How to become an authority - where to start?

A person, regardless of his character and even his abilities, wants to be respected. If you are wondering how to become an authority, then at the moment you are not. But do not worry. Leadership is not something given to a person from above, it is skills that need to be developed. How? Read about it below.

Boost Your Self Esteem

how to become an authority

A person who wants to be respected in society must first begin to respect himself. Only a person with good self-esteem can do this. How to increase it? Stop criticizing yourself. Have you made a mistake? No need to torment yourself with the thought that you again missed. Admit your failure, draw conclusions from it and try not to repeat it anymore.

How to become an authority? Stop adoringly looking at everyone who is above you on the social ladder. Understand a simple thing, bosses are people too. You should not slander before them, but communicate on equal terms. Do not be afraid to express your opinion in the presence of important people. Understand your personality and uniqueness. Then people will be able to discern in you what was previously hidden.

Become the soul of the company

self-development and self-improvement

How to become an authority? You need to attract the attention of the society in which you are located. The easiest way to do this is when you are the soul of the company. In this case, you will immediately exalt yourself in the eyes of others. They will consult with you and begin to listen to your opinion. But this will happen only if you leave your comfort zone and start working on yourself. More jokes, don't be afraid to seem funny or stupid. Flaunt yourself, draw attention to yourself. It is advisable to create some kind of memorable image. For example, you can choose the style of an intelligent but groovy intellectual. But still it’s better not to play a role, but to be yourself. Any person is unique and interesting. You just need to find your strengths and flaunt them. But the weaknesses should be veiled and not shown in public.

Do not be afraid to take responsibility

What is the name of the person who will be able to take responsibility in case of trouble? Leader or authority. How to become like that? One must not be afraid to take responsibility. It does not matter if you are directly involved in the activity or are indirectly related to the case. A person should be responsible for every action committed. If a person wants to lead others, then he needs to learn to answer not only for his own, but also for other people's mistakes. Getting used to it is difficult. Not everyone will be able to accept that they should answer for the deed of their friend, who did his part of the work in bad faith. Why is authority to blame? A person had to motivate a group of people to achieve a result. If there is no result, then the commander could not properly motivate people.

Be proactive

self-development and self-improvement where to start

Do not sit back. Organizational ability is not a talent, but a skill. The more you organize meetings, concerts, meetings, the better you will get. Therefore, when someone puts forward a good topic, support and think about how it can be implemented. Take care of all the organizational issues. After conducting several events, you will establish social relations, and it will no longer be a problem for you to agree with the owner of the institution on holding various events. Do not limit yourself to one platform. Find a few points where you can organize your events well.

In addition to the fact that you must support the initiative of others, you should not forget to put forward your own. Generate good ideas that will help you gain popularity and add credibility.

Listen to others

human authority

Organizational skills can be developed by the person who is attentive to the opinions of other people. If you know how to listen to others, you can understand what your friends and relatives want. It’s easier to earn respect if you pay attention to each person’s opinion. No need to indulge people, but you need to be able to understand them. You won’t be able to please everyone, so you can not even try. But you can benefit individual individuals. But only if you are attentive to the words of people. Nobody says anything just like that. When a person opens his mouth, he tries to convey some thought to the interlocutor. Even in the usual friendly dialogue, you can learn a lot about the person. You can use this knowledge in the future to earn respect from the group of people with whom you communicate.


how to earn credibility

People like to listen to nice reviews about themselves, both in person and behind their backs. If someone did something good to you, be sure to thank them. But only sincerely. A person does not need to flatter. Pretending will not help you become an authority. But respect for other people will help to achieve a lot. Do you want to do self-development and self-improvement? Where to begin? Stop spreading gossip about people and stop listening to them. When you say something bad about a person, interrupt tactfully and say that you have a different opinion about him. Give an example from your own life or tell a story that you have heard from friends. Such kind words for the eyes will help morally rise above others. Follow this rule always and never back down from it, then you can quickly become an authority.

Treat everyone equally well

parental authority in the family

A person must understand that all people are good. Even the ones you don't like deserve respect. How can one treat a person who behaves boorishly? If you do not know where to start self-development and self-improvement, start by accepting the idea that a happy and healthy person will never be rude or somehow try to harm others. Only a deeply unhappy person is capable of such a low deed. And how can one condemn someone who has something wrong going on in life? Never judge a person without knowing all the circumstances. Respond to a boorish attitude with kindness and respect. A person will become ashamed of his behavior and will understand that he is wrong. An authority can only be a person who knows how to hold his face in any situation.

Set goals and achieve them

Man earns authority not in his own words, but in deeds. If you want people to respect you, then you must prove to them that you are worthy of such an attitude. Set goals, and then achieve them. Make promises and always keep them. If you gave someone a word, then fulfill your intention, no matter what it costs. Be punctual and scrupulous. Remember, authority is always ahead of the crowd, which means that any awkward movement will succumb to criticism. This does not mean that you are not allowed to make mistakes. This means that you must carefully evaluate your every step and not commit rash acts.

Learn to admit mistakes

How to earn credibility? A person who takes responsibility not only for himself, but also for other people, will make mistakes. They need to learn to recognize. Do not transfer liability for failure to third parties. Such behavior is unworthy of a leader. Feel free to face troubles. Every mistake is a chance to become better. If you learn from each failure, you can quickly gain the respect of your colleagues.

The authority of parents in the family should also be based on acceptance of mistakes. Adults should not be gods for a child. You do not need to prove the child that you know everything and know how. Be honest with your child. If you made a mistake, honestly admit it. In order not to lose your authority, you need not to get on the same rake twice.


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