The most expensive coins: old and modern

Gold has always been associated with wealth and luxury. Noble metal money was especially valued. Expensive coins were made of precious gold, silver and copper. Metal alloys were also used - bronze, brass, and billon. Today, for greater durability of banknotes, some copper is mixed in. The impurity is called ligature, and the percentage of precious metal is called breakdown.

A brief history of the emergence of coins

According to legend, the first coins were introduced by the ancient Chinese in the 12th century BC. However, such money was used within the country. And only in 500 BC Persian king Darius introduced coins into use, replacing them with barter. Money quickly gained popularity due to its compactness and versatility.

Soon, each civilization began to issue its own coins. They are of historical, economic and cultural value to this day. The first money was at the same time units of weight. This became the reason that the main weight units are called the first coins.

First coins

In antiquity, money was minted from a special alloy of gold and silver - electrum.

In ancient Rome, primitive coin workshops were located near the Temple of Juno. It was believed that metal money is not only an object of exchange, but also amulets from misfortunes.

In the Middle Ages, ancient Roman coins of silver were first used. But at the end of VI beginning of VII began to issue metal money with early Christian symbols. In the Middle Ages there was a monometallic minting system in which only one type of noble metal was used to create a coin. Also known are polymetallic and bimetallic coinage (an alloy of silver, gold and copper).

In the Middle Ages, there were many mints. Each self-respecting feudal lord wished for his allotment his own hammered workshop. This led to the depreciation of the monetary unit and the termination of coin production.

During the Renaissance, chasing was revived. Now, monetary art was trusted by famous masters, many of whom were guided by the traditions of antiquity. In parallel, money was cast with the image of religious scenes on the obverse.

In Kievan Rus, masters from Byzantium cast metal money to the princes.

Each era is distinguished by its coins. The rarest and most expensive coins can be rare or modern. It all depends on the composition, purpose and number of copies of money.

Features of coins of the East

The first finds of ancient money in this region date back to the III century BC. The creation of Oriental coins was influenced by the traditions of ancient Greek coinage. On the obverse, the face of the ruling monarch was usually cast, and the reverse was decorated with the image of plants and animals. So, the coins of Ancient Judea of ​​the middle of the second century AD are associated with the royal dynasty of Hasmoneans and Herodias. The coinage of the Kushan kingdom (modern India, Pakistan and Afghanistan) is characterized by a pattern of figures not only of the monarchs, but also of the supreme gods of Egypt, Iran, and India.

Ancient coin of Egypt

The original approach also differs in the manner of the ebb of coins of Ancient Georgia, the elements of which have survived to this day. The most interesting specimens are considered the money of the beginning-mid-XIX century. The obverse was decorated with a city crown, and the reverse with crossed olive and palm branches.

Due to its beauty, Georgian coins are in great demand among numismatists. If you determine the value of old money today, then the price of the most expensive coin of the East depends on its year of issue, purpose and uniqueness.

Ancient coin minting of Asia

One of the most expensive old coins is the money of Ancient Asia (modern Vietnam, Burma, Afghanistan, India and others). Some older specimens have a hole in the center to be worn around the neck. The shape of money can be different - round, oval, square, polygonal. The design of the coins impresses with the artistic invention of the masters. All these features attracted the attention of ancient colonialists, and modern collectors.

Asian coin

Despite the influence of the Old World, the coins of Asia retained their original origin. The identity of many nationalities was displayed in banknotes. Hence, the main characteristic of coins is a large number of artistic elements. Symbols of the monarchy (throne, crown) are intertwined with mythical plots. Images of sacred animals and plants are often present. Coins of the colonial countries (India) contained portraits of English kings. Valuable were expensive jubilee coins.

Rare US coins

Like all countries, the United States also issued its own currency. Rare expensive coins are gold dollars and cents.

One of the most expensive US currency is the gold Saint-Gaudens Double Eagle, released in 1933. 12 coins with a face value of $ 20 were "lost" during the confiscation by the government of the gold fund of the population and organizations. Rarity appeared in 1992 and is confiscated by the United States Secret Service.

Silver dollars Draped Bust Dollar, released in 1804, are considered among the rarest among collectors. Each of the eight unique coins today costs more than $ 1 million.

