception may be the design of rhinestones, laid out in a neat pattern at the base of the nail plate of one of the fingers.

To make your nails look presentable and strict, choose a dark varnish color or pale peach shades.

Geometric figures

For a neat manicure on short nails, the geometric decor is just the perfect solution. Thanks to strict straight lines and minimalism, this design does not irritate the eye and is not striking.

Geometry nails

To make a neat manicure of nails in the style of geometry, use the sliders with ready-made images. To do this, cut out the picture and put on a cotton pad moistened with water. When a thin film with an image can easily move away from the paper substrate, take it with tweezers and apply it to the already painted and dried nail. Gently spread on it and cover with a finishing varnish for strengthening. Decorate other nails in the same way.


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