How to make a watch with your own hands at home?

People who know how and love to do with their own hands can create a variety of products for the home, including watches. Before you make a watch with your own hands, you need to prepare all the necessary materials and tools, as well as to think over the design of the design. This will allow you to cope with the task and transform the interior as soon as possible.

Unusual watches from improvised means

The Benefits of Creating a DIY Watch

Of course, on the shelves in stores today you can pick up a wide variety of watches. But this item is quite noticeable in the interior, and it is not always possible to choose the one suitable for the design solution in the room. It is in this case that the creation of a wall or desktop clock comes to the rescue. There are a number of advantages that can be noted in favor of assembling the clock yourself:

  1. The ability to fully express imagination.
  2. Choose materials that are ideal for the interior.
  3. Also, a person who creates something with his own hands to arrange a home pours a piece of soul into the space of an apartment, a house.
  4. Another positive side is the ability to save money.

These are just some of the facts that indicate that making a wall clock with your own hands is a great idea.

Materials and Tools

Of course, the set of materials and tools directly depends on what raw materials the watches will be made of. Therefore, before you make a watch with your own hands, you need to decide on this issue. But in any case, you will need:

  1. A ruler and a pencil to create a drawing of future interior decoration, thanks to which you can keep track of time.
  2. Cutting item. This can be either a knife or scissors, depending on the thickness of the material that will be taken as the basis.
  3. Clockwork that can be pulled out of an old watch or purchased in a store.
DIY wooden clock

These are the basic materials that will be required for work, the rest are determined depending on the design of the watch.

How to make a do-it-yourself watch for a child?

Moms and dads love their kids and want to make their life bright and positive. The best way possible is to show all the warmth to your child by making a watch out of cardboard with your own hands or from any other material. Designing a watch for a child’s room is easy. It is worth considering the color schemes of the interior, as well as the interests of the son or daughter. The ideas for children's watches can be taken as follows:

  1. Wooden watch with decoupage elements. An ordinary round or square piece of natural material is sloped off to create a smooth surface. Then, on a surface cleared of dust and sawdust, using a special glue, a selected picture is applied. It remains only to cover the surface with varnish to give the product an aesthetic appearance and drill a hole to fix the clockwork.
  2. Also in the nursery you can make a clock out of cardboard. Before making a watch with your own hands at home from this material, you need to draw the shape of the future watch on the surface of the cardboard and cut it out. Then you can start the decor, which is done from any means at hand. For example, it can be shells, small cereals, colored sand and similar decorations. After the dial is inserted. The watch is ready.
  3. Another option for a children's room is a knitted watch. You can take any old watch that looks corny as the basis, and simply decorate it with a bright knitted ribbon over the border.
Do-it-yourself unusual watch

Such ideas will help to decorate a nursery. The main thing - before you make a watch with your own hands, think through all the details of the product.

Cardboard wall clock

Cardboard is a lightweight material. From it you can easily cut the most diverse forms. Therefore, having decided to create a product for decorating space and controlling time from this material, one can use imagination to the fullest. To get started, you need to prepare the necessary materials, then you can start creating your own masterpiece. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. On a piece of cardboard, you need to draw a contour with a pencil. Then cut the product to the desired shape.
  2. After that, it is better to immediately make a hole for the future dial, so that it is easier to navigate during the decoration of the surface.
  3. When the main mission is completed, you can begin to paint the surface in the desired color.
  4. The next step is the decor of the watch. This step must be started when the paint is completely dry.
  5. If required, the surface at the end of the decoration is varnished.
  6. Then a mechanism is screwed into the hole.

If everything is done correctly and accurately, then no one will even guess what material the watch is made of.

What can a wall clock be made of?

Wooden wall clock

Working with natural material may require some skills, as well as special tools. In any case, after learning how to make a watch dial with your own hands from wood, a person opens up an opportunity to show imagination and decorate the interior of an apartment with an environmentally friendly product. To create a clock from a tree, you need to proceed in the following order:

  1. First you need to do the processing of a wooden bar, if the basis is taken as an uncouth piece of material. First, the material is given the desired shape, then the surface is rubbed to make it perfectly smooth.
  2. After that, a hole of the required diameter is drilled in a segment of the desired shape, into which, upon completion of work, a clock mechanism will be inserted.
  3. You can leave the wood without additional processing and decoration, just opening it with varnish. And you can decorate the surface using some technology. For example, using decoupage technique or decorate the material with shells, dried flowers.
  4. At the end of the work, a mechanism is inserted. The clock can be hung on the wall.

A wooden clock will look great in any design solution of the room. They will also bring a bit of nature into the interior.

DIY Watch Making: Unusual Ways

Before you make a watch with your own hands in an extraordinary design, you should carefully consider the future product. Preliminary preparation will help to make a real masterpiece. You can draw a drawing of a future mechanical product, or you can lay out decor items in front of you and decide in which order to lay them on the product to control time.

Unusual watches are suitable for people who cannot stand the banality. This design option will help to embody any imagination and profitably decorate the interior of the room. In any case, before you make your own watch in an unusual design, you need to decide what materials they will be created from. As an example, take the following ideas:

How to make a watch yourself
  1. Watches made of natural materials. For example, from wood, spruce branches, dried flowers and leaves.
  2. The product is non-standard asymmetric shape. It can be made from salt dough, gypsum, plywood. The main thing is to consider the color scheme and decor elements.
  3. Out of a bicycle wheel. To do this, it is enough to mount the clock mechanism in the middle of the wheel. Knitting needles can be decorated with decorative elements. And the place where there was rubber, covered with a cloth of a suitable color.

These are just some of the ideas. Everyone can turn on imagination and use even at first glance unnecessary trash from the pantry or garage to their advantage.

DIY kitchen clock

Before you make a watch dial with your own hands for the kitchen area, you need to think about the design. It is best to select thematic materials. For example, a watch that is assembled from such improvised tools will look great in the kitchen:

  1. Old spoons and forks. They can paste the base in a circle. Such watches look unusual and creative.
  2. If the house has an old service, which is a pity to throw away and not leave hunting, you can use it. To do this, you need to attach the saucers with a good glue to the base, and on top of them - cups. If desired, cups and saucers can be decorated with acrylic paints. Such a composition will look great in the kitchen.
DIY cardboard clock

It is not necessary to create a themed clock for the kitchen area. Conventional time tracking products are quite suitable, which will be combined with the interior and the color scheme of the space.

What to consider when creating a watch with your own hands?

Everyone can create a watch if they wish. The main thing is to take into account some nuances:

  1. It is worth choosing materials that will be in harmony with the interior.
  2. For work, you should highlight a spacious, well-lit place.
  3. Also, when creating a watch with your own hands, you need to use all your imagination, not basing on banality and standards.
DIY watch for kids room

Do-it-yourself watches will be of particular importance to every tenant of the house. And also a product with your own hands will help pour a piece of soul into the room.


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