Brasher Doubloon, the state coinage of 1789, is also considered valuable. At first, the release of copper was supposed, but the jeweler Efraim Brasher found this metal not worthy of his labors. As a result, the Brasher Doubloon are gold. Today, numismatists are fighting for the opportunity to possess one of the remaining seven coins.

The lack of a reserve of precious metals in 1861 led to the release of paper notes. Several Confederate States Half-Dollar golds were not particularly successful until after the Civil War they appeared in private collections. Today, the dollar is considered one of the most valuable copies.

American Golden Eagle

The rarest U.S. coin is an aluminum penny, released in 1974. The coin was made as a result of the rising cost of copper. Aluminum was considered a profitable substitute for precious metals. However, after experimental coinage, a penny was no longer issued.

In 1913, a five-cent coin was made. Five Liberty Head Nickel concentrated in the hands of one owner, who was enriched by 4.150.000 dollars, selling cents at the auction of a dealer company.

In the 1870s, a new mint was founded in San Francisco. In honor of this momentous event, three coins were issued, which were destined to become the most coveted for future collectors. The 1870s Half-Dime, the 1870s Silver Dollar and the 1870s $ 3 Gold Coin were originally intended to lay the foundation for the future building.

The 1866 silver dollar belonged to the Dupont family. In 1867, he was abducted by robbers and returned relatively recently.

The first real US currency was issued by the new Congress of States after the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. In the design of the Silver Continental Dollar coin, Benjamin Franklin himself took part. As a result - a rather strange set of coined slogans, thirteen connected rings that symbolized the American colonies and the unprecedented popularity among numismatists.

In the 90s of the XIX century, another coveted instance was made - 10 cents of Dime Barber. The rarest is considered one of the most expensive coins in the world. From 1892 to 1916, only 24 copies were minted, of which only 9 survived to the present day. The last coin of the party was sold for $ 1.9 million in 2007.

Originality of coins of Tsarist Russia

Mints were famous for the release of unique copies. At the court of Catherine II, a number of monetary reforms were carried out, as a result of which copper, silver and gold coins were minted. Copper coinage was carried out in limited quantities. As a result of this, the expensive coins of Tsarist Russia are copper coins in denominations of 1, 2 and 5 kopecks.

The first Russian coins

Silver coins of that time are also of high value. Especially rare are fifty kopecks and rubles. However, at a cost of 20 cents, they were surpassed by coins.

Gold 5 and 10 rubles from the time of Catherine the Great at auctions cost from 500,000 to 750,000 rubles.

The reign of Paul I brought some changes to traditional coinage. The design of metal money has changed significantly. The most valuable coppers of that time are money of 1801 and a penny of 1798 of release. Also, all silver and gold chervonets made in 1797 are valued very dearly.

Expensive coins of Russia were also issued under the reign of Alexander I (for example, 10 gold rubles minted in 1802) and Nicholas I (gold coins with a face value of 6 rubles). The times of Alexander II are significant in the abolition of serfdom in 1861, which entailed a certain economic depression. As a result, even a low-value copper coin was of great value. Today, coins with a nominal value of 1/4 and 1/2 penny are considered expensive and rare. But the most valuable are five-copecks made from 1855 to 1858. It is noteworthy that all instances are made of copper.

The monetary reforms of the reign of Nicholas II concerned mainly the strengthening of the ruble by defining a gold standard. The coin design remained unchanged. The rarest coins are specimens that appeared at the beginning and at the end of the reign of the emperor. These are 10 silver kopecks of 1895-97 and 1917, 15 kopecks of 1896 and 1917, 20 kopecks of 1917.

Jubilee coins of that time have considerable value. For example, 1 ruble, issued in 1896 in honor of the emperor’s coronation, a banknote of 1898, dedicated to the opening of the monument to Alexander II, a gold ruble of 1912, minted in honor of the centenary of the Patriotic War of 1812, a jubilee coin dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty .

Modern coins

The debut silver ruble of the Soviet Union was minted from high grade metal in 1921 and 1922. However, money came into use only in 1924. The obverse of the coin was decorated with a five-pointed star, the State emblem of the Russian Federation and the slogan “Workers of all countries, unite!”

Also, in 1923, a gold dime was struck. The reverse depicted a peasant with a basket on the background of the factory.

Today, expensive commemorative coins are considered to be very valuable, the issue of which is timed to coincide with various significant dates of the USSR and Russia. A banknote is considered rare, dedicated to the centenary of the birth of V.I. Lenin, the 20th and 30th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the 50th, 60th and 70th anniversaries of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

Top 5 expensive and rare coins of the world

Which coins are valued expensively determines their circulation and the uniqueness of the stamp. The less money of one denomination was minted, the higher will be the cost of each copy. Coins associated with any historical fact are especially expensive.

1 ruble of 1825, called Konstantinovsky, is a refined silver coin, depicting the profile of Tsarevich Konstantin Pavlovich. The instance was once sold at a numismatic auction for 100 thousand dollars.

1 kopeck of 1535, issued as a result of the reform of Elena Glinsky, mother of Ivan the Terrible. The uniqueness of the coin is that it is the first minted penny in Russia. The price of a copy can reach 1000 rubles.

Pentecostal 1813 Liberty Head V. The number of rarities does not exceed five copies. The cost of one coin is 4 150 000 dollars. The price of the most expensive coin meets the expectations of numismatists.

Golden Maple Leaf (author - Stan Witten) is a 1979 coin issued in Canada. Known specimens in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, and even 1,000,000 Canadian dollars. Each coin sold for 2.2 million euros.

ONE PENNY is an Australian coin issued in 1930. Only 6 such money was issued, and today each of the copies is a welcome subject of private collections. Many numismatists are ready to pay about 117,000 US dollars for rarity.

Expensive coins of Russia and the USSR

In addition to all of the above, one can recall the valuable metal money of Russia itself throughout all historical eras.

  • Perhaps the most unique coin is a square copy of the Empire, issued in 1726. The coin was minted in Yekaterinburg after the death of Peter I. During the difficult economic situation, Ural copper was considered the cheapest. Square pennies became rare money after the order of Empress Catherine the Great to remove them from everyday life and to melt them.
  • Another valuable coin from the point of view of numismatists is the ruble "Anna with a chain." The obverse of the specimen is decorated with the profile of the reigning empress Anna Ioannovna, and the reverse is decorated with the chain of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. Today, only three coins have been found, which significantly increases their value.
Ruble "Anna with a chain"
  • History also determines which coins of the USSR are expensive. Among such instances, one can distinguish money with a face value of 20 kopecks (1934), 10 and 15 kopecks (1042 years), 2, 3 and 5 rubles of the 1958 issue.

The most expensive coin in the world

A particularly valuable specimen is the oldest silver dollar Flowing Hair, released in 1794. In 2010, the coin was sold for $ 7.85 million. "Loose hair" was named in honor of the curls Lady Liberty, depicted on the obverse of metal money. The reverse of the coin is decorated with the inscription "United States of America" ​​and an eagle with an olive branch.

Coin "Loose hair"

Tips for numismatists

The collector deciding to collect old coins should, first of all, decide on the main direction of the private collection. There are several basic principles of numismatics:

  • Collecting coins of a certain era.
  • Anniversary copies.
  • Associated with state leaders.
  • Collecting coins of a certain denomination (the smallest, or largest).
  • Instances with special marks (for example, minting error).
  • Collecting according to the era.

How much expensive coins cost is determined by an experienced numismatist. The price of a metal specimen can be found, given the following facts:

  • Demand and quantity of issued coins.
  • Cost according to the catalog.
  • Security Level.
  • Degree of wear.
  • The presence or absence of proper coin cleaning.
  • Marriage or its absence on coinage.
  • Unique specimen features.

Valuation of coins can only be carried out by numismatists. However, some antique dealers are able to somewhat lower the price of an instance in order to buy cheaper. As a result of this, it is recommended that several independent opinions be gathered before putting up a coin for sale.

In addition, you must turn to the famous auctions of the country or the world, which maintain their crystal clear reputation. When selling a rarity, an official conclusion from experts with a signature and a seal will greatly help.


